Vadim Zeland's deck


As I want it, I will go out on a limb and say that I own the incomprehensible book, and think it would be OK for you to translate it for me, so... I THINK anyone who gets the deck gets the book, so surely it would only be giving us a translation of what we all have ? It MIGHT also encourage others to buy a copy, so they should be pleased :D
good point!:)) ok! then I will translate this and post it for weekend most probably!^^ :))
/I usualy translate from English to my language so we'll see how will it work otherway around!^^ lolz

cuz imo unlike *normal tarot oracle cards that we in most cases can use even without a LWB, this cards can't be understand or worked with without a book!
especialy because there is no *real relation to tarot and card design is often confusing!
/i prefer classic over *modern/abstract design and when i first get this deck/Russian version i was wth? how can this be tarot? this must be printing mistake 2kings?x,X and was a pleasantly surprised when i get this cards and book in my language! that was miracle!^^ lolz and only after reading the book i had that a-ha moments! those are actualy Aces!x,X facepalm and there is more like that,, but book gives good explanation so it could actualy be *workable deck an deserve studying!^^ ;))

@greatdane Tarot is probably used as an eye catcher/bestseller phrase?:))) lolz


So I give it a shot pass it trough google translate bit corrected and here it is!^^ ;))) tell me what you think? Hope it’s not all bad!^^ facepalm lolz ;))))

My book start with this short intro;
TRANSURFING book enthused the millions of people who convinced that this powerful technique of reality management really works. To remember every day precious principles of TRANSURFING, here is this set of 78 beautifully illustrated cards. With cards comes detailed booklet with a description and interpretation of each card. Cards are divided into 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana which are divided into four groups: the soul, mind, action and passivity. In accordance with the TRANSURFING principles, human motivation, thinking and behavior must be balanced with those four sides. If you don’t believe that your future is pre-determined, but plan to manage/direct your own destiny, you can succeed in everything. *Transurfing – Cards of destiny will help you to hear even the quietest *rustle of the morning star

.See for yourself.
************** ****this lines will be start end end of translation
T/N this is official card/set title in my language!^^
T/N reference to the 2.Transurfing book; A Rustle of Morning Stars)
T/N is translator note!^^ ;))))

After that is content page and then 1.chapter
Reference to Master

Once, in a distant past - and perhaps in the future to ... it is difficult to say exactly - the universe had forgotten about himself. No one knows why it happened. Simply such is the nature of aliens, to from time to time forget about themselves. It is very likely that the universe has fell asleep and after awakening forgot its dream. But what happened until that dream? Previous dream? Maybe the universe was that dream? However, a dream that forgot about itself turned into nothing. Can it be otherwise?

- Who am I? - wondered Nothing.
- You are a Mirror ... Mirror ... Mirror ... - responded the Reflection with billions of light reflections.
And who are you? - Asked the Mirror.

- I'm a Reflection in you.
- How did you come to be?
- your question created me.
- But I don’t see anything around me. I don’t even see myself. How can I be a Mirror? I'm Nothing.
- Truth - Reflection replied - emptiness is essentially primordial, infinite mirror, since in the emptiness/void nothing reflects of nothing.
- And what am I?/*how do I look?
- You don’t look at all.
- Am I a big or a small?
- Yes.
- Yes. what?
- Both. You are what you imagine yourself to be. At the same time the infinitely big and the infinitely small, since the infinity and the dot are one and the same.
- Unusual/strange. And where am I?
- Now - in the vast expanse of variants/*space of variations- replied Reflection.
- Variants of what?
- What you want. The vastness/Space is also created as a result of your questions. Generally, all what you think will be created. Because you are infinite Mirror. For any your question there is infinitely many answers.
- Why am I here?
- To be.
- And what can I /do?
- All/everything.

Thus, through dialogue of Mirror, which we call God, and Reflection our world is created. I greet you, respected Lord/Master. I refer to you that way because you are reading these lines, which means that you intend to become the owner of your life, your destiny.

Once, in ancient times all people were Masters/Lords, since they know that reality has two sides - physical and metaphysical. Masters have seen and understood essence of the mirror of the world. They knew creating their reality with their thoughts. But it did not last long. Attention of masters with time completely failed in material reality. They stopped to see and lost power. But the Knowledge didn’t disappeared anywhere. It came to our time from the depths of the millennium.

The ancient mages who possessed Knowledge could with strength of thought manage reality because reality is primarily formed as a reflection of Consciousness in the Mirror of the world. To ordinary people whose consciousness is stifled by framework of material points of view, remains only to worship imaginary gods and seek the services of astrologers and psychics.

If you don’t want to settle with the surrogate future in which, by the opinion of soothsayers, can be look at, but you intend to build your own destiny by your own will, you will succeed in all. Transurfing, the relict of the ancient Knowledge about how to manage reality, will assist you in that.

There is no magic - just a knowledge of the principles of double-sided Mirror. This knowledge is on the surface. It is so simple and ordinary that by any canons can’t be "magical". Yet even Aladdin's lamp haf the shape of a regular old bottle, a cup of the Grail was not made of gold. All the big is incomprehensibly easy – it has no reason to emphasize its beauty or to hide itself. Worthless and useless, on the contrary, is always hiding under the guise of importance and secrecy.

Magic freed from fairytale attributes and rooted in everyday life ceases to be related to the area of the mystical and mysterious. Sorcery loses its captivating mystery when it finds its place here, in everyday life. But all the beauty of this transformation is in that a daily reality, in turn, stops to seem ordinary and transforms into an unknown reality which can be managed/directed. For that is only necessary to respect the principles of Mirrors. Transurfing – cards of destiny contain a set of these principles. Aren’t supposed to be used for fortune-telling, but to manage reality with them. Cards are divided as follows: 22 Major Arcana (containing the most general principles of Transurfing) and 56 Minor Arcana. Minor Arcana are divided into four groups: the soul, mind, action and passivity. Such a distinction is based on that human motivation, thinking and behavior in accordance with Transurfing principles should be balanced in these four sides.

Reason and action are related to the physical world, and the soul and the passivity to metaphysical, but nothing less objective reality. If taking into account only one side of a double-sided mirror, reality will not be subordinated. Materialists are dealing with overcoming the obstacles they create, and idealists floating in the clouds and imagination. Neither do not know how to handle reality.

You will learn that.

If Transurfing principles are unknown to you, you can pass a course of management reality for 78 days. For that in the morning you read one card interpretation for one day and try to adhere to what is written. The next day you do another card, while not forgetting to practice what you have learned. That way you will adopt all cards. Of course, it is relatively long, but most efficient process, because management reality primarily require practice, not an abstract exercise.

Another variant of using cards is searching for answers or outputs from a problematic situation. Take cards in hands. In your mind set a question. Intent to get an answer. Shuffle the cards and place them on a table in a fan turned upside down. Left hand, spontaneously and without thinking pull one, two or three cards, how you want. The left hand controls the right hemisphere of the brain - the subconscious. Let your subconscious choose cards which has a direct connection to the metaphysical response that you will get. let an answer that is in the interpretation of the selected cards leads you to a particular action, that is let it guide you into what you should do in a specific situation.

In principle, any card is a key for managing reality. But if you pull out cards with the intention to get an answer to a specific question, metaphysical laws are set in an effect. With high probability selected card, or a combination of several of them, wil offer optimum solution. Check. There is no strict rules about cards division. Use cards as your intuition tells you. Trust your intuition. Good luck!
At the end of this text are two images of the card back turned in opposite ways so you can see an angel and beast?

And then is a extra long chapter/finaly translated!^^ that I'll had to post separately :))))


Yes because without all this it makes not a huge lot of sense :D

And actually this stuff does make a bit of TAROT sense too !


ok!:) happy you like translation and find this deck Tarotish!^^ lolz ;)) I wil try to translate and post at least two cards daily!^^ and bite into that big chunk of text! and update that post when done!^^
imo it gives good background for transurfing concept? hopefully it will make it more sense,,,,

this is 2.chapter finaly translated!^^ :)))
Reality in an unknown form

People have always noticed that the world acts in two ways. On the one hand, everything that happens on the material level is more or less clear and explainable from the standpoint of the law of natural science. But on the other hand, when it need to meet with the spiritual phenomena, these laws no longer apply. Why different manifestations of reality cannot be united in one scientific system?

We get a strange picture: the world looks like it play hide and seek with the man, not wanting to reveal its original essence. Scientists fail to discover the law that explains one phenomena, and another already appears that does not fit into the framework of prior law. And that pursuit for truth, which vanishes like a shadow, constantly runs. But it is interesting that the world is not hiding its true face - he even readily accepts a face that we ascribe to it.

that is in all branches of natural science. For example, if you imagine the micro object in the form of particles, compulsory will be find an experiments to confirm this. But if it is assumed that this is not a particle, but an electromagnetic wave, the world won’t start to complain and will gladly manifest in an appropriate manner.

With the same success we can ask the world the question of what substance it consists - of matter that has mass? And it will say confirmative. And maybe its an energy? Again, the answer will be confirmative. As we know, in the vacuum a continuous process of creation and annihilation of microparticles takes place - energy is converted into matter and vice versa.

No need to ask again the world which was first: matter or consciousness. It will equally cleverly change its masks, showing us the side we want to see. Representatives of different theories argue with each other to prove the opposite point of view, but reality brings an indifferent judgment: they are all, in fact, right.

So, the world is not only elusive but also agrees, in other words, acts like a mirror. It literally reflects all our assumptions about reality, whatever that may be.

But then what we get: are all attempts to explain the nature of reality in vain? Because the world will always again agree with what we think about it and at the same time constantly avoid a direct answer.

Actually everything is a lot simpler. We shouldn’t seek an absolute truth in separate occurrences of versatile reality. Just need to accept the fact that reality is similar to the double-sided mirror - has two sides: the physical, we can touch by hands, and metaphysical, which is located outside the boundaries of perception, but not less objective.

Nowadays, science deals with what is reflected in the mirror, and esoteric try to look at the mirror from the other side. And in that is all their conflict. Nevertheless, what is hiding there, on the other side of the double-sided mirror?

Transurfing as esoteric teaching gives one of the possible answers to this question. On this side of the mirror is a vastness of variants /space of variations- an information structure that stores scenarios of all possible events. The number of combinations is infinite as infinite amount of possible positions on the grid points. There is written all that was, what is and what will be.

This means that access to the vastenes of variants/space of variations opens up the possibility of clairvoyance. The problem is just that there are countless amounts of variants, so it is possible to see the events that will not be realized. This is why psychics often make mistakes in their predictions, because we can see what's never been done and what will never happen.

In this aspect, you can be calm -Your future is not known to anyone since no one is able to determine which option will actually be realized. That's right: there is no guarantee that you are in a dream saw just the one sector of expanses that will be embodied in reality.
You know what's really great? If the future is not predestined, it means that there always remains hope that it will be better. Transurfing task is not to look back on the past with regret or fear looking into the future, but to consciously shape our own reality.

One might think it’s hard to believe in that. Where is located vaste of variants/space of variations? How is such a thing even possible? From the standpoint of our three-dimensional perception it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Maybe it's outside the boundaries of visible universe, and maybe in your cup of coffee. In any case, not in the third dimension.

The paradox is that we all go there every night. Dreams are not illusions in the usual sense. Man carefree count its dreams into the field of fantasy, not suspecting that they reflect the actual events that could find its place in the past or future.

It is known that a man in a dream may see scenes like that are not from our world. It is perfectly clear that such a thing in principle, he could not see anywhere. If a dream is a kind of imitation of reality of our brain, from where all these unseen scenes and activities come from?
If what is conscious we attribute to the human psyche and mind, and subconscious to the soul, we can say that dreams are flight of the soul into the vast expanse of variants/space of variations. Reason does not conceive its dreams - but truly sees them.

The soul has direct access to the field of information where all "scenarios and scenery" are kept stationary, similar to scenes in the filmstrip. The phenomenon of time, that is, the development of events, manifest only in the process of moving the "filmstrip". Reason is the observer and the "generator of ideas".
Memory has the same this direct relation to space of variants. It has already been proven that the brain is not physically able to keep all the information that the man collect during life. In what way then it manage to remember?
The point is that the brain does not keep the information by itself, but something like address for data in the vast expanse/space of variants. Man don’t remember anything from its past life because after the death of the physical body address are destroyed. However, under certain conditions, address can be renewed.

Mind is not able to create anything new in principle. It just can compile a new version of the house from old cubes. All the scientific discoveries and artistic masterpieces mind with the help of the soul gets from the expanse/space of variants. Clairvoyance and intuition also come from the space of variants.
"Scientific discovery," wrote Einstein, " does not by any chance happen in a logical way. The logic is expressed only later, during the exposure. Even the least-discovery is always insight. The result comes from the outside and so unexpectedly as if someone had whispered it to you. "
The vastness of variants should not be confused with the familiar concept of general information field in which data can be transferred from one object to another. The vastness/space of variants is stationary matrix - a structure that defines all what is and what could happen in our world. In this way, if you reconcile with the coexistence of the two sides of reality - physical and metaphysical, image of the world is increasingly clarifying. When these two aspects of reality come into contact on the surface of the mirror, phenomena which are usually associated with the paranormal or unexplained phenomena are created..

A concrete example of such mutual contact of two characters is a corpuscular-wave dualism when micro objects is a wave and an particle.

However, the best example are we ourselves - living beings which in itself simultaneously connect both material and spiritual. To some extent we live on the surface of a giant mirror on whose one side is our material universe, and on the other spreads mysterious infinity expanse/space of variants.

Being situated in such a unique position, it would be at least recklessly living only within the ordinary world view and use only one - the physical side of reality.

The energy of human thought in certain conditions is able to materialize a particular sector of space of variants. In a state that in Transurfing we call unity of the soul and the mind a mysterious force is created - external intention.

All what is usually associated with magic has a direct relation with the external intention. With that force ancient mages built the Egyptian pyramids and perform other similar miracles.

Intention we called external because it is outside of man, which means that it’s not under the influence of reason. True, in a particular state of consciousness, man can access it. If that powerful force we submit to the will, we can do amazing things.
However, today's people long ago lost that ability that people of ancient civilizations such as Atlantis had. The remains of the ancient knowledge came to us in the form of fragmented esoteric teachings and practices. Using this knowledge in everyday life is very difficult.

Regardless of the complexity of practical implementation, the secret of mastering external intentions lie on the surface. The key to the riddle lies in the phenomenon known as a lucid dream.

In ordinary dream events occur independently of the will of reason. All the while sleeper is unaware that he sleep, he cannot control what happens. The man is completely under the control of the unconscious dream, his dream is "happening to him".

However, man should realize that it’s just a dream and will get amazing capabilities. In a lucid dream, there is nothing far-fetched - we can manage events with the power of our intention and do seemingly unattainable things, for example fly.
The ability to control dreams stems from man's cognition of himself in a dream compared to the real reality. At a certain level of consciousness, man has a stronghold- in reality in which he may return after waking up. The reality is, however, similar to the unconscious dream in reality - man is under the control of the circumstances and his life "happens to him/her". The man does not remember his past lives and has no basis to which he/she can climb to the next level of consciousness. However, the situation is not so hopeless. In transurfing exist indirect methods by which we can get external intention to work in a roundabout way. Man can shape its reality. But for this you need to respect certain rules. Average human reason/mind unsuccessfully is trying to influence the reflection in the mirror, and it’s necessary to modify the very sight/scene. The scene reflects the character and orientation/direction of human thoughts.

To transform desired into reality, desire alone is not enough. It is necessary that the image from one side of the mirror in certain parameters with corresponding sector of expanses/space of variants coincide with the other side. But that's not all. You need to know how to communicate with bilateral mirror, which, it should be said, is not simple, but is very unusual.

Imagine this unusual situation. You stand in front of the mirror, and in it doesn’t see anything other than emptiness. After a while image gradually begins to appear, as in the photography. At a certain point you start to smile, but in reflection still see a serious expression. You raised your hands, and in the mirror is all as before. You immediately take your hands down and in the mirror nothing has changed. To see yourself with your hands up, you will need to hold your hands in the air for a certain time.

Exactly that is how mirror of expanses/space of variants works. Only delay time is incomparably longer, so that changes are not so noticeable. Material realization is inert, but if certain conditions are met, the reflection will still be formed, and that means that fantasy can become reality.

You alone in front of the mirror represent a really existing physical object. And your reflection that has no material substance is apparent and metaphysical, but at the same time is just as real as your own picture. Unlike the case with an ordinary mirror, the material world is a reflection to home as a picture on the other side serve intention and God's thoughts, and the thoughts of all living beings which are its embodiment.

Space of variants is some kind of matrix, pattern at which "tailoring", "sewing" takes place, just like "fashion show" - the movement of the whole matter. It keeps information about what and how should happen in the material world. A number of different possibilities is endless. A variant is the sector of expanse/space that contains the script and set design/scenery, that is the path and form of movement of matter. In other words, the sector determines what in each particular case has to happen and how it should look.

In this way the mirror divides the world into two halves: the real and apparent. All what received material form is on the real half and develops in accordance with the laws of natural science. Science usual worldview applies only to what happens in "real life/reality". Under reality it’s usually implied everything what is subject to observation and direct action.

If you reject the metaphysical side of reality and take into account only the material world, then the actions of all living creatures, including man, reduced to primitive movement within the framework of internal intentions. With internal/inner intentions goal is achieved by a direct effect on the environment. In order to achieve something, it’s necessary to take certain steps, to run, stretch your elbows - in general, to do a specific job.

Tangible reality is feel realistic - it currently responds to direct action and it creates the illusion that the only such way is possible to achieve some results. However, within the limits of the material world circuit of feasible goals greatly narrows. Here you should count only on what exists. All rely on the funds what are usually not enough and the features that are very limited.

In this world, absolutely everything is permeated with competitive spirit. Its too many of those who want to achieve the same goal. And within the limits of internal intention in this, of course, not all succeed. So where will conditions and circumstances required to achieve the goal be created? Here's where - in the vast expanse/space of variants.

From that side of the mirror everything is plenty, without any competition. There is no goods, but all the beauty is in that we can choose anything, as from the catalog, and order. Sooner or later, the order will be executed and you will not have to pay for it. It is necessary only to fulfill certain, not particularly difficult conditions - and that's all. Is that a fairy tale?

Absolutely not. This is more than real. Energy of thoughts doesn’t disappear without a trace. It may materialize sector of expanse/space of variants which in its parameters correspond to transmitting thoughts. It just seems like all what exist in our world is consequence of mutual interaction of material objects. Equally important role in that have processes that take place on a metaphysical level, when virtually existing variants embody in reality. Causal link of metaphysical process are not always visible, but, no matter, form a good half of all realities.

Since man (and especially less developed beings) don’t use energy of thought with specific goal, materialization of sector expanses/space of variants usually develop independently from will.

Grounded in the "realities of life", the man moves between empty shelves in the store, trying to reach out to the goods which already have sign "Sold". Only left are products of poor quality, but which also needs a lot to pay for. And instead to simply look at the catalog and make an order, the man frantically throws in pursuit, standing in long lines, with all forces trying to break through the crowd, and also comes into conflict with sellers and buyers. In the end don’t get the desired and the problems keeps mounting.
Because of that in human consciousness start to create unhappy reality that gradually materialized - becomes real. Every living being with its direct action on the one side and thoughts on other creates a layer of its world. All these layers are stacked on each other and in that way each being contribute to shaping reality.

Layer of the world is characterized by a certain set of conditions and circumstances from which are created images of life of individual beings (from here and after will be only word of a man). Terms of existence can be different: favorable and less favorable, comfortable and hard, well-intentioned and aggressive. Of course, great significance is environment in which man is born. But human life is mostly developed depending on how man relate to himself and the reality that surrounds it. Its worldview mostly determine future changes in lifestyle/way of life. In reality it embodies the sector of expanses/space of varieties whose production scenario/set corresponds to orientation/direction and character of the man's thoughts.

In this way in formation of individual layer are involved two factors: on one side mirror - inner intention, on the other - external. Man with direct action affects the objects of the material world, and withits thoughts embodies in reality what at that moment is not there.
If man is convinced that in this world all best is already sold out, it leaves him actually only empty shelves. If you think that for the good stuff it takes a long wait in line and pay expensively, so it shall be. If expectations are pessimistic and filled with doubts, it will inevitably realize. And if the man expect encounter with a malicious environment, its expectations will be fulfilled inevitably. However, if you accept innocent man thought that the world was prepared for it all the best, it will also be by some reason realized. And so the man with its thoughts shape layer of its world. But most often don’t understand how that happens.

***** long post will contine in next!^^ )


**************continuation of last post!^^:)))
Man seeks to "all be how I want." Trying to apply on the world its simple principle: wherever I turn, there I go; where I press, there is delve. But the world for some reason doesn’t want to subordinate. More than that, the man turne to one side, and it brings him to an entirely different.

One should think: if reality behaves inappropriately, it means a need for a different approach. Maybe it’s subordinated to completely different laws? But man doesn’t want to stop to look around, but stubbornly continues on its own.
As a result of that "approach" we get the layer of the world in which "everything is not as I want." On the contrary, many more turns just "as I don’t want". It's kind of strange, erratic and inflexible reality.

Often creating a feeling as if the world is in spite with us and some unexplainable force attracts inconveniences. Fears realize, and the worst expectations are confirming. We are constantly followed by that what we feel discomfort and what we're trying to avoid. Why is this happening?
From transurfing theory we already know why it happens that "you get what you don’t want", especially if you really doesn’t want that. When you hate something or are afraid of something with all your heart, external intent give you all that in abundance.

Energy of thoughts generated in the unity of the soul and the mind embodies potential possibility in reality. In other words, the sector of expanses/space of variants that correspond to the parameters of the transmission of thought, is materialized if the feelings of the soul are the same as thoughts of reason/mind.

But this is not the only cause of realizing the worst expectations. In general, life without problems becomes common. All goes well and smoothly if we move along the flow of variants, without disturbing the balance. Nature doesn’t like wasting energy in vain and is not prone to vicious ploting.

Undesirable circumstances and events are generated because excess potential is distorting the energy image of the environment, and dependant relations even further exacerbate the situation. Excess potentials are created when to certain characteristics is attached too much importance. A dependent relations between people are created when start comparing with each other, opposition and setting of mutual conditions such as "if you're going to do so, I'll do this".

Excess potential is not so bad as long as distorted estimate exist independent, alone. But as soon as the unnaturally exaggerated estimate of one object is compared with the other, it creates a polarization resulting with wind of balance forces.

Forces of balance are trying to remove the resulting polarization and their work/action in most cases is directed against the one who created this polarization.

Here are examples of independent potentials: I love you; I love myself; I hate you; I’m disgusting to myself; I'm good; you are bad. If not based on a comparison of the opposition, such estimates are in themselves sufficient. And here is an example of potential created on depending relation: I love you, under condition that you love me; I love myself because I'm better than all of you; you are bad because I'm better; I'm good because you're bad; I do not like myself because I'm worse than all; you're disgusting to me because you are not like me.

The difference between the first and second group of estimates is very large. Estimates based on a comparison create polarization. Balance forces remove this diversity/difference through the conflict of opposites. In the same way magnets of opposite poles attract each other.

Precisely because of this inconveniences in life creep up so intrusively as in spite. For example, in spousal pairs are connected in appearance of incompatible personalities, almost like a punishment to each other. In various collectives will always find at least one person who will upset you because of something. Same nature is Murphy's Laws, or "villainy".

Polarization distorts the energy picture and creates whirls of balance forces which results in inadequate reflection of reality, like a distorted mirror image. Man doesn’t understand this pathology results from disturbed balance and try to fight with the environment instead to get rid of polarization.

And it only need to fulfill the basic transurfing rule: allow yourself to be what you are, and to others to be who they are. It is necessary to let everyone do things its way. Relax its grip.

More persistent you are in your desires and aspirations, stronger is magnet that attracts the opposite. It happens literally the following: you hold the world for neck, and it resists trying to break free.

Exert pressure and persevere is useless because with that situation grows even worse. Instead it is necessary to consciously change your attitude toward the situation in accordance with transurfing rule.

In general, existence of "Law of villainy" itself is quite unusual fact, isn’t it? Why? For what reason world is acting so mean? Or are that just speculation and prejudice? No, tendency still exists and from these facts is impossible to escape. Fortunately, transurfing model not only discover the reason of such principles but also explain how we can avoid it.

Transurfing rule function perfectly, saving one who respects the rule from crowd of troubles of incomprehensible origins. It’s only necessary to loosen the grip and stop "keep the world for neck" and it will become affectionate and docile.
And the one who "doesn’t loose" will go around like a magnet, attracting everything it don’t want. However, the law of bad luck is not all. As soon as opposites meet, their opposition tends to continue worsening.

The famous law of unity and struggle of opposites, whose essence is found in the title alone, is already turned into a "school" knowledge. Volga flows into the Caspian Sea, and Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. But not all is so simple. Ask yourself: why, in the end, is law happening?
Cause of omnipresent unity of opposition, we already explained: encountering opposites, forces of balance therefore set the balance. But why the opposing sides are in a state of continuous struggle?

It seems that it should be the other way around: they met, offset /negate each other and calms. But not, opposites will "rage" to each other until they "get into a fight." And if not separated by force, it will continue constantly.

Examples should not be sought far. You can confirm that the world often affects your nerves. Of course, on everyone in various degree and in different way. But in general point is like this: if at some moment something is capable to push you out of unbalance, it will happen for some reason as in spite.
The following events occur. For some reason you are upset, worried, burdened, your nerves are tense, at least partially. And then, as connected with that, some clown appears and begins to jump and chat so that further tightens the strings of your nerves. You become irritable, and clown is bouncing even more vigorously.
There are many ways to increase irritability. Assume that you are in great hurry to somewhere and very afraid that you’ll be late. Clown immediately claped his hands, rubbed them and shouted, "Well let's go!"

From that moment everything is working against you. People cross your way and walk regularly, and you can’t seem to bypass them. Need a quick walk through the door, and there is literally lining up row of sloth who barely lift their legs. On the road, the same thing happens with cars. As all are in agreement.
Of course, a lot can be attributed to perception: when you are in hurry, it seems as if the rest of the world slows down. But there are also obvious signs: lift or car is broken, the bus is late, on the road traffic jam is creating – it’s already some kind of malicious reality.
We can think of other examples. If you are worried about something and are burdened, people around you will do just what irritate you and just when you would like to be left alone.

Children start to act crazy even if they were quiet until then. Someone next to you starts chewing and siping loudly. Various subjects distract you and annoy you with their problems. Everywhere you are bothered by some obstacles. If you expect someone impatiently, he/she doesn’t come for a long time. If you doesn’t want to see someone, surely it will appear. And so on.

In parallel with enhancing irritability, this pressure by side is becoming more intense. The higher the tension, the environment is annoying you more actively. But here's something interesting: it doesn’t act that way intentionally. It doesn’t even occur to it/them that might disturb someone What causes this behavior?

In psychology the unconscious in general has a lot of holes. No matter how unusual it may be, in most cases, people are driven by unconscious motives. But it's amazing that the driving force formed by the subconscious motives is not within the human psyche, but beyond it.

These forces are invisible, but real energy-information structures created by the energy of thoughts of living beings - the Pendulums. Pendulums are already extensively discussed in transurfing books. They always appear where can benefit from the energy of conflict.

Just shouldn’t be assumed that these structures are capable intending anything and exercising conscious intent. Pendulums like leeches feel polarization as diversity in the energy field and try to tag along. But that is still not that bad.

All horror is in that the Pendulums, beside absorbing the energy of the conflict, somehow lead people to with their behavior create even more of such energy.

They do everything so that energy can radiate strongly. Pendulums pull people with invisible threads and people obey like a puppets. Exact way how Pendulums affect the motivation of people so far is not clear, but they do it very effectively.

to pendulums pure human consciousness is unavailable, but they don’t need it - subconscious is fully sufficient. In general, all people are sleeping in a certain degree even while awake. Many things man do automatically, relaxed, and even without being aware of it: "At/in a certain point I do not sleep and I'm totally aware of what I'm doing and why exactly this way. "

The level of human consciousness is particularly low when at home or in a crowd. In the known conditions, the need for increased self-control is small and because of that man behaves relaxed and almost sleep. In contrast, in the outside, but a narrow circle of people, awareness is the most active and under self-control. In big crowd of people human activities become spontaneous again, but come in strong correlation with general excitement of the whole mass/crowd.

to interpret work of the pendulums, lets take simplest example – passers/walker after which you are walking the same path and then overtaking/walk in front of him. Just when you decided to bypass it from the left side, he/she spontaneously take a step in the same direction and cross your way. Try to get around him/she to the right, and he/she also accidentally turn to that side.

What leads passersby/walker to changes its direction? If he/she can’t see you walking behind him/her, and why would he/she mind from which side you are going to bypass? Perhaps in some way he/she feel that you're close to its back and instinctively don’t want to let "rival" forward? Such assumption is as to impose, but it’s not so. In live nature, if we're talking about instincts, rivalry always manifest in situations where opposing sides stand face-to-face. The pendulum is what lead passers/walker to choose which side to move.

A man walk without thinking about how precisely to step to keep a straight line. In relation to that he sleeps and so lines of its footsteps at times inadvertently turn on one or the other side. Motivation, or change direction of movement, lies in the subconscious that at a certain point we don’t control. This means that it is potentially open to the pendulum.

Here you come along and try to bypass the passersby. That, essentially, is the conflict, although insignificant. In order to increase the energy of the conflict pendulum direct passersby to make an involuntary step aside to cross the way and by that aggravate the situation.
At the same time, the pendulum does not act intentionally since it does not possess conscious intent. Equally unconsciously its work do forces of balance. I will emphasize once again: this are some processes whose mechanism is not clear for now, and not reasonable behavior of a structure. We only notice the separate phenomena and laws of nature of energy-informational world.

It is pointless to discuss about that how the pendulum works in a particular situation, from where it comes from, how succeeds in that and what actually happens on an energetic level. Anyway we won’t be able to fully understand that. Important is only the main conclusion: if the forces of balance conflict opposites, the pendulum do anything to impassione energy of the conflicts. It's the law of the pendulum.

Endless Battles of the pendulum - regardless of whether it’s a family quarrels or armed conflicts - are lead in accordance with this law. If opposition appears, detailed events will develop in the direction of worsening the conflict, whatever happens, including temporary and apparent reconciliations.

Where the law of the pendulum act, common sense is powerless. Just because of that activities of certain persons, as well as the whole countries, often is out of common sense. In conflict situations, people's motives are influenced by the pendulums.
That's why such a remarkable effect is achieved by which our past actions we perceive as a dream: "Where was my mind? Why I came to idea to do so?" Because man acted, and that he was not aware of that . Only at the end, when knowledge is no longer subject to external action, everything that happened receives appropriate assessment.

Close people quarrel and divorce if convinced that they don’t match by the characters. Still, there were moments of happiness when everything was beautiful. And then a man for no reason changes and begins to behave unfriendly. This is certainly not consistent with its behavior till then. All you know that, right?

In fact this is not a matter of one or the other person has changed. The man is toward partner acting perfectly unacceptable because pendulum forced it to that.

The pendulum controls subconscious motives of opposing people. And such management is aimed at increasing conflict energy. Man is not aware of what drives him into conflict. It can act completely illogical and inappropriate.

Such an effect is particularly noticeable in inexplicably serious violations. After the offense, when already on guilty bench, offender recalls his past actions in amazement: "I had some kind of eclipse." And it’s not lie - that's what happened. For the offender everything was totally unexpected, and all he/she did he/she experienced as a terrible dream.

The dream becomes especially deep if attention falls into the loop. In specific collectives, for example, in the army, group or sect gathers a society with certain stereotypes of behavior and thinking. This "put into a sleep" and subconscious is completely open for zombing pendulum action. And then things happens that on the outside seems completely incomprehensible.

Why do people with such ferocity kill alike because they worship some their gods? To whom it bother? People because of wars live in poverty and die by dozens, hundreds of thousands, millions. Where is the instinct for self-preservation? The struggle for wealth and territory is still possible to understand, but how to explain the fight for beliefs?

The idea of peace is close to everyone, but wars don’t stop. The idea of one God is evident. Idea is good, justice and equality - we could go on for a long time. To all this is clear, however, common sense doesn’t work, but evil wins. From where did this evil come from?
Pendulums are universal source of evil. It need some time to watch a little bit and everything becomes perfectly clear: whatever opposition is - everything is focused on increasing the energy of conflict. Even if the fight calm down, it happens only briefly, to flare up again with new strength.

Of course, there are different pendulums and they are destructive in varying degrees. Many of them are harmless. For example, the transurfing pendulum is needed to as many people as possible think over what is actually happening.

It's not about that how to completely rid of all the pendulums. It’s not possible. The main thing is not to be a puppet, but to act consciously to use this structure for your interest. But how to get rid of their influence?

Wake up and become aware of how the pendulum is trying to manipulate you.

Understand what is happening already is half of the work. Power of pendulum impact is inversely proportional to consciousness/awareness. It rule over you until you sleep as awake

First of all, don’t participate in destructive conflicts of pendulums if you personally don’t need that. When you are in a crowd, it is necessary to get off the stage into the audience, look around and wake up: "What am I doing here? Am I aware of everything? Why do I need it? "
Waking up from a dream that we dream awake, must be absolutely clear as already said: "At a certain moment I don’t sleep and I'm totally aware of what I'm doing and why exactly this way." If you're aware of that, everything is fine. If you are not, it means you are in any, even insignificant conflict situation, a puppet.

It's harder when something upsets you. In that case, the clown will be jumping until your nerves are tense. This usually means that the pendulum caught your attention in a noose. To get rid of the pendulum, it’s necessary to become indifferent. But that is difficult to achieve.
For example, neighbors annoy you with their music that you think is horrible. Your task is to in any way "unhook" from the pendulum. But to make yourself to not respond is practically impossible. It is useless to hold back emotions. Instead, attention should be directed to something else.
Try to listen your own music, but not loud, but enough to dim the neighbor. Think of some ways to distract thoughts. If you succeed to occupy with something else, neighbors will gradually tune down.

Equally is in all other cases. If "clown jumps", it means that your attention is caught in some loop. You are drawn into the game of the pendulums, which seeks to increase the energy of the conflict. To get free from the loop, you must divert attention.

Generally, not all is that bad. It will not happen "in defiance/spite" if you do not sleep awake. easy, one might think that all this is just some kind of monstrous illusion/crazy idea. Of course, it’s not easy to accept the idea that some kind of structure can manage us. Acceptance of these findings is a matter of personal choice. And it’s not necessary to believe. Study and make your own conclusions.

This is, in short, the content of transurfing concept. If in the process of working with cards something is not clear, contact your primary source - books from the "Transurfing".series

T/N translation is far from perfect but at least you get some basic idea!^^:))
and that dancing clown remind me on that monkey from Osho Zen Tarot?:))

after this chapter starts cards description by 2cards in pairs on each page,
so I’ll start with first two cards in next post!^^:))


It MIGHT also encourage others to buy a copy, so they should be pleased :D

Now look what you've gone and done. I've bought yet another deck I don't have space for. :bugeyed: :joke:


Looking forward to the translation. Even if I can't make sense of the method, the art still looks like it will read well anyway...


I CARD aka butterfly lady!^^ lolz ;)))
Major Arcana
Wake up here and now! Raise your awareness and remember that all people dreams and everything that happens around us is only a dream, but that dream does not rule over you anymore. You woke up in your dream, and that means that you acquired the ability to influence the course of events. Your advantage is in awareness. Feel your power. Power is always with you if you are aware of it. Now everything will be the way you want.

Your birth in this life was a new awakening after a series of past incarnation - dreaming realities. From the moment of the arrival to this world you had the amazing abilities. You knew to listen to the *sound of the morning stars, to recognize the aura, talk to animals. The whole world to you was looking like a magical sight of vibrant energy and you were a *Magician - you could *manage this energy. But under the influence of environment soon you feel asleep again. The sleeping ones are steadily and purposefully directed your attention only on the physical aspect of reality. This caused the loss of all magical abilities. Didn’t it appears to you that life passes like a dream in which you don’t manage reality, but it manage you? It is time for you to return your previous power
• T/N is this reference to a Tarot Magician?:)))
• T/N not sure for this term maybe better option would be direct navigate etc
• T/N I was thinking why Butterfly lady? And my line of thoughts was;
metamorphosis,,, transformation,,,, alchemy?
alchemist may be associate with magician!:))) lolz

this card is paired up with

II CARD /aka lady portrait with a castle in the palm!^^ ;))))
Major Arcana
*II. End of Dream
Get aware that your life is a game that was imposed to you. As long as you are deeply embroiled in this game, you can’t objectively see the situation and at least have some influence on the course of events. First you need to get down into the audience, take a look around you and say; at this point I’m not sleeping and I am aware of where I am, what is going on, what I do and why. And then return to the scene and continue to play, but still remain a spectator. Now you have a huge advantage - consciousness. You broke up that game and acquired the ability to manage it.

In a dream you are ruled by the circumstances, because the mind is sleeping and unquestioningly accept everything as it is, as it had to be like that. Almost same is happening in the reality. It seem to you that reality exists independently of you and you are not able to be influence it. You are almost reconciled with your destiny - the amount of capacity that are given to you and the environmental conditions in which you had to live. You are only left to swim by following the course of fate and from time to time take a feeble attempts to ask for your rights. Is there anything that you could do? Of course there is! And that will you do. By now you've experienced reality the way you were taught. Now imagine reality as a dream. Only you are in a lucid dream really able to control the situation. On the scene, everyone has his/herown role to play and everyone in some way affects you: expect something from you, impose to you, request or demands, helps or bothers, loves or hates. Watch that game consciously aware, from a distance, and then you will understand everything yourself.
************************************************** ***********
T/N google translate say "interruption" but I translate "end"? see for yourself what you consider better?^^ ;)))
T/N not sure how this card related to HP? Maybe dream consciousness distance etc?:)))

btw do you find this info to be of any help?;)))

Note by rylla *maybe 'interruption' is used in sense of 'detachment' ("watch.... from a distance") as I see the HP as a 'cold' card (seeing/knowing a lot -sharing with a few)* .


I don't believe this deck add much to the tarot, but certainly I am learning a lot about this deck (which is beautiful BTW) and about the transurfing theory, thanks to you reall. It's great! Thank you!


next two cards translated!^^:)))

III Card aka human, big hand and eagle profile and planetes
Major Arcana
In each of us is a piece of God. You are his child, and your life is God's dream. Managing the reality with the power of your intention, you fulfill His will. Your intention is the intention of God. How can you doubt in its fulfillment? To succeed, you just need to take that right. When you pray to the God, it is the same as God to pray to himself. Can God plead to himself? Is there anyone from whom God can request something for himself? He already can take everything He wants. Don’t pray, don’t demand and don’t request. Shape your own reality with consciousness intent.

Our world is the theater of dreams in which God is a spectator, dramaturge, director and actor all in the same time. As a spectator oversees a show that takes place on the stage of the world. As an actor experience and feel the same as being whose role refills. God creates reality and manage it through intentions of all living beings. Together with the soul in every living being he invested a part of his intentions and sent it into a dream - life. To every living creature God has given freedom and the power to shape its reality in accordance with its consciousness. Living beings do not use intention consciously and directed toward the goal. Staying in an unconscious dream, they seem to want something vaguely, not understanding exactly what. The intention disperses, become blurred, unconscious. Besides they were able to take away knowledge of their abilities from people, the *pendulums even twisted the meaning of life itself replacing the serving to God with bowing. In fact life goal is just as service to God, in a *common creation - a common creation.
T/N pendulums is one of terms in Transurfing theory describing everything that you get to much into and can’t see whole picture and that drains your energy away, and cause negative emotions?:))
T/N google translate this as *joint I used *common to emphasize togetherness?;)))
T/N this description may be creation/creator reference to the empress?;)))

IV card aka lady sitting on a horned beast
Major Arcana
To achieve true success, you need to stop following generally accepted standards and set off your own way. The one who comes out of the system creates a new standard of success. The pendulums don’t stand individuality; they see a rising star and are left nothing but to recognize it as their favorite. When a new way of thinking is establishing, the system turns around and begins to follow a new star. To set your own rules, you had to allow yourself to be what you are. You can do it. Just take this privilege. Your privileges you take or take away only by yourself.

During the entire life to a man is trying to suggest that it’s far from perfect, that success, wealth and honor are reserved only for selected. The pendulums don’t deny that anyone can become successful, but carefully hide the fact that the unique abilities and traits have every man. To pendulums individuality is like a death. If all followers would become free and get of its control, the pendulum would simply turn of. Stars are born on they own, but the pendulums are those flaring it. Form for emulation - standard of success - is created on purpose, with goal to direct aspirations of all others on one side. In other words, the pendulums tend to chase all in one machine and make them submit to the collective consciousness. You won’t attain anything until you realize that you have to just/simply leave the collective consciousness. There is no point playing someone else's game in which you have not set the rules. Whatever you do, always aim to initiate your own game. In that is the secret of success.
T/N description may refer to ruler/emperor?:)))

np!^^ happy to help to make it more sense!^^ here is next two cards

V card aka 2 ladies mirroring
Major Arcana
Your world is what you think about it. World like a mirror reflects your attitude towards it. Life is a game in which the world to its citizens continually sets one and the same riddle: "Come on, guess what I am?" And everyone responds in accordance with its terms: " you are aggressive " or "You're a pleasant". Or "cheerful", "dark", "friendly", "enemy", "happy", "malicious". It is interesting that in these speculations everyone wins! The world always agrees and to everyone displays in a form that was ordered. What do you think about your world?

If a man is convinced that in this world all the best is already sold out it leaves to him actually only empty shelves. If you think that for the good stuff had to wait in a long line and pay it expensively, it will be so. If expectations are pessimistic and full of doubts, it will certainly be justified. And if a man expects an encounter with a hostile environment, his premonitions will come true. However, some people just innocently thought that the world for them prepared all the best and this will also happen for some reason. Codger who don’t know that everything is get in the very hard way, suddenly in unfathomable way finds himself at the counter, where goods are just exhibited, just as if specially ordered for him. And it happened that the very first buyer gets all free. And behind him is a large column of those who are convinced that the realities of life are lot darker, and fools are just going great. And if a *lucky one* ever encounter the "realities of life", if change its relationship to the world, reality will change accordingly to that, rejecting the one who "saw through" to the very end of the line.
************************************************** ***
T/N not sure in relation to hierophant? )) maybe faith, beliefs etc

Paired up with;
VI card aka 3 persons stretching
Major Arcana
Whatever thoughts you emit into the world, they will come back to you like a boomerang. What happens when a man hate something? He brings in that sense of the unity of the soul and the mind. A clear picture that is reflected in the mirror fills the entire layer of the world. This results in even greater man's anger, which again increases the strength of your feelings. Mentally man everything send somewhere far away: "Let everything go ...!" Mirror that boomerang returns back. You're sent and to you is sent the same way. Avoid transmitting negativity in the mirror of the world. Inevitably you will get analog response from a perfectly unexpected side. And do you know that love is also boomerang?!

Mirror of the world materializes thoughts. For example, if you are not satisfied with your appearance, you look yourself in the mirror without satisfaction. All your attention is directed to the unattractive traits that you don’t like, then you confirm it. It should be understood that in a mirror you reflect in accordance with relationship to yourselves. Set a new rule - do not look, but peek in the mirror of the world. Discover good and ignore bad. Always use this filter. Focus your attention on what you want to achieve. What did you do before? You determined the fact: "I don’t like myself. I don’t like my world." And mirror affirmed this fact more and more:"Yes, it’s exactly like that." Now you have another task - to find only those lines that you like and simultaneously visualize the desired image. From this moment you do just like that - seek and find new confirmation of positive change: with every day everything is better and better. If you regularly practice this technique, out of amazement soon you won’t be able to do anything other than stand with mouth open.
T/N again not sure how is this similar to lovers? ) but love is mentioned in description and it draws to giving and receiving? Maybe if you love your world you’ll be loved by it or something like that?^^ ))

sorry if translation may sound bit shaky but it's best I and google can do!^^ facepalm )

VII card aka person sitting on a beach beside sea shore
Major Arcana
The man is similar to kitten that standing in front of the mirror does not understand that it sees itself. It seems to you like you are ruled by the circumstances that you cannot change. This is actually an illusion - the illusion that if you want, you can easily change. Unconsciously you spin in a enchanted circle: you look at the reality express attitude mirror reinforces the content of attitude in reality. Resulting in closed loop of reverses relation: the reality is formed like a reflection image of your thoughts, and the image on its part mainly determines reflection. The principle of reality management tell that we should turn that cycle to the opposite side: first look at yourself, and then mirror.

Man tied to mirror by its *relations/ attitude- a primitive reaction to the reality, so much primitively attempting to reach a reflection in desire to change something in it. Let us now try to face mirror circle backwards: we express the attitude -> mirror strengthens content of that attitude in reality -> we observe reality. What do we get then? primitive and helpless ascertainment of reflection is stopped, and in its place comes purposeful intent and ascertainment of picture. Instead by habit protesting against what they see in the mirror, we turn away from it and in thoughts begin to shape picture that we would like to see. That is a way out of the mirror maze. The world stops and then move to meet me. When you put under the control your attitude to reality, external intention will be activated for which there is nothing impossible. It is necessary only to divert attention from the reflection to the image/picture. In other words, establish control over yourown thoughts. Do not think about what you do not want and trying to avoid, but rather on what you want and you're trying to achieve.
T/N google translate relations imo better transaltion is attitude it makes more sense!^^;)
T/N not sure how is this chariot? Maybe to control direction of our thoughts and attitude toward reality?:))

VIII card aka 2kids on bunny
Major Arcana
On Earth, there is a multitude of the heavenly regions in which live "pink twins". If you want to be there, put the "pink-colored glasses" and don’t pay attention to subjects that will urge you to take them off. Echoes of Paradise life rarely reach the common people. Eagerly seize this "sunny reflections", keep your attention on them, and then you will encounter them more often. You will notice how layer of your world start to change wonderfully.

Have you ever seen the rain in sunny day? And two rainbows in the sky? Have you ever met the twins in pink? One should understand one simple thing: you alone with your attitude paint the world in rainbow colors or dark tones. If a significant amount of your thoughts relate to negative events, life will with every day become more difficult. Conversely, if despite the dreadful weather your soul "sing in the rain" and happily "walk around the ponds," layer of your world will be filled with joy. Heaven and hell do not exist in other dimensions, but here, on our Earth. There are, for example, prison, but you are not in them, that is not your world. However, it can become your if you fix your attention on information about crime. There are also disasters, accidents, natural disasters - and they may become part of your life if you start to soak up reports about all that news. Consciously fix your attention only on what you want to see in your world, and turn away from everything else, pass beside eyes and ears. The evil will not disappear from reality – it will disappear from your layer. You simply won’t be faced with negative things.

btw I translated 1.chapter of the book and updated it to 1.translation post/41!^^


IX card aka kid and angel
Major Arcana
IX. Sigh of relief
Transurfing is in principle impossible without sufficiently high level of energy. As a rule, most of the free energy includes a full range of unrealized plans that only burden. The aim activate energy of intent, but only on condition that is achieving, rather than floating in the planes. It is necessary to or reject part of potential intention or put in operation their realization. Afford yourself more freedom! Make a list of restrictions that limit you and remove them from your back. Then immediately will be free energy reserves of intent that will allow you to move on.

Many live on from all sides overburdened with load of various obligations unfinished business and many goals. Pay attention to what ails you. If you think about it, you can get rid of many of these weights without regret. What good is that to constantly carry it with you, if you can’t realize it? For example: I had to be better than the others; I will prove to myself and others how much I worth; I have to win, otherwise I will not be appreciated; I have no right to make mistakes. And so on, such as the desire to stop smoking, learn a foreign language and in general - start a new life from Monday. Whatever is endlessly postponed for the future is unnecessary burden. It should be realized or rejected because it takes away the energy that is stupid to waste in vain. Maybe you have a sizable burden which you had long been trying to solve, but unsuccessfully? Imagine the relief you will feel when you reject it

X card Aka 2persons and snake
Major Arcana
You will achieve all that you intend if you are convinced it is your, without any conditions. Your choice is law that is subject to an unconditional realization. Energy of intentions shapes freedom of choice - your determination to have. If a significant part of the energy is blocked with superfluous potential of internal and external importance, the intention will have no strength. To discard the importance it is necessary to act consciously and admit to yourself to what you gives too great importance and what follows with that. Action waste energy of excess potential. In your mind spin the slide of the goal, perform visualization process and calmly move in direction of the goal – that will be your action.

How to get rid of fear? You need to find insurance, spare way. How not to worry and fret? You must act. Potential of concerns and unrest disappear with action. How to not expect and not want? You need to reconcile with the possible defeat and act. Dissolve the desire and expectation in the action. How to give up your own sense of meaning? Take your own sense of meaning as indisputable fact and reject actions aimed at increasing the feeling of your own importance. How to not upset? You need to play with the pendulum violating the rules of its game. Reacting inappropriately you spoil pendulum rhythm and won’t give it anything. How to get rid of feelings of guilt? You must stop justifying yourself. How to deal with pique and anger? End your battle and move by the course of variants. What to do if you can not deal with pique and anger? You should simply allow yourself this weakness. Do not force yourself to always win. Finally, how to not hunch under the weight of problems? Adhere to the principle of intention coordination. So instead fighting with your superfluous potential, act within the pure intention. The intention is cleansed in the process of movement.