Cards for Courage & Self-Confidence


I'm looking for cards to use for meditating on increasing personal strength and confidence, and raising self-esteem positively, standing strong amid conflict.

The ones I've thought of are: Strength, 3 of Wands, 9 of Wands

Can you suggest others, maybe from other suits?


Hello Aeric :)

The Magician always felt very empowering to me. My very first deck, the RWT, had a Magician I felt very comfortable with, and if that card came up for me, I knew there was space in my life for magic, and that i could be the one to manifest it! :) Many blessings to you.

La Force

I'm looking for cards to use for meditating on increasing personal strength and confidence, and raising self-esteem positively, standing strong amid conflict.

The ones I've thought of are: Strength, 3 of Wands, 9 of Wands

Can you suggest others, maybe from other suits?

3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and all courts of pentacles
4, 6, 8, 10, king of cups
4, 6, 8, 9, Queen, King of wands
The Empress, The Emperor, Chariot, Strength, Temperance, Judgement, World


I'm looking for cards to use for meditating on increasing personal strength and confidence, and raising self-esteem positively, standing strong amid conflict.
This is one of those topics where all the cards can apply. My time is short today, so I don't have time to do an exhaustive list.

Fool - the confidence to walk into an unknown situation with head held high
Magician - the confidence to take the tools at hand and make them into something useful
High Priestess - the confidence to seek out that which is unknown (and therefore may end up being unpleasant)
Empress - the confidence to show your more nurturing side
Emperor - the self-esteem necessary to take charge and lead
Hierophant - the confidence to stand by your convictions
Lovers - the self-esteem needed to know that you are worthy of being loved
Chariot - the self-confidence to move forward when you seemingly have no control
Strength - the personal strength to keep your inner beast at bay
Hermit - the self-confidence to go your own way/follow your own path



just to add to the other brilliant ideas -

star - renewal and hope after a bad time.
ace of swords - breakthrough
I think in someways the six of swords, it's really hard to move away, regretfully moving on. A bit like the 8 of Cups with 'walking away'. There is courage in leaving things behind I think.


The biggest card of self confidence I have ever seen is the Sun.


for me i associated self-confidence most strongly with:

9 of pentacles, strength, the sun, the magician, the empress, king/queen of wands, 8 of wands