What's Holding Me Back spread



I am very much a newbie here and this is my first spread that I made up for a question. It seemed to work well and I figured I would post here for you all to use if you'd like :)

What's Holding Me Back spread

~~~~7 ~~~~

1.Past influences that have created the block
2.Present influences perpetuating the block
3.What others have contributed to this blockage
4.What you have contributed to this blockage
5.How can you break it down
6.How it will affect your goals if you do not overcome it
7.How it will affect your goals if you do overcome it.
8, 9, 10. General cards of advice

I would welcome your feedback if you think there's something I can make better. Thank you for looking :)


This spread is great!
I just tried it and it definitely hit the situation on the head, if not the exact meanings. I will try to post the reading in the other forum.

I give it an A+.


Thanks, CaliGirl (By the way, me too originally!)

I haven't heard from the querant yet, so I'll have to check out your thread. Thanks again!



Love the spread. I would make one change to the layout of the cards though:


They way you originally laid out the cards, 5 indicates that the blockage has already been broken through. With 5 inside the cards of the blockage, it also is equidistant from what happens if you don't break through the blockage (6) and what happens if you do break through the blockage (7). In the original layout, 5 seems more closely associated with 7 than with 6.

Your spread is definitely going into my spread collection!



I like this spread also, and I also agree with the changes made by rwcarter. The new layout flows more logically. But there's one thing that bothers me still. The cards talk about breaking through the blockage, or not breaking thorugh it, but there is no card to represent what the blockage actually is. It seems to me there should be a card to show what the blockage consists of. I also think that 3 cards for general advice is a lot.

I too, would like to suggest a change to the layout of the cards:


Card 8 represents the essence of the blockage, what it actually consists of. Cards 9 and 10 are for advice.

Hope its OK to add this kind of constructive criticism, but when people do stuff like that it's because we like the spread!


Thanks for posting this! :D I've been needing something like this.




Metafizzypop said:
The cards talk about breaking through the blockage, or not breaking thorugh it, but there is no card to represent what the blockage actually is. It seems to me there should be a card to show what the blockage consists of.
You're right!

Metafizzypop said:
I too, would like to suggest a change to the layout of the cards:


Card 8 represents the essence of the blockage, what it actually consists of.
Ah, but where to actually PUT that card about the block:?: It seems like an afterthought if you put it that far away from the other cards that talk about the blockage (1-4). Hmmm. How about this?


So the positions would then be:
1. The essence of the blockage
2. Past influences that have created the block
3. Present influences perpetuating the block
4. What others have contributed to this blockage
5. What you have contributed to this blockage
6. How you can break through the blockage
7. What will happen if you do not overcome the block
8. What will happen if you do overcome the block
9, 10, 11. General cards of advice

Metafizzypop said:
I also think that 3 cards for general advice is a lot.
I don't have a problem with three cards for advice. Often there's more than one thing that can be done to get from one place to another. The three cards could be read as three separate pieces of advice or could be read together as a series of steps to take.

Metafizzypop said:
Hope its OK to add this kind of constructive criticism, but when people do stuff like that it's because we like the spread!
Metafizzypop is right miss_nikki. Your spread is great and I really like it. Hopefully you agree that one or more of the changes we've suggested make the spread even better.


Lula Jing

Hi miss_nikki!

I really like your spread and I'm going to use it for a friend who feels a bit 'stuck' at the moment.

However, I also agree with the fine tuning suggestions and so I'm going to use the latest version suggested by rwcarter and will let you know how that goes.


Lula Jing

Well, I did it - and I think it really told a story.

I've sent it to my friend, so we'll see what she says. I found it to be very good, covering things from many angles. I was able to get a lot from it - so thanks for posting it!

Shy :)

Lula Jing

Shy Priestess said:
I've sent it to my friend, so we'll see what she says.
She said 'brilliant - spot on' - so there you have it, thumbs up from me. :thumbsup: Will definately use this spread again.