Clarifying Love Spread


Wonderful spread!


Well, now that this thread has been brought up to the first page, I can say what a wonderful spread it is! When I used it last month I got just lovely results from it. Very insightful!


This spread is most definitely a good one to use. I liked it so much that I made a sheet for it. Let me know what you think!


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ookami670 said:
This spread is most definitely a good one to use. I liked it so much that I made a sheet for it. Let me know what you think!

Wow, that looks absolutely amazing!!!! How on earth did you do that?? Are you a graphic designer? I'm not very good at those things so I'm easily :) Fantastic! Glad it's of use to you!!


thank you! =) I made it on Photoshop. I've been studying graphic design on and off for the past 7 years, nothing really structured just kinda free form study, you know?


After reviewing the sheet, I came up with a variation to it which separated the querent's side from the querent's lover's side. What do you think?


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not sure

so i did this layout and i really like it... although all of my cards were really good, my final card was the tower? does anyone have any input on to what this can mean. ... really hte other cars were realy good, ace of pentacles, knight of pentecales, queen of wands, 6 penyecales, the chariot -- like i said the tower was really the only other card that didn't seem to jive...

so if anyone has any input i'd appretiacte it


Bridg89 said:
so if anyone has any input i'd appretiacte it

I'd pop over to the Your Readings forum and post the whole reading, with your interps. Lots of wise and experienced people who will give you some help with it, especially if they know the surrounding cards.


I did this read a few days ago and it yielded some really helpful insights and revealed some things I knew but didn't "know".

I chose to use a significator for both myself and my husband which were drawn randomly and that made it even MORE revealing! (High Priestess for me, Hanged Man for him, and SO accurate) I placed the significators in the center of the heart, with cards placed appropriately on the side of querant/querant's subject.

Noting this for future use, thank you!


great spread but need clarification on reading

Hi there,

thank you for this wonderful spread. I have found it useful in clarifying a current situation. Sounds like we are all in the same boat!

I have posted my reading in the My Readings forum here:

I interpreted this spread to be a positive outcome for me and Aries guy in getting together. HOwever someone else's interpretation was a bit different. Although I can see how this interpretation is accurate.

I am curious to hear what you might interpret from this reading.
Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated!

thank you