"Lost in the Woods" Faery Spread



1-A Sparkle of Light: This is the "inspiration" card, something that is brought to your awareness or something that you should pay attention to
2-Flutter and Tutter of Tiny Faery Wings: Where you are supposed to be going/doing right now
3-Shadow and Other Monstrous Stuff: The "shadow" or conflict that you must avoid or overcome
4-Squirrels, Bunnies, Furry Fluffy Guides: More positive guidance from the cuddly forest friends :) This card also points you towards the right direction, giving you the advice that you need right now
5-Into Your Own Light: What you will achieve if you find your way; where you are headed towards; what you should aim for; positive direction/journey

I usually start with the question: "How can I find my way out of the woods?"

Inspired by Brian Froud's Faerie Oracle...I wanted to create a small general spread for a general reading, and I also wanted to create something endearing and encouraging. :) It's interesting though, the faerie cards don't seem to care about the spread positions. Maybe that's why the guidebook is more free-wheeling when it comes to interpreting cards and contextualizing them based on where they are and what they occupy. The faeries say what they need to say, in their own way and on their own terms.

Let me know what you think! :D


Sounds very interesting :). I think I'll try it out :)