General Purpose 5 Card Spread

Mojo Twin 2

I adapted this spread from a spread discussed in "The Process." It's what I call a general purpose spread. I don't really use directed spreads (romance, finance, etc.) and this one is incredibly versatile. I've used it for work, romance, etc., with great success.

1**2**3**4**5 (in a sort of horseshoe configuration)

1 - This is where you are coming from (past situation surrounding the question)
2 - This is you in the situation (who you are, your personality, how your character colors the question)
3 - This is what blocks you (obstacles that are keeping you from getting what you want)
4 - This is what can clear the block (opportunities for a new way of thinking or acting around the question)
5 - This is where you are going / outcome

I love this one because it is like telling a story ending with the clearing and outcome.

valerie edwards

great spread

hi there
just used this spread and it has given me the advise i need