I Tarocchi di Fumo


Yes, it is for sale. I've seen it available on Etsy. But they only showed a couple of scans. I'm glad you found the website. It's nice seeing more cards from this unique deck.

The Smoke Tarot. I like it, too. But I'm wondering about the minors. When a site shows only majors, it makes me wonder if maybe the minors aren't illustrated.

The deck does appear to be available, though. The site has a store, but if you click on it, it says the page is under construction and that they're not currently taking orders. When they start taking orders I wonder how the price will compare to Etsy's. The price on Etsy is actually pretty decent. Even the shipping is decent (to my part of the world, anyway).


I've seen somewhere the minors too. Marseilles style, but nicely done!


Yeah, I kinda figured that they weren't illustrated. Well, if you do stumble across that link for those cards, I'd love to see!