Starting my minor arkana


My newest minor

...well. I painted a new card and want to represent it in this thread.

The first of my minor arkana is the PRINCE OF WANDS

This man is naturaly nearly pure fire. Thats the reason, why I used a lot of Red in this card. The volcano in the background stands for the breakout of his fire-energy but also for sexuality and passion. The young man looks very active and impatient. He concentrates on his aims, and so he does´nt see the vase, that he unfortunately touches with his knee or his wand, and so it breaks. He comes from the right, the male side. I´ve decided to name a knight as prince and a page as a princess. So we have a male and a female part on the ripe, queen and king, and also on the unripe, princess an prince, side.

All cards:


I´m not really shure, wheather I want to let the card as it is. It´s possible, that I´ll paint a second version of it. What do you mean ?


I really enjoyed that new card, all of them are great. The artwork is stunning. :)


Thank you Edge !

I´m always really astonished, how I earn such words as "stunning", thank you.
At all I started to paint a second version of this card. I would be thankful, if you could tell me your opinion about it. It will last a few days till I can finish it. There will be a few cards in the end, where I will think about changes or other versions. Well, we will see. I would be pleased to have you in this process. :thumbsup:


Two cups

Later I wanna present a second version of the Prince of wands.

But first here I finished the TWO CUPS:

I think the symbolics are easy to understand. As the main colour for the cups I chose purple. You have the cups there with two complementary colours. The two faces you may see. The two fishes, the heart and the water stand for feelings and love. Well that´s clear, I think. Over the cups I painted the symbolized angel with the eye and some wings, that helps and is a companion in that situation, however.

All cards:


I think you caught the determined, self-assured, firy emotion perfectly. Still, somehow I liked the first version better, for its dynamics, and it looked more friendly (fröhlicher). But that's perhaps not what you want.


Thank you vetch for your statement and your help.

I tried to get a little away from the cartoony character of the first version. I agree, that the first one looks more friendly. I like the zoom in the second version. Makes the illustration more tight. Til the next person-card (how do you call this) I will dicide which way I will choose.

Maybe I can get a few other voices to that thing.
:love: Stephan


The "zoom in" effect of the second Prince of Wands card is similar in style of your other cards, which is an effect I really like. My vote would be to continue in this style.


That´s what I thought, strange2. Thanks for that. :love: