High Priestess Rx + Empress


Hello again as I get accustomed to the community here!

I have a two card question from a full reading in the "Your readings" section.

In a larger spread, The High Priestess shows up reversed in the deeper motivations position while The Empress shows up in the "you" position.

To me they maybe seem complementary as two aspects of same energy or significance. The hidden, mysterious elements, however, are waning as the physical, outward elements are more evident.

How do you all read it?


Moderator Note: Your interpretations?

Greetings, Wheelie,

Though you discuss the "aspects" of these two cards, you don't offer YOUR interpretations of them in the "deeper motivations" and "you" positions. As per UTC rules (UTC: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=204174) you have to give your interpretations of both cards before others can answer you. Can you tells us what you think they mean?

POSTERS PLEASE HOLD OFF until Wheelie offers interpretations.

Thank you,
Thirteen co-mod UTC


Thanks so much for the patience as I learn what's required here.

I posted this as a follow-up reading in "Your Readings": Recent Changes at Work > Creative Vision

So I said that the High Priestess represented "intuition present but giving way to the more external aspect of The Empress to appear later in the spread" and The Empress displayed "abundance and nurturing coming through me." This is about a creative vision, so the imaginative, intuitive aspects are declining and the more physical, tangible nurture is rising.

Edit: Reading this over, I felt maybe I still didn't add any information. So the High Priestess would suggest my love of dreaming and designing is giving way to more practical fulfillment and sharing with others.

I see the cards as two aspects of the same thing spiritually, but that may be another story.


So the High Priestess would suggest my love of dreaming and designing is giving way to more practical fulfillment and sharing with others.
The Moon is all about dreaming and creativity. The HPS has a connection to the Moon, but she is wide-awake, rather than asleep. This means she knows what is useful from those dreams and what isn't. She can intuitively know what info from those dreams a person can use towards practical fulfillment (she comes before the Empress, right? Who is the first step towards that).

So, that may be what you think you want to do. But this is a deeper motivation. And usually those are not so obvious, not what you know or think you want to do. A deeper motivation is something you are keeping secret from yourself. If the HPS is reversed, maybe you're actually fighting against that more practical fulfillment. And while I understand why you see the HPS rx as sharing with other, that rx doesn't necessarily mean the HPS becomes her opposite (social as compared to solitary). After all, if the message was "share with others" why didn't you get, say, the 3/Cups which would really make that message clear? When you get an rx, you have to be careful not to jump to the opposite meaning. Often, rx means, instead, that the benefits of the upright are not there. So, HPS upright = solitary good. HPS rx = solitary not doing what it should.

All of which makes me wonder if your deeper motivation is actually more stubborn. I wonder if you what you really want is for others to acknowledge that it's good to leave you alone, good to let you dream up your designs as you wish, rather than making them practical. And the Empress might support the fact that you want to be very much in control of what you create. That is part of the Empress. That she controls what she creates, and takes her time in bringing it to fruition. I think you want to be given that control and time.


Thank you so much, Thirteen. As you were making that last post, I was reading your descriptions of The High Priestess and The Empress on the website here.

So your reading makes sense. Actually, I just read the post three times and need to "sit with" it. (Just learned that term yesterday here!) I think you are on the right track. And

I think I miscommunicated one thing, though.

And while I understand why you see the HPS rx as sharing with other, that rx doesn't necessarily mean the HPS becomes her opposite (social as compared to solitary).

The things I wrote about sharing and social were meant to go with The Empress. I was reading those cards together.

I like your reversed reading that the benefits of The High Priestess are not there--well not like, but think it could well be right.

Edit: Maybe you mean the deep motivation of HPS needs to be unblocked (rather than go away) for The Empress to bear fruit? Just read the post a forth and fifth time. Going to sleep on it now!

Edit: Next morning and Thirteen's interpretation is growing on me.

Thank you!


What is "deeper motivation?"

Edit: Maybe you mean the deep motivation of HPS needs to be unblocked (rather than go away) for The Empress to bear fruit?
That very much depends on what "deep motivation" means given the context of this spread. I read it as meaning "what are my deep (secret) motivations for doing what I'm doing?" or alternately, "what are the underlying reasons for why the situation is as it is?" If that is what "deep motivations" means, then the HPS rx says to me that she's gone into, well, "mean" mode. Instead of "I'll tell what I know to those who are worthy and can make use of it" she's all: "I'm not going to say a thing and watch them all fail because they don't deserve my knowledge."

That's a deep motivation ;) And may well explain why you're doing what you're doing, or not doing what you should be doing, or why the situation is as it is (what your part in making it that way is). You seem to be interpreting it as "What can motivate me towards a better future?" In other words, what untapped reserves deep inside of you can be used to achieve what you want. IF that is how "deep motivations" are to be read, then, yes, you probably need to unblock the HPS, turn her around, to achieve the Empress.

HOWEVER you said that *YOU* were the Empress. So...you're already there, aren't you? Once again, it seems to me that you're plenty creative and able to make all this practical if you want. But the HPS rx isn't letting Empress you do that right now. Putting it another way, if the HPS is the "womb" (as some read her), and the Empress is giving birth and nurturing the baby...well, your HPS is taking birth control. "No more babies from us, Empress dear, until everyone acknowledge the importance of my gestation role in this development process." :D



All of what you write would be direct hits if, say, I was going to a pro reader. Both ways you interpret this could apply to the work question and clarification questions asked in the full readings. Very impressive, actually. (Not flattery.)

Does it help if I explain how the readings hit the target? A lot of people at work feel slighted during the changes and some have quit. I try to be an encouragement but fight off feeling slighted as well. Therefore both interpretations are accurate in different ways.

What I appreciate more, besides the friendly emoticons, is how you ae modeling how to approach the cards. I really appreciate the insight.


What I appreciate more, besides the friendly emoticons, is how you ae modeling how to approach the cards. I really appreciate the insight.
You're very welcome. Happy to have helped. And thanks for the feedback. It always helps a reader to know if they're on target.