Horary Readings Round 8 - Answers


Struggle might not be the best choice of words, but the ninth and third house are in opposition. There's a need to secure a balance between your practical skills and knowledge and your, for want of a better word, academic knowledge - your achievement of professional qualifications.

I see the course as enhancing your practical skills and knowledge, but I don't see it providing a career boost in the short term. That caveat of the shorter term is important. It's not of immediate benefit but as you add other courses and qualifications, it will build up to a good profile.

Wonderful, thank you for the clarification. I was actually planning on adding on intermediate classes to it which the director has said I was allowed to do :D I shall carry on with that plan then.


Reading for Ethereal

Hi minderwiz!
Have a question....
A two parter ... how will the outcome of the legal battle i am in with sibling
turn out for me?
What should i know about the lawyer who is handling my case ?
(anything pertinent you can hone in on)
thanks! Please PM me when its done so i don't miss feedback

The chart I cast has Capricorn rising, making your significator Saturn. Saturn is in bad condition in the chart. it's placed in the twelfth house, which represents sorrow, grief and loss. It's combust the Sun and heading deeper into combustion. In terms of accidental dignity it's peregrine. Which signifies a situation where the person signified needs help, usually from a person signified by the ruler of the sign. Which in this case is Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius.

The problem is that as well as ruling the twelfth house, Jupiter rules the third house of siblings - your brother, being one. If you have more than one sibling, then you might need their help.

Before I move on to look at your brother's significator, there is one positive factor for Saturn. It is in it's own Joy. You function well in adversity

As your brother is a party to the question, I also need to consider the condition of Jupiter. Jupiter is placed in the ninth house, which is Virgo. There Jupiter is in its Detriment so not at its best by any means. This is mitigated by Jupiter being in its own Terms, so unlike you, your brother has some influence and ability to affect the outcome. The ninth house also has significance for the law and the legal process. It's a much stronger placement than the twelfth house.

The court case itself, is signified by the balance between the ruler of the first and the ruler of the seventh. The first I have dealt with, the ruler is Saturn. The seventh is Cancer and the ruler is the Moon, which is placed in the fifth house of Taurus and is in its own exaltation. The Moon is in an applying trine to Jupiter. This seems to suggest you will lose the case against your brother, unless other family members are able to support your case.

The situation might well be modified by the relative strengths of the two counsel and the judge. Your counsel is signified by the lord of the second house, which is Aquarius, and therefore brings Saturn back into play. This appears to signify that you might represent yourself in the case. That's a bad move, if true. You need a good lawyer, if the chart is a reasonable reflection of the matter. So don't try and represent yourself. There's no exaltation ruler of Aquarius so the next one to look at is the Triplicity ruler, that is again Saturn. There's no planet in Aquarius so there's no other obvious significator to use. I might have then moved on to Jupiter, as a natural significator of the law, but Jupiter is allocated to your brother.

I have effectively two choices left. Mercury and Mars. Mercury is combust and in its Detriment, like Saturn it's about to be conjoined by the Sun. Mars is placed in the tenth house, where it is well placed. However Libra is it's detriment. Mars, like Mercury is not particularly effective. (and see my addition related to Mars)

Your brother's lawyer is signified by Lord 8, which is the Sun. The Sun is applying to a conjunction with Saturn. That conjunction is a state of combustion, which obscures Saturn completely.

The Judge is signified by Lord 10, which is Venus, through Libra. Venus is actually placed in Libra, so the Judge is certainly a good one and certainly independent.

I'm sorry but the reading suggests the court case will not go well unless you have relatives who can support your case.

Edited to add:

Thanks to Ronia's following question I realised that I'd missed something in the reading.

The final outcome of the case is shown by the fourth house and its ruler. The fourth house is Aries and it's ruler is Mars. Mars, as said above, is in its Detriment in Libra. But it's in a partile sextile to Saturn, This changes things quite markedly. As the outcome favours you, rather than your brother.

So despite him appearing to be in a stronger position and despite him having a better lawyer he could well lose the case. The judge is good and if your witnesses/evidence is good then the horary suggests you will win the case.

But there's no guarantee that the matter will be ended in one court case, there may be appeals but the overall outcome outcome still favours you. Howeveer, Mars essential dignity is low and even with it's accidental dignity taken into consideration it is no great shakes, so a win may not produce much in the way of a financial gain after legal fees have been taken into consideration - your significator is in the house of loss/ But your case may well be vindicated. It's worth talking that one over with your lawyer. An out of court settlement is always best, but if your brother, who appears stronger in the horary, will not give way, then you might not have an option.


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Minderwiz, I have very carefully read your response to Ethereal since I also posted a legal question, though just a chart for you to take a look. My question is how do we assign the lawyers? In my chart the judge is also Venus in Libra but opposing the Moon. I hope not what I'm thinking. I also wonder if you could advise me on lawyer vs self representstion although, despite the extreme money struggle that will be, I'm afraid to risk, it's about my son. On the other hand, the best lawyers I cannot afford, no matter how much I want. I will have to choose an average one.

Thank you.


Minderwiz, I have very carefully read your response to Ethereal since I also posted a legal question, though just a chart for you to take a look. My question is how do we assign the lawyers? In my chart the judge is also Venus in Libra but opposing the Moon. I hope not what I'm thinking. I also wonder if you could advise me on lawyer vs self representstion although, despite the extreme money struggle that will be, I'm afraid to risk, it's about my son. On the other hand, the best lawyers I cannot afford, no matter how much I want. I will have to choose an average one.

Thank you.

Hi Ronia,

Thanks for your question because it made me reconsider my judgement above and I realised I'd missed an important bit, which makes a significant difference.

First the general matters:

Court cases are a contest and like all types of contest (including sporting contests and negotiations between buyers and sellers) they use the first/seventh axis. The likely outcome is determined on the relative strengths of Lord 1 and Lord 7. If you are a participant in the case you give yourself Lord 1 (you can't be Lord 7 because the seventh house is a person or persons who is not you) Otherwise you could give Lord 1 to the Plaintiff and Lord 7 to the Defendant as the case is listed as Plaintiff v Defendant . Here I used the third for Ethereal's legal opponent, firstly because she said he was her brother but more importantly because he has featured in many previous horaries that she's asked. He's an ongoing story. So I wanted to see if his personal strength/weakness might influence the outcome.

The lawyers (or advisers) are treated as though they were seconds in a duel. They are there to support you, and if necessary speak for you. Your lawyer or adviser is given the second house (assuming you are a participant). On the same principle, the lawyer of your opponent or the defendant in the case is given the eighth house (second from the seventh). This allows you to see if the lawyer is likely to swing the case because they're either very good or very bad. I would expect that to be more a factor if you have reasonably evenly matched Lords 1 and 7. In what seems a clear cut case, I'd give it less weight in the outcome.

I considered Ethereal defending herself, simply because Aquarius was on the second cusp and that too is ruled by Saturn. In any other situation, for a person defending themselves, I'd not bother assigning a significator to the lawyer. Therefore only the opponents lawyer might influence the outcome for the obvious reason that you haven't got a lawyer. Your case rests on you - Lord 1.

The judge is usually assigned Lord 10. An aspect, especially sextile or Trine between Lord 10 and Lord 1 or Lord 7 gives an indication of which way the judge will incline. An aspect to both suggests the judge may urge an out of court settlement. Lord 10 in bad shame may indicate a poor judge and a bad judge can influence the outcome of a case. So you might find that the balance in your case favours you but Lord 10 is in very bad shape. Then there's a chance the judge may get it wrong either by misdirecting the jury (if there is one) or by making an error in interpreting the law (which is why we have courts of appeal).

Lilly gives much more weight to the Judge when considering a legal horary than he does to the counsel for plaintiff and defendant. And that's a reasonable line to take.

Now the additional bit which makes a difference:

The fourth house indicates the end of the matter, so looking at Lord 4 can add more information on the final outcome of the case. I didn't check Lord 4 because I was too concerned with answering Ethereal's query about her lawyer.

Lord 4 in her chart is Mars and Mars in the tenth is in a partile sextile to Saturn in the twelfth. The outcome favours her rather than her brother. Exactly what that means when her own significator is cadent and combust (which Lilly says renders it powerless) I'm not sure. At worst it could mean that Ethereal wins the case but the gain in financial compensation does not cover her costs - overall she suffers a loss (the twelfth is the house of loss), even if the award is more than she stood to gain without the case.


Thank you, Minderwiz. This last bit killed me. Lord 4 is Mars in my chart too and he is applying for a sextile with my ex's significator. So much for all my hopes.


Reading for MandMaud

Hi Minderwiz! You still taking questions on this thread? If so, here's mine:

I have recently decided on a definite new career direction. "Career" is too strong really; poor health has stopped me earning for years now and I've spent a long time trying to find something to bring some money in more than the occasional eBay listing. I've realised I must go for several little strands rather than one job. I have been discussing on AT the practicalities of reading tarot online, for example, but also I'm a healer and haven't ever done that professionally, and this week I have finally booked a course in teaching Laughter Yoga so I'll be qualified to do that by the end of March! This is something that's "solid" and I feel it will work best to let the other strands grow around and from the edges of that. If you see what i mean.

Things of this kind move VERY slowly in my life compared with "normal" (because of my level of health); think 5-6 times longer to take each step than you'd normally expect. That's not counting delays that happen. So instead of qualifying and then booking a room, getting insured, advertising, and starting to run classes after Easter, it may be months to get that far. There are other big projects ongoing (house repairs, an imminent legal battle, other stuff) and fluctuating health is in itself a familiar delay. I take enforced breaks and then continue where i left off. :)

Anyway my question is how things will progress regarding the new me, which I can picture easily now that I have clear plans. That is the me who earns, is "out there" and advertising, part of society again, etc. You could express it as "How will the new business develop?" but you see I had to give all this background because that wording, though appropriate, is misleading.

If you can look to the end of 2016, that's the time frame I'm thinking in terms of. If that's a bit too long, say the end of the summer as I can't see a great deal happening (at the visible level, a lot will happen beneath the surface like the legs of the swan ;)) before that.

This is a question primarily about the development of your business but it's also clear that your condition is more than just the backdrop to the question. Your condition helps to govern the pace of the business, its rate of development, or whether it develops at all.

The chart cast has Cancer rising but the Moon is placed in Gemini in the twelfth house of loss. In Gemini, the Moon is peregrine, that is without essential dignity, it's weak, in the sense that in order to be effective it needs help or direction, usually from it's domicile lord, Mercury in this case.

The Moon is also approaching Full, which also can be seen as a point where there is little power to act or influence.

In any other horary, I'd say that we already have a sign that things will not work out. However the astrological condition of the Moon, seems to reflect your own description of your current physical condition. So for the moment, I'll take the Moon as accurately signifying your own condition and your own inability to act rapidly or effectively in the short term.

So your overall condition gives me cause for concern in relation to this question. You have allowed for that but I'm not sure you've allowed enough.

There are a number of career indicators I could use. The most obvious one is the tenth house, but in this case I'll also consider the MC (not the cusp of the tenth in Whole Sign Houses) and also the Lots of Fortune and Spirit, which give an indication of how well you can cope with the environment in which your business will be operating.

The tenth house in the chart is Aries, ruled by Mars. Mars is placed in the fourth house of Libra, its Detriment. So in terms of opportunity for your business to flourish, it's in one of the best places. However it is not strong in terms of ability to perform. Mars is however fast and direct.

The second indicator of career/your business is the MC. It's placed in Pisces in the ninth house. Again the placement is quite good, the ninth being the strongest cadent house in a chart The ninth also has significance for Astrology and esoteric skills, whilst I've seen authors include Tarot here, I tend to put Tarot in the third. Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces and actually is placed in the third - just where I would like to see it from the point of view of relevance but, being opposite it's own domicile, it too is in its Detriment, though it is also in its own Terms. So Jupiter indicates some that the business has some ability to perform, though it's nothing strong. Jupiter is however fast and direct.

The last indicator is the Lot of Spirit (the Lot of Fortune indicates your vulnerability to outside forces). This is placed in the seventh house, and because the chart is cast close to the Full Moon, the Lot of Spirit and the Lot of Fortune are closed together in this house. The Sign is Capricorn and thus both Lots are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is weakly placed in the sixth house in Sagittarius. Saturn is also peregrine, at least by medieval scoring. The earlier Hellenistic system gave Saturn some Triplicity rulership in the Fire triplicity. Saturn too is fast and direct. But it is also combust and heading deeper into the Sun's beams. That would seem to reduce greatly it's indication of a positive outcome (though it does not remove it entirely).

So of the three significators, when I take accidental dignity into account I get:

Mars: Slightly weak
Saturn : weak
Jupiter: strong-ish

If I did it on the dignity count, it would come out as just a touch more than neutral. I won't do that because it would hide an important point. Jupiter shows that the idea is sound, Saturn shows that your own ability to deliver and the outside events you can't control weaken the prospects of success. You can't control the outside factors by definition but you need to look at how well you can react and manage what you do.

That Saturn lies in your own house of ill health, shows where the difficulties lie.

Looking at the Moon's progress. Her next aspect is the opposition to the Sun (Full Moon), which rules your second house of substance. Financial resources need to be in place to ensure that the business can cope even when you cannot, due to health reasons. This might be more difficult than you think.

After that the Moon opposes Saturn (your own strength and the external environment) and ends with an trine to Mars and an opposition to Mercury (who is the Moon's ruler and Jupiter's ruler) and that opposition brings Reception, so those last two aspects are favourable and not as bad as it could be. Mercury provides help.

The situation is going to be difficult. You need to look at your own ability to cope over a long period, when cessation of business because of health issues might seriously .damage the business prospects.

It's not a write off or a no-hoper but it's not a shoe-in by any stretch. I think you need support to do it. If that support is in place, then there is a chance that you might make it.

After that The Moon


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This is a question primarily about the development of your business but it's also clear that your condition is more than just the backdrop to the question. Your condition helps to govern the pace of the business, its rate of development, or whether it develops at all.

The chart cast has Cancer rising but the Moon is placed in Gemini in the twelfth house of loss. In Gemini, the Moon is peregrine, that is without essential dignity, it's weak, in the sense that in order to be effective it needs help or direction, usually from it's domicile lord, Mercury in this case.

The Moon is also approaching Full, which also can be seen as a point where there is little power to act or influence.

In any other horary, I'd say that we already have a sign that things will not work out. However the astrological condition of the Moon, seems to reflect your own description of your current physical condition. So for the moment, I'll take the Moon as accurately signifying your own condition and your own inability to act rapidly or effectively in the short term.

So your overall condition gives me cause for concern in relation to this question. You have allowed for that but I'm not sure you've allowed enough.

There are a number of career indicators I could use. The most obvious one is the tenth house, but in this case I'll also consider the MC (not the cusp of the tenth in Whole Sign Houses) and also the Lots of Fortune and Spirit, which give an indication of how well you can cope with the environment in which your business will be operating.

The tenth house in the chart is Aries, ruled by Mars. Mars is placed in the fourth house of Libra, its Detriment. So in terms of opportunity for your business to flourish, it's in one of the best places. However it is not strong in terms of ability to perform. Mars is however fast and direct.

The second indicator of career/your business is the MC. It's placed in Pisces in the ninth house. Again the placement is quite good, the ninth being the strongest cadent house in a chart The ninth also has significance for Astrology and esoteric skills, whilst I've seen authors include Tarot here, I tend to put Tarot in the third. Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces and actually is placed in the third - just where I would like to see it from the point of view of relevance but, being opposite it's own domicile, it too is in its Detriment, though it is also in its own Terms. So Jupiter indicates some that the business has some ability to perform, though it's nothing strong. Jupiter is however fast and direct.

The last indicator is the Lot of Spirit (the Lot of Fortune indicates your vulnerability to outside forces). This is placed in the seventh house, and because the chart is cast close to the Full Moon, the Lot of Spirit and the Lot of Fortune are closed together in this house. The Sign is Capricorn and thus both Lots are ruled by Saturn. Saturn is weakly placed in the sixth house in Sagittarius. Saturn is also peregrine, at least by medieval scoring. The earlier Hellenistic system gave Saturn some Triplicity rulership in the Fire triplicity. Saturn too is fast and direct. But it is also combust and heading deeper into the Sun's beams. That would seem to reduce greatly it's indication of a positive outcome (though it does not remove it entirely).

So of the three significators, when I take accidental dignity into account I get:

Mars: Slightly weak
Saturn : weak
Jupiter: strong-ish

If I did it on the dignity count, it would come out as just a touch more than neutral. I won't do that because it would hide an important point. Jupiter shows that the idea is sound, Saturn shows that your own ability to deliver and the outside events you can't control weaken the prospects of success. You can't control the outside factors by definition but you need to look at how well you can react and manage what you do.

That Saturn lies in your own house of ill health, shows where the difficulties lie.

Looking at the Moon's progress. Her next aspect is the opposition to the Sun (Full Moon), which rules your second house of substance. Financial resources need to be in place to ensure that the business can cope even when you cannot, due to health reasons. This might be more difficult than you think.

After that the Moon opposes Saturn (your own strength and the external environment) and ends with an trine to Mars and an opposition to Mercury (who is the Moon's ruler and Jupiter's ruler) and that opposition brings Reception, so those last two aspects are favourable and not as bad as it could be. Mercury provides help.

The situation is going to be difficult. You need to look at your own ability to cope over a long period, when cessation of business because of health issues might seriously .damage the business prospects.

It's not a write off or a no-hoper but it's not a shoe-in by any stretch. I think you need support to do it. If that support is in place, then there is a chance that you might make it.

After that The Moon

Well, yikes. Forewarned is forearmed, I suppose. :)

A question that keeps coming back to me is how the natal chart relates to the horary one. For example, my Moon and Mercury are mutually compatible (6th and 8th houses respectively, and I did check - using equal houses they're still in 6th and 8th). I kept thinking about these as I read this reading. Jupiter's also widely conjunct my natal Sun. Or is the natal chart completely irrelevant?

"I think you need support to do it. If that support is in place, then there is a chance that you might make it." - I really don't have much in the way of support. Various friends on the end of the phone for moral support, rather than practical help; one of them has small business experience. Most of my support is here on AT to be frank! "Mercury provides help" - would that include friends, it being Mercury?

I can and will be very sure to have a Plan B for enforced downtime. That's a good point, as I haven't so far been very precise about this. Or rather I've been thinking that it will work more or less as it does when I can't do the non-business work, meals and laundry and so on. I'll include Plans B as a category in my planning. This week I had a good reminder of the need, as a nasty tooth extraction has left me still recovering (not that the mouth is still recovering, just my system from the "overload") to the extent of not grabbing any bargains online today or managing any emails etc. When all goes smoothly I can forget the health conditions are still as bad, at base, as they ever were. Healthwise there isn't the margin - like having no standby supply for when there's a power cut. I probably should allow much more time than I've been thinking for this thing to develop.

With everything else, I start a project and if it doesn't happen when planned, nobody suffers except me being disappointed. My business activity won't need to earn me a whole living, as I do have benefits and maintenance (= alimony) but over the next few years all of it will reduce for various reasons, so the business side of things will need to be at least a bit reliable. Well, I'll be far less stressed if I can rely on it a bit!

I don't know much about the Lots, but I can read up - but I've never heard of Terms. What is this?

Thank you again for a detailed and useful reading, Minderwiz. It always strikes me how much you put into these. :)


Well, yikes. Forewarned is forearmed, I suppose. :)

A question that keeps coming back to me is how the natal chart relates to the horary one. For example, my Moon and Mercury are mutually compatible (6th and 8th houses respectively, and I did check - using equal houses they're still in 6th and 8th). I kept thinking about these as I read this reading. Jupiter's also widely conjunct my natal Sun. Or is the natal chart completely irrelevant?

That's a very good question and I wish I had an easy answer. Horary has no immediate connection to your natal chart, the two are totally independent. However there's a basic principle of natal astrology that nothing will happen that isn't promised in the natal chart. That argument is usually used to say that Solar Returns or other derived charts can't contradict the natal chart.

The trouble is that horaries deal with specific issues, whereas natal analysis deals more with lifetime trends marking out important events and likely timings. But they are not necessarily very specific. A natal reading that suggests you will have a a major beneficial tenth house related year, might seem to mean that you will do well in your career, when in the event your mother (10th house) wins a tidy sum on the lottery.

That does not preclude looking at those trends for the next year in your natal analysis.

MandMaud said:
I really don't have much in the way of support. Various friends on the end of the phone for moral support, rather than practical help; one of them has small business experience. Most of my support is here on AT to be frank! "Mercury provides help" - would that include friends, it being Mercury?

It might do, or it might be particular circumstances or even someone you've not met yet. It doesn't have to be practical help, either. It could be the moral support. Something that helps you cope.

As the aim of the business is to supplement your income, rather than being a hobby or a means of occupational therapy, I think it's worth treating it to a business plan and make some attempts to forecast costs and income. You might not need or be interested in getting the bank to lend you money to part finance your business but following the sort of steps that a bank would want you to explain in a business plan is always worth the effort. It helps you to identify exactly what it is you are going to do, how much it will cost for you to do it and how much income you will generate from it.

Then if things don't go to plan (and they usually don't even for big companies) you will recognise it early on and can take remedial action.

That's the business side but you need to ensure that you are able to cope with the physical side, the business should not add a burden to your health that you can't cope with. That's a balance only you can decide on. The business is based on an interest, but you can occasionally put the interest down when you need to. It's not always so easy to do the same with a business.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm simply urging you to make sure that what you take on is realistic and do-able by you.

MandMaud said:
I don't know much about the Lots, but I can read up - but I've never heard of Terms. What is this?

The Terms (also known as Confines or Bounds at different times in history) are a subdivision of signs that date back to the beginning of Astrology. We are not sure what they are based on but the divide the sign up into five unequal parts, each part known as a Term (from the Latin for Termini - the end points of something) and has a planetary ruler. That ruler is dignified when there, in the sense that they aren't dependent on any other planet when the act. An analogy would be you renting a room in a hotel. You might not own the hotel but you can (more or less) do what you want in your own room.

The last Term in each Sign is ruled by Mars or Saturn, again for reasons that have been lost. They were still used, despite the lack of surety up till the Eighteenth Century.


Sorry for delay! Props to Ronia and.much.thanks minderwiz for taking
that second look! There is no judge in the case just battling lawyers. it looks
now like i am going to take a major loss due.to.legal fees;.yes my brother in much
better position than i am in. he has gained majorly finally in this..some unethically .
It should be ending soon

hopefully! Big thanks for taking time due this! Much gratitude!


That's a very good question and I wish I had an easy answer. Horary has no immediate connection to your natal chart, the two are totally independent. However there's a basic principle of natal astrology that nothing will happen that isn't promised in the natal chart. That argument is usually used to say that Solar Returns or other derived charts can't contradict the natal chart.

The trouble is that horaries deal with specific issues, whereas natal analysis deals more with lifetime trends marking out important events and likely timings. But they are not necessarily very specific. A natal reading that suggests you will have a a major beneficial tenth house related year, might seem to mean that you will do well in your career, when in the event your mother (10th house) wins a tidy sum on the lottery.

That does not preclude looking at those trends for the next year in your natal analysis.

Oh well, at least it wasn't a stupid question! I was thinking about a planet or house being important in the horary chart, which is strong in the natal - fun, but clearly not useful. :) It's a good point about not contradicting though.

It might do, or it might be particular circumstances or even someone you've not met yet. It doesn't have to be practical help, either. It could be the moral support. Something that helps you cope.

Actually using someone as a sounding-board is very useful for me, it makes my own thinking work better. That would be Mercurial too. :thumbsup:

As the aim of the business is to supplement your income, rather than being a hobby or a means of occupational therapy, I think it's worth treating it to a business plan and make some attempts to forecast costs and income. You might not need or be interested in getting the bank to lend you money to part finance your business but following the sort of steps that a bank would want you to explain in a business plan is always worth the effort. It helps you to identify exactly what it is you are going to do, how much it will cost for you to do it and how much income you will generate from it.

Then if things don't go to plan (and they usually don't even for big companies) you will recognise it early on and can take remedial action.

I was thinking of this, wondering whether to. I won't get a loan (initial outlay being too small and so my savings will cover them - savings that are also my only old age provision, hence the need to earn!) but I will make a business plan as if asking for a loan. Anything to get my thoughts clearer, less nebulous.

That's the business side but you need to ensure that you are able to cope with the physical side, the business should not add a burden to your health that you can't cope with. That's a balance only you can decide on. The business is based on an interest, but you can occasionally put the interest down when you need to. It's not always so easy to do the same with a business.

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm simply urging you to make sure that what you take on is realistic and do-able by you.

I didn't read you as being negative! :) I need this kind of input/feedback. How much my health can take is partly unknowable until tested. But one of the strands of income will be laughter yoga, which as far as I've experienced so far, energises me more than it tires me, so leading a laughter club shouldn't be taxing as long as I don't compromise on things like holding it at a time of day that suits, maybe short terms and long half-terms, etc.

No, not negative. "Plan for the worst and expect the best" - that was about commanding armies, I think, but life management has a lot in common with command! It's how I prefer to do things, know the worst possible and have a Plan B if not C and D, then go ahead with Plan A confidently.

The Terms (also known as Confines or Bounds at different times in history) are a subdivision of signs that date back to the beginning of Astrology. We are not sure what they are based on but the divide the sign up into five unequal parts, each part known as a Term (from the Latin for Termini - the end points of something) and has a planetary ruler. That ruler is dignified when there, in the sense that they aren't dependent on any other planet when the act. An analogy would be you renting a room in a hotel. You might not own the hotel but you can (more or less) do what you want in your own room.

The last Term in each Sign is ruled by Mars or Saturn, again for reasons that have been lost. They were still used, despite the lack of surety up till the Eighteenth Century.

Ah, I think I'd heard of Bounds. Couldn't have said what they were though.

This division of each sign reminds me of Indian astrology, with (three?) sections per sign... but those are equal... am I connecting what doesn't connect, again? :joke: