How do you see fire?


I feel that I should be able to answer these questions on my own now but this one's been nagging me. How would you recognize fire - I'm not even sure what I mean exactly - I know i mean real, actual flames - not fire in emotions or anything like that.

I suppose the sun can start fire - if it's shining down on glass in the dry grass - but how would you see that in the cards?

I'm puzzled by my own question


Literal fire might start anywhere there's a spark of energy: Sun, Magician, Tower, Ace of Wands. Judgement is astrologically associated with Fire, the cleansing fire of Armageddon. Anyone who holds a literal torch, like the Devil.

A prevalence of Wands cards might suggest a fire. There are also controlled fires like summer campfires you might find in cards like the 4 of Wands, summer celebrations.


Wands indicate fire in the sense that there's a fiery personality or spiritual fire or inspiration.

I think if you look at the images on your cards and see fire and that sparks your intuition to see a literal fire in your reading, too, that would work. For instance, in the Shaman of Cups in the Motherpeace deck, there's a fire under the cauldron he stands beside. If you were to see that and your intuition solidly saw that fire as an actual fire in your reading, in spite of the fact that it's a water sign card, then you might read the card that way.

A better example, though, is the Motherpeace Ace of Wands which shows an egg exploding open, expelling a child or person in an explosion of flames of fire. Now that one I could definitely see as meaning fire or an explostion or both.


but oh! others see wands as air. (which I don't really understand although I get it through hand movement to make a wand work)

Fire... as a practicing elementalist, I use fire to bring something into action. It's the creative spark of something. The sexual creative energy in life. Most living things have a male and female aspect to them.

Wands as fire, yes I do see them as fire. Wands as phallic is more like it and that to me is associated with the sexual creative energy that is fire. :)


Fire is in the centre of our planet Earth. Thanks to the moving magma we have continental drift, volcanic eruptions, hot water in some places of the ocean that makes oases of life. Thanks to the heat, there is a pressure in the Earth, and it tends to move things.

We have lightning coming from the sky. This fire can be cruel, sudden, the death of a tree and his residents in a fraction of a second. But this cruelty providies food for bugs and fungi, they turn the place in a more fertile spot. It is cleansing, refreshing, like the birth of a phoenix.

Fire is the only element we humans can create ourselves - we discovered how to do it about 500.000 years ago. Since then, life was more comfortable - we could heat our cave's, heat our food, our whole digestive system adapted. We were able to preserve our foods by smoking it. And it is still important in our homes nowadays. Fire extends our days, now we don't have to go to sleep when the sun sets, we can put more activities in one day.

Fire is magnetic, if you sit by a campfire you can't help but stare at the bright yellows, oranges and blues. The sparks swirl around, like the stars in the sky.

Not exactly an answer to your question... But it is just what I think of when I think of actual fire existing on earth :):THERM


Fire is in the centre of our planet Earth. Thanks to the moving magma we have continental drift, volcanic eruptions, hot water in some places of the ocean that makes oases of life. Thanks to the heat, there is a pressure in the Earth, and it tends to move things.

We have lightning coming from the sky. This fire can be cruel, sudden, the death of a tree and his residents in a fraction of a second. But this cruelty providies food for bugs and fungi, they turn the place in a more fertile spot. It is cleansing, refreshing, like the birth of a phoenix.

Fire is the only element we humans can create ourselves - we discovered how to do it about 500.000 years ago. Since then, life was more comfortable - we could heat our cave's, heat our food, our whole digestive system adapted. We were able to preserve our foods by smoking it. And it is still important in our homes nowadays. Fire extends our days, now we don't have to go to sleep when the sun sets, we can put more activities in one day.

Fire is magnetic, if you sit by a campfire you can't help but stare at the bright yellows, oranges and blues. The sparks swirl around, like the stars in the sky.

Not exactly an answer to your question... But it is just what I think of when I think of actual fire existing on earth :):THERM
What a lovely reflection of fire - thank you very much :)


Fire needs air to burn--oxygen. Cut that off and there's no fire. It snuffs out.

The Tower shows a strong likelihood for seeing fire in the cards for me. Lightning ignites forest fires here and we have forest fires going in many places during the summer months.