Any insight into the Aries persona?


Hi all -

Does anyone have any pointers for dealing with an Aries (ascendant and moon both in Pisces)? My BF has me going around in circles trying to guess what's on his mind and what his feelings are. He went from a fiery and passionate ram to a very distant, well, nothing! He's being very selfish and childish lately.

We're both cardinal signs (I'm a Cap sun/Taurus Asc/Aquar. moon) so i think there may be come control issues. Lately though, I've been very passive, patient and understanding - hopefully allowing this Ram to get out of his funk by letting him feel he's in the driver's seat. I just want my passionate Aries back!

Any tips would be most appreciated :)

~ january


Without seeing both your charts, I ve got to be very general - though if you can supply me with birth data (time, place, date) for both of you I can be more specific.

Starting off with you - Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs and Taureans are notoriously stubborn, unless they see the point of change they will resist it. Aquarians are highly independent - they like to be gregarious but on their own terms. On the limited information you are not someone who is in any sense easy to control. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn - structure, and steady progress towards your goal, especially career goals, are what you are about and Taurus and Aquarius will supply you with the finishing power to achieve those goals - but adaptaability is not your strong point, nor is all this emotional stuff. You like to be practical.

He is a less easy blend and probably finds that he is often in conflict with himself (or took quite some time to get to know himself). His Aries nature wants to do things and assert himself and be dominant. Unfortunately his feelings, emotions and receptive side are almost the complete opposite. At best he wishes to aspire to a more spiritual goal and may actively be trying to project himself in this way but the 'heart' and 'head' just don't easily blend. At worst he may simply try to escape into dreams and fantasies. Neptune, ruler of Pisces, is associated both with spiritual achievement and with drugs and escapism.

Actually if any one of you is likely to dominate it will be you. His Aries side will not like it at all but Pisces is a mutable sign and it does adapt to change. As he grows older he will master the Aries/Pisces conflicts and he may well become quite a strong spiritual character.



Thanks you so much Minderwiz - his "heart and head conflict" certainly makes sense. His heart wants to be with me and his head is saying stay away. His heart may feel love but his head is afraid. Very confusing and upsetting for me. I wouldn't change a thing about him, however - I love his sense of humor, deep thinking and overall energy. My feelings have always been that I can never change a person only my reactions to a person. If you love someone, why would you want to change them?

If you could provde more insight, that would be beautiful, however, only if you have the time. My DOB is Jan. 8, 1970, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA 1:10 pm (EST) and he is April 6, 1967 at 4:24 AM (EST), New Haven, Conn.

Again, thank you so much

~ january


Thanks January - It will take me a few days to do it - I still consider myself very much a student of astrology so I like to think through any readings I do with some care.

Don't forget that the nature of people is to develop and change in order to reach their potential. I'm not saying you should try to change him but that he will naturally change and your support may well make that change a more enriching experience.



Thank you so much, Minderwiz!!!

I am just beginning to learn astrology beyond the sun signs and I find it a great help to sort of study the people in my life... we're all living examples! For example, I have never really known an Aries in the past and now I am dealing with one daily. I have gotten to know a Taurus through my whole life (my mother) and her and I have some great fun analyzing our "asto sensabilities". I am finding astrology is a great way to gain understanding about the inner workings of a person. We can more quickly identify possible blockages and areas of conflict.

That is a beautiful thought that my support can help make his "changing" a more enriching experience. That's why I'm curious to see into him a bit further - not to just create a smoother relationship for me but to assist him in becoming all he can be.

blessings -

~ january


Hi January!!

Good to see you, but sorry to hear your question.

Being a single astrologer, I've dated ALL the signs at least three times each (for research purposes only, lol, and Scorpio's many more times!)

On the down side (and ALL the signs have a down side), Aries are very self-centered, ME FIRST, egotistical and in your face. They LOVE a challenge; the chase with these guys is always more exciting than the catch. That's not to say that they don't settle down, surely they do, but they still need some challenge in their lives. I would suggest giving him a run for his money (so to speak).

On the good side, they are VERY passioniate, firery and can be the life of the party. Adventure appeals highly to them.

The rest of his chart may tell a somewhat different story, but really, we ARE are Sun signs.



Thanks for the asto-support, AG!

He's acting almost like a child who is just DARING me to get angry at him, just pushing me and pushing me. Grrr!!! It seems as though he could be creating his own challenge. Its a shame because he has so many wonderful qualities (including being the life of the party ;)) that I hate to see him ruin things for himself. Sometimes I feel the key to dealing with this Arien is pure endurance as his exes - one after the other - just gave him the boot. Hmmm... I wonder why.

Yes, a good (and clever) hop in the butt is what he needs.


~ january