Moon sign question


I'm pretty new to Astrology and I alway thought the difference in way my gf & I react to things we feel similarly about is due to our sun signs.. maybe not.
She is Taurus sun, Picses moon
I am Gemini sun, Sag moon
Need to maybe look into this more. Not even sure of all the "aspects, etc".


Actually, the most important compatibility in synastry is Mercury.


Can you explain that for me? please?

That would be communication?


My friend and I both have mercury in aquarius in the first house. I'm assuming this is a good thing?


Synastry can be over-rated. If you get on with your friend, it's good. There are probably all kinds of people out there you have great synastry with, yet don't get on.

Which can be temperament, circumstances, or any number of things - some of them you can see in a chart, some you can't.

Usually I take Moon/Mercury to be the mental functioning of the native in a chart - or grossly oversimplified as their intuitive mind and rational mind.

It's nice if that connects well with another person's if you're friends. And Fairemaiden probably does something else.


Being an air sign I just seem to be drawn to other air signs.


I tend to agree with Gavriela.

Synasatry as such, simply tries to establish compatibility. However, people can be compatible in many relationships, parent/child, employer/employee, business partnerships, friendships, etc - and of course romantic.

What may work in a friendship may not work for a romance, and what may work for a romance may not work for a long term marriage.

Moreover, promise in natal charts is just that. Someone might well have indications of compatibility with someone else but that certainly doesn't mean that they will fall in love or even notice each other. There have to be other triggers to get a relationship going. Whether Astrology can recognise these in advance, I'm not sure.

Traditional Astrology did not use synastry in the modern sense, compatibility was judged on the basis of temperament. I'm not sure if Vedic Astrology uses techniques similar to Western synastry.

However, in the context of marriage synastry it should be remembered that in the cultures of the sub-continent marriages are often arranged, so the context is very different from the West. (Indeed much before the nineteenth Century marriages were often arranged (or at least encouraged by families) in Western Europe, certainly for the nobility and middle classes. So ,traditional Astrology also operated in a different context.

Synastry can be useful but be careful of taking a simplistic view. For long term compatibility the relationship needs to have stresses as well as facilitating factors - often the best and most productive relationships involve quite major tensions. Even with communications you need to be careful, indications of easy communication between two people may simply denote that they will quickly realise they don't like each other!


Bronwyn1 said:
Can you explain that for me? please?

That would be communication?
Aye... communication.

You did not say, at least anywhere that I can point to, what kind of relationship you were referring to. So, I took it as a 'lovers' relationship. Mercury is the most important, in my opinion, because once you're done with all the passion (as passion waxes and wanes in a relationship of this kind-- mars & venus), once you've made your plans to do such and such together (life plans and goals and such-- sun), and once you've decided to love someone in spite of their flaws and oft times ridiculously childish emotional needs (moon, *lol*), what are you left with?


If two people can't talk, can't relate in that context, they will find little happiness with each other over the long haul.

So, yeah, Mercury, for me, is the one thing that is more important than all the others put together.


yes, it is romantic. hehehe I'm just finding this really interesting since my knowledge of astrology is very limited. Eugenia Last had responded to some of my letters on her "reader's emails" and really bashed me for not wanting to be with the boring and stable and wanting to be with someone with a little more ooomph! If you use her romance thermometer I match up with the first person at about 65% and the other at about 85%. I don't know. She can be really judgemental I think.


I agree that the moon is very important when it comes to relationships.

My husband's moon is in Taurus and mine is in Pisces. The way we express emotions is quite different and actually is a source of frustration and exasperation for me, to be honest.

When we have a disagreement, for example, I get emotional and he shuts down. It's like he cannot come to either a comprise, agreement, or an agree-to-disagree. He clams up, starts being sarcastic (saying "whatever...yeah right...mmmhhmmmm.")

That gets me so boiling mad that he just cannot face our issue and at LEAST just tell me, "Kathy, can we discuss this later - I care about this but I need time to let it sit..." or something like that. Just SAY SOMETHING.

But he doesn't. I can't stand that. Love him but I hate that.