Lets talk about the Singers


I think the Singers are all aspects of the Higher Power (whatever we choose to call it). They are like pieces of a puzzle...when they are put together correctly they form the Higher Power or God. In this sense it is through the Singers that we discover the creation of a whole...where we are all one.

Each Singer is pure good...the essence of whatever they represent...courage, transfiguration, connection etc. Their energy is high and it is no wonder they turn up in readings where we really really need superior guidance.


Dragonfae, I agree with you that the Singers are pure energy. I see them as the energy in its raw form. I do not see it as good necessarily, I just see it as the pure expression of that energy.


I think Jewel is right about the energy not necessarily being good --- too much of any one energy in a person's life is not good (could you imagine if you were so full of Transfiguration that your friends and family didn't even recognize you from day to day? Or so full of Courage that you forget to think things through before charging headlong into any situation?)

To me, the Singers are about journey and balance in our lives. We move through the cycle over and over again throughout our lives, begining with Solus: we put one foot into the etherworld, like putting our faith in higher powers but keeping our determination in our own hands. We are the masters of our own actions, but we are not islands unto ourselves. We incorporate the Singer of the Chalice into our everyday thoughts and actions, bringing creativity and imagination to everything we do, and eventually we are Transfigured, in some way or another, by our consious effort to bring the energies into our lives. Sometimes, the transformation can be so dramatic that we must pause for a while and Heal ourselves from the inside out, recovering from the effort it takes to undergo such a change, but our journey is not yet over.

Once we have learned to incoporate these energies into our phsyical lives, we undergo a passage by trial, the Initiation into the higher spiritual realm, whatever you might call it, whatever your beliefs say this means: perhaps it is forcing yourself to follow a specific doctirne (keeping Kosher, abiding by the pillars of Islam, the commandments of the Christian-Judeo tradition, the mantras of Hinduism, etc etc) Maybe it is simply taking up the search to find something that speaks to you, on a personal level, to bring you closer to God/Goddess/Unity/Nirvana/Whatever you want to call it. This isn't always easy, especially in these days, when so much socially acceptable behaviour is not acceptable to your chosen path. It takes Courage to stick with it. It takes Intuition to know that you are on the path that is right for you, for this point in your life, and it takes a sense of Connection to make sure you know you are not in this alone. We must learn to bring all of these energies into our lives, and balance them so that no one overwhelmes any other. If you have plenty of Intuition telling you 'try something new' but no Courage to do it... well, that won't get you very far at all, will it?

Then we come to She of the Cruach and He of the Fiery Sword, the two most overpowering energies within us. It is easy to let one be more influencial than the other, especially if you have a classically Feminine or classically Masculine personality, but at this point in our journey we must recognize both of these energies and, though we may not be able to balance both within ourselves, we must recognize the aspects of ourselves that are controlled by these two energies, and we must be sure to acknowledge their balance within the greater world.

When we have come as far as we can for now, we pass through the Gate, and we experience Extasis (Nirvana, Divine Understanding/Vision, Holy Communion, whatever) and we taste Unity, and when we return again to the begining, we are all the more eager to go through the whole journey again.

At least, that's as best as I can explain my thoughts on this right now. I don't know if any of that made any sense to anyone (I'm not really convinced it made sense to me lol) but *shrug* it's as best I can do for the time being.

And, individually, of course, the Singers are wonderfully complex energies that have truely important messages for us.


Amashelle said:
At least, that's as best as I can explain my thoughts on this right now. I don't know if any of that made any sense to anyone (I'm not really convinced it made sense to me lol) but *shrug* it's as best I can do for the time being.
And you were not happy with that eloquent display of knowledge????? *LOL*. It made perfect sense to me and it expresses the energy aspects of the Singers. No one single energy is enough ... well maybe ekstasis or unity *LOL* ... but it is the blending of energy that allows transformation, growth, and change. It is also a combination of energies that blend resulting in a given situation or desire/need for change. Balance is essential in establishing and maintaing harmony within the self or in a situation or environment.

I also agree with you that the Singers go from Souls to Unity. I see Souls as the energy that demands you focus (the piercing eyes) despite your passion, creativity, or enthusiasm (his fiery face). The piercing blue eyes pin you down and slow you down. Once focused we can discern and blend the right energies to reach the Gate, feel Ekstasis, and taste Unity.

Like you I also perceive She of the Cruach and He of the Fiery Sword as pure female and male energies.
Amashelle said:
And, individually, of course, the Singers are wonderfully complex energies that have truely important messages for us.
I also agree with this.



I didn't really want to start a new thread for this, and this seemed as good a place as any to ask about it.

I did a reading a few moments ago. It was just supposed to be a 'one card draw' to answer the question: "How can I move past this place I'm in?" Because I've been unusually moody, short-tempered, and easily annoyed, and it's just sapping all my energy and I NEED to do something to figure out why, but the cards I pulled were... well, I wonder if the Fey are trying to make me figure this one out on my own.

I drew the Singer of Intuition. I guessed this was the fairy's way of telling me that I already know what I need to do, but I am exceptionally confused right now, so if I know, I don't know that I know.... So I asked for clarification.

The Singer of Tranfiguration. I was only surprised to have pulled two singers in a row, because as soon as I saw it, I thought 'you're right, I did know that.' I interpreted this as meaning that I need to change something fundamental about myself/my way of life as I am/it is at the moment. But change how? I drew a third card.

... and pulled the Singer of Initiation.

I have never drawn such an intimidating reading. Clearly the Fey are telling me that I have a lot of work to do, and it isn't going to be easy. I asked them if there was any advice they had/help that they could offer me at this moment, and pulled Extasis, reversed.... and I'm completely stumped.

Considering how much I've been thinking about the singers lately, I shouldn't be so blocked as to how to interpret them, but I can't for the life of me figure out what Extasis is trying to tell me. Maybe because I don't want to acknowledge the message? But I thought I'd post the reading here, and see if anyone who is less muddled might have some sort of insight.


Hi Amashelle,

I have not had the chance to come around the forum lately so I just saw your post today and as I just happen to always have my faeries with me I thought I would see if I can possibly assist you in interpreting your spread:

I think the Singer of Intuition is not necessarily telling you that you know exactly how to change the situation, but that you need to listen to your intuition and act on its guidance. Become actively aware of what your intuition is saying to you. Intuition is tied very closely to instincts, and in our society we are encouraged to look at facts not at intuition and instincts. I think this card is telling you that you first need to tune into yourself so that you can really hear your intuition and then trust to act upon it.

In clarification you the Singer of Transfiguration ... well that was sort of another way of saying "yeah you need to change." Again, I think this is about not only about changing what you do, but in tuning into yourself and embracing who you really are and letting that transform yourself and your life into what it is supposed to be. There is going to be a lot of self trust involved in this. But to me this card actually is very similar to the Singer of Intuition in this instance, just a different way of saying "you need a paradigm shift and to learn who you are and become that person." This leads of course to ....

Then Singer of Initiation ... again your transfiguration is not an unnatural change but one of acceptance of who you are which in effect will be a right of passage for you. An Initiation. If you look closely at the three cards, they all have bright balls of light at their centers, and the Singer of Initiaion actually looks like it could be a combination of the other two cards superimposed on eachother all painted up in blues and whites *LOL*. Your acceptance and willingness to become who you are meant to be is the Initiation.

So in the first three cards they have told you to learn to listen to your intuition and act on it, that this will be a paradigm shift for you - meaning that you are not as in tune with yourself as you might think you are. And finally, when you tune in it will be life changing (Singer of Initiation).

So then you have the reversed Ekstasis ... maybe they just want you stand on your head (I hear them giggling *LOL*). Again, Ekstasis has those same balls of light running from the center of it. and if you were to superimpose it on your other cards you will see that where this one has the blue coloring is where the other cards are black. Ekastasis sort of completes the other Singers in a way. She is reversed I believe out of frustration that you are not following what they are saying *LOL*. But I think the main message is to not to dismiss their message and start becoming your own best friend ... and stand on your head on occassion and laugh (they told me to add that!).

So yes, in sum the power to change your situation is toatlly within you, and the way to do it is by really getting to know yourself and listening to yourself. I would say that meditation and contemplation might be a big part of you connecting with your higher self. But don't make it all work, also play and enjoy being with you. Then listen to you.

Hope this helps ...


Thank you Jewel, that does help. I've been meditating on this spread since I drew it, and subconsiously I think I came to the same conclusions you've just put into words. Things have been so crazy and hectic lately, and when I drew these cards, I just couldn't for the life of me figure out what they were trying to tell me. I'm more grounded now, and with the insight you've given I think I'm begining to understand.

Thank you.


You are welcome Amashelle, glad I could help. It is always easier to see things from the outside then when one is in the middle of the issue. I do not think the Faeries mean for you to go on some deep spiritual journey or anything, as they seem to emphasize the importance of play. I think what they mean is for you to do some meditation and contemplation about once a week or so and incorporate what you learn in those experiences into your daily life, to act upon what you intuition tells you when you connect with it. Also, do not take yourself or everything over-seriously, try to relax and enjoy yourself, and being with yourself. Being your own best friend and embracing yourself.