Major arcana versus minor.


What does it mean when you have more major cards in a reading than minor?



I am fairly new to Tarot but I have heard the more Majors you have the more important/life-changing the issue at hand is.

Hope that helps



1. If the deck is new, it may not be mixed up enough with shuffling and should be randomized some more.

2. You've got some major stuff happening or in motion, which is reflected in the cards you're drawing.


I view majors as being elements that are outside influences, or things outside the control of the quarant. So I would read it as being a situation where the quarant doesn't have as much control of their situation as normal- perhaps they are "along for the ride". This can be a good ride, or a bad ride.



I do tend to think that the Majors when they appear have a larger influence in our lives at the present time. I see the minors as dealing more with the day-to-day issues. Not always, but when a bunch of majors make the reading top-heavy, I feel that we are on territory with big and pressing issues in life.

I agree with Hudson. If the deck is new or recently put back into order, shuffle LOTS and cut, cut, cut.



Well the way I learnt it...the Major Arcana cards refer to the Major life lessons we are here on earth to learn during our lifetimes. The Minor Arcana are more about the everyday occurances of life that are not do not have the same long-lasting impact.

Any Major Arcana in a reading, is a card to pay attention to, as it pertains to your life goals, and things the universe considers it essential you learn and master at that time. The more Majors in a reading, the more likley it is the issue your are asking about is tied into your achieving those goals, I would say.



I also see Majors are bigger forces and a higher influence. The more Majors the more important the issue is to the Querent.

However, I can clearly see that most new Tarot Readers have a higher amount of Major Arcana's in their Readings. Often this is because they are starting to know the Cards, and the Major Arcana are easier to understand.



From what I've read a lot of Majors can mean a lot of outside influences in your life. Especially from other people.


Azarial said:
What does it mean when you have more major cards in a reading than minor?

I think its about major chages coming in your life which is your destiny


I think it goes without saying, that the result is more profound, than if there were fewer Major cards. Are you asking this, because you or someone had a reading like this? We'd love for you to share.

If it were one of my readings, I would make it a point to point out that the cards are telling me that the underlying tone runs far deeper than the client may realize; or that they are in a very heavy-type situation that may be more than they can handle.

I summerize the difference between the suits as the difference between being "symbolic" and that which is "archetypical". Symbols carry subtle but obvious messages, like Handicapped signs, or a Police badge. Archetypes have a more subliminal nature, such as that of the images of Gods and Goddesses- they represent "cultures" rather than the writings of those cultures.