Marseille 3-card combinations


Optical language:

When the family fights her solution is to throw money at it. Gambling problems or credit card debt come to mind. They go to her for money to bail them out. This solves nothing and the cycle is repeated.


10W - QD - 4D(eniers)
Method - a little bit of GD and elemental dignities. Mostly what it looks like to me.

Basically, a stable, close-knit family in which the mother/matriarch has the most resources and uses those resources to stave off problems when the stress becomes too great for any one member of the family. "She" (could be a he) alleviates the problem in order to keep the family secure.


Finally get round to reading the book Fortune Telling By Cards by PRS Foli, first published in 1915, and I'm looking at The English Method. This is what it says:

"The following definitions..... have been worked up from both ancient and modern sources of information. It must always be borne in mind that the reading of the cards has come down to us through many ages, has been passed on to us through countless hands and in varied tongues. Cartomancy has travelled from the East to the West, from the South to the North, and its secrets have been, for the most part, jealously preserved by oral tradition among its weird and fascinating votaries. The following definitions are based upon one of the oldest authorities dealing with the subject, and have been amplified by some of the more modern meanings now in vogue"

Whether this is correct as being 'based upon one of the oldest authorities..' or not, I don't know, but I felt the system was worth trying and using here, as a fixed and known method and one which is (apparently) old.

Ten Batons - Riches suddenly acquired, probably through the death of a relation or friend.

Queen Coins - A fair woman, given to flirtation, fond of society and admiration.

Four Coins - Breach of confidence. Troubles caused by inconstant friends, vexations and disagreeables.

Well! This seems to say that family concerns are warranted! Sounds like she has come into money and its a case of her 'knowing the cost of everything, but the value of nothing'. Too much money... and going mad with it. She's the cause of gossip, and is hanging out with the wrong 'friends'.

I guess this comes close to Herzog's readings, though visually I would have read the cards more like Jasmeen has. Interesting....


10-Wands Queen-Coins 4-Coins

Deck - Flornoy's Noblet
Situation - Concerns about close family
Method - using The Process with my own meanings - basically: Wands-Fire, Swords-Air, Cups-Water, Coins-Earth; Pythagorean meanings for numbers as communicated by Iamblichus and Agrippa; trumps... Pythagorean meanings as communicated by Plato, Dante, and the mystery tradition of initiation, three-tiered ladder to self realization; all of this is then spiced with my own world-view, experiences and the images/feelings/intuitions from the cards.

This earthy queen is looking almost lustfully towards her coin and the 10-Wands; so, I see the situation beginning on my left.

Ten is also one, a return to the beginning, starting over, and the fire from the wands is heating up the urgency of the matter. All of those batons knitted together in the center causing tension.

But there is the Queen of Coins, the Empress made manifest in earthly form (this could be a loving and nurturing father - more likely a mother) sitting in the middle holding them all together. It is her love that keeps the spring that is the Ten-Wands from flinging the family far and wide.

The 4-Coins is coming and things are good, stable, secure, and are likely to stay that way. Things might seem to be stuck in a rut, but at least everyone gets plenty to eat!

Moonbow: after reading the definitions from Foli in your post I saw a situation that shocked me: a young man, not yet ready to be head of the household, inherits. Then a younger sister somehow does something flirtatious where he thinks his only way to save the family reputation is an honor-killing. I heard a story on npr about the increase in honor-killings recently. I think this story may have put the idea in my mind when I saw this reading, then I almost didn't write about because it is so chilling, sorry so sad...

P.S. npr is national public radio,, and they have open-minded (at least more open-minded) world news here in the states.


RexMalaki said:
...I see the situation beginning on my left.

Me too, the action does seem to start there and then change when it gets to the Four Coins.

Rex, I like your dabbling with different methods, putting them with your own experiences, all in the pot together. This type of incite seems to be what is missing when reading with old playing card methods where we tend to be less reliant on the visual impact. The old playing card methods seem pretty fixed in their definitions so rather than 'reading' the cards its more a case of remembering their meaning, not usually the way I read but perhaps it can be expanded with practice.

Its great to be able to read all these different views of the cards, and shows the flexibility of reading with a Marseilles.

I can see what you mean in the honour-killing senario, yes shocking and sad but still appropriate for our exercises so thanks for posting it.


Just discovered this thread - hope it isn't too late to jump in.
10 Wands - Queen coins - 4 Coins
Method - mostly optical, a little Pythagorean numerology, my own system of dignities.

The Queen has the solid backing of the 4 of coins. She has plenty of resources, a comfortable home, is very concerned that her family present itself in public as prosperous and conventional. The 4 of Coins reinforces the Queen's tendency to materialism.

Her material focus prevents her from seeing the 10 of Wands' message. Tension is building up along the fault line and her life is about to undergo a seismic shift, but she's oblivious. (Can you tell I live near the San Andreas fault?)

So what's the nature of the upcoming shift? I'd do another spread using the 10 of Wands as the significator. Janina Renee has a technique where you shuffle then look through the deck for the significator. Look at the cards flanking it for information on how it plays out in the situation.



This thread should go on forever... It's fascinating to see the variation in techniques. Same alphabet... Different languages.

Bee's "The Math Number" method is particularly appealing to me. Looking at the numbers in this way empowers the reader to 'go large' and interpret the total sum, via addition, of all the pip cards on the table.

"Ah, this is 47 situation! I see where this is headed."

It's quite liberating to work outside the usual 1 through 10 numerology, and explore the symbolism of larger numbers. :)


OOh! just found this post! Cheers Mel.
I've been having a little difficulty with the courts (numerically speaking). They can be 11, 12, etc. which then introduces an 'abundant' number. Not sure if this would work properly - so I'm currrently just staying with them being 'persons'.....

It never crossed my mind to add the pips up! That would allow for other number math-qualities. Brilliant.

~~ Deck - Flornoy's Noblet
~~ Situation - Concerns about close family

~~ 10 Wands - Queen coins - 4 Coins

[[Ah, now. All the 10s' "meet all requirements".
Sorry - will continue later. Something's come up, must see to it.
10's meeting all requiements = WRONG! I was in a hurry - should have waited until now.]]

I think that the Queen is the focus.

10 Batons:.......10's are an effective number, adaptive & able to focuss. They are also aware of any shortcomings and will attempt to make crucial adjustments. As a Baton, the mode of this 10 is concerning a principal or policy - a civic/family matter.

Queen Coins:...And here is the Queen who is apparently dealing with cash-flow & some form of 'exchange. Although it might involve travel/movement.

4 Coins:..........The fours are also adaptive and can make adjustments - within given parameters. But they are also capable of 'establishing' things. As a coin card it covers the same issues as the Queen.

I think the Queen has wrestled with having to make some change that has to accomodate all the family members. I also think that she has reached a solution and implemented it.

I'd now like to apply Mels sound idea of totalling the pip cards: 4+10 = 14. So I'm off the check out the math qualities of 14 and I will return to this later on.

Later Still:
Well I can't find any special number quality aside from Square-free (But we already know that). So if this is applied then maybe the Queen hasn't yet been able to execute/establish the course of action, still in the process of doing it (?).

Bee :)


Its easier to see the cards for this:



Bernice said:
I'd now like to apply Mels sound idea of totalling the pip cards: 4+10 = 14. So I'm off the check out the math qualities of 14 and I will return to this later on.

Later Still:
Well I can't find any special number quality aside from Square-free (But we already know that). So if this is applied then maybe the Queen hasn't yet been able to execute/establish the course of action, still in the process of doing it (?).

Bee :)

14 is a square pyramidal number. (For non-math folks, that means if you had 14 balls you could stack them up into a four sided "Egyptian" pyramid with 9 on the bottom, next 4, and 1 on top.) It seems to imply extreme stability, of a timeless sort. Maybe permanence is a good way to describe a square pyramidal number? Monumental?

Less mathematically, we have the 14 Stations of the Cross, suggesting self sacrifice, or enduring hardships for others.

The Queen is flanked by a 10 and a 4. This seems key, as they're considered to be deeply related in classical numerology (1+2+3+4=10). The Queen seems to be taking something and converting into something else of equal worth. Which way is she going? If we read it visually, she is taking her coins and converting them into batons. Or, if we read it left to right, she is taking her batons and converting them to coins. The specifics of the question might help us to determine which is the case.

So, someone should take something and 'convert' it into something else, which may involve some sacrifices, but the results will be permanent and 'monumental'. :D