7 of Swords - I can't trust anyone?


So every time I ask the tarot whether or not I can trust somebody, the 7 of Swords comes up. This literally happens for everyone, no matter how nice they seem, so it's really bugging me and making me feel paranoid.

To me, 7oS represents somebody cunning and crafty, somebody with ulterior motives. This is a definite 'no' when it comes to trust, yet my deck doesn't advise me to trust anyone and is constantly telling me that nobody I know is trustworthy.

Let me know what you think :)


7 Of Swords could be showing you that you've been hurt in the past, and that you're not ready to trust anyone personally. Might be taking the easy way out and avoiding the process of trust all together :)


7 Of Swords could be showing you that you've been hurt in the past, and that you're not ready to trust anyone personally. Might be taking the easy way out and avoiding the process of trust all together :)

You know what? Good point. This is very true, I am terrible with trusting people. The man depicted in the 7oS is being evasive, so it could suggest it is ME that is being avoidant & not fully opening up to people :)