Sequential Exercise 8-9-10 of Chalices


Sequential Exercise 8-9-10 of Chalices

I drew the 9 of Chalices and decided to try the recommended sequential meditation from the LWB: “Choose one card at random and then choose the cards which precede and follow it. (for the 3 of Swords, take the 2 and the 4 of the same suit). Think about how the card’s nature is a consequence of the nature of the card which precedes it and how it leads to the one which follows. This exercise is very helpful in viewing the cards not as monolithic rocks but as moments and dynamic descriptions. It also helps understand the relationships which exist between the various cards.”

“Think of how the card’s nature is a consequence of the nature of the card which precedes it and how it leads to the one which follows.”
Well, the serenity and happiness of the 9 of Chalices follows directly upon our 8, in which the Fey seems to be moving downward and inward from the large cup. In contrast to traditional RWS imagery, which has movement up and away, this Fey image evokes an exploration of the depths. The Moon in the card seems to me to be seem through an opening like a Cave, and the stars downward into the darkness show this powerful “inner exploration” quite graphically. Definitely a time to move inward. The Fey is moving but seems unsure. What does she see just ahead??

The result of this exploration, in sequence, would be the serenity in the 9 of Chalices. Following the 9 is the wonderful image of the 10 of Chalices. Two Fey seated in a large Chalice which is placed in a pool or lake. The arching rainbow between them shows a joyful energy at play. Once the depths are plummeted, serenity and happiness occurs, but is completed when shared. An interesting sequence of cards! BB, Michael