Upright Sun as a Negative


Of all the Major Arcana, the Sun is the one card that I've always seen as a card of positive reassurance, happy endings, rewards, correct decisions, etc.

Has anyone seen the Sun as a negative card? It's so joyous and illuminating, I can't imagine how it might be interpreted an inappropriate card. Perhaps boredom, idleness and not focusing on a task requiring attention? A head in the clouds mentality?

I imagine for some vampire-themed decks, the Sun might be this opposite.


This card's trad meanings don't alter much if it's upright or Rx. You know all the good things about it, it sounds like, but the negatives could be just a sunburn, burnout in general, things may come to light you didn't really want to happen, thinking something too good to be true, something good isn't gonna happen exactly when you want it to. Childish or immature, vanity, delusions of grandeur; too much intensity. Don't forget about solar flares. Generally though, it's the "It's all good" card. (I HATE that 'it's all good' thing. Thank God that phrase is out of style now.)


I just remembered something else. Traditionally, it can mean boy twins being born. Dunno why just boys though. Personally, I think that could change with surrounding cards. My point is, there are probably some people who wouldn't view this as a positive.


Burn-out is the very first thing that comes to my mind as a negative. Perhaps also - being blinded, being overwhelmed by other people's enthusiasm, bragging or showing off, overly prideful, or taking credit for someone else's work.



I've seen the Sun card meaning death, and together with the 3 of cups meaning the end of a long standing relationship, all of them upright but with negative connotation.


I see the Sun as just as good as it is bad. The Sun can shine so bright that it won't see what's happening around it. It is so focused on being the center of the world that it forgets the harm it does by accepting that kind of attitude and may even think of itself as complete as the World is, thus stopping it's progress.

The Sun is treacherous. To itself just as it is to others.
Maybe just as treacherous as the Moon, if you think about it.


The sun card as negative is that the you may not take on mind some imprortant comunications and advices because the sun suggest that you are too confident in yourself in the transition you are.


Stare at the Sun too long and you'll go blind ... I think that is negative.

If the Sun comes up reversed - think of it as heavy clouds have come along to block the Sun.


Hmm, perhaps it could mean excessive ego? Someone thinking that they are "the center of the universe"?


Maybe the sun reversed is like a sunset, or sunrise; its come and gone but will rise again, or It's almost there, just not quite yet. Or maybe it's like an eclipse... The sun is shinning but something is obscuring it, but it will pass. Maybe its a call to pay attention to something that is "too hot", too much sun leads to sunburn, sun stroke, drought, etc.