The Romantic Tarot


I too have an interest in this tarot and have found no other info or pics other than what you've seen. I love Jane Austen and these seem to have that feel (have the Jane Austen tarot ).
If I see anything I'll post it for you.

Le Fanu

Found this available on the Book Depository last night whilst browsing for something else, so it looks like it's out. Thought others might like to know.

I can't find enough images to form an opinion. From the box and theme I think it might not be for me, but I'm open to persuasion.

Is it cartoony? That's the first question I always ask now.


I was wondering about this deck too. I can't find any decent pics but from what I see it reminds me of a rated G/PG version of the Cassanova Tarot!


Oh yeah! I remember running across this deck when I was searching for a deck centered around love and relationships. I ended up going with The True Love Tarot, but this one still piqued my interest. Can't wait to see the reviews when it comes out!

Le Fanu

Thanks for that link. Still not quite enough to get a sense of it. There's the box (which I've seen) and a couple of cards plus backs. I wonder if my local esoteric shop will have a copy this weekend? They're usually ahead of the releases.

But if there are boobies and primly buttoned up men, I swear I shall harumph deafeningly.

Does look a little Jane Austen-ish...


Would you prefer overweight hairy men falling out of their clothes, and primly buttoned-up women?

<thinks of Tarotbear, falls about laughing>


My copy is supposedly en route. I would be happy to scan some cards when I receive it. :) Any requests?


Would you prefer overweight hairy men falling out of their clothes, and primly buttoned-up women?

<thinks of Tarotbear, falls about laughing>

Now that you mention it ...

The Knight of Riding Crops? Is that what that card is supposed to be -- VERY romantic ... if you are into S & M .... the 9 Cups bothers me ...