Mermaid Tarot by Dame Darcy


I became aware of Dame Darcy when she illustrated Jane Eyre, one of my favorite books. I just found out about this tarot deck last week and it immediately became one of my top 3 tarot wish decks. I'm not into mermaids or anything but it doesn't matter. I just love her artisitc style and crave this deck deeply.

Laura Borealis

"Not into mermaids" seems to be the initial statement of many who love this deck! :joke: So it's probably a good sign. I can't wait to get mine.


I became aware of Dame Darcy when she illustrated Jane Eyre, one of my favorite books...

How is it? Is it a fully illustrated graphic novel?

I purchased her comics collection (Meat Cake) and enjoyed it, though not nearly to the extent of the Mermaid Tarot.


How is it? Is it a fully illustrated graphic novel?

I purchased her comics collection (Meat Cake) and enjoyed it, though not nearly to the extent of the Mermaid Tarot.

I adore it. It is not a graphic novel. Instead it is a good size paperback with the text of the novel, and every several pages or so is an illustration. Many of them are full page, and some of those are in color, some in black & white.


I adore it. It is not a graphic novel. Instead it is a good size paperback with the text of the novel, and every several pages or so is an illustration. Many of them are full page, and some of those are in color, some in black & white.

Oh I see, thanks.


I was hoping Jane Eyre was a graphic novel but I think I'll put it on my wish list anyway. I love Dame Darcy's style, and I'm really enjoying her Meat Cake compilation and the deck. I received stickers with my order, but didn't get the velvet bag. The cards also came a bit warped so I had to leave them under some text books for a few nights.


...but didn't get the velvet bag. The cards also came a bit warped so I had to leave them under some text books for a few nights.

The velvet bag isn't anything special to be honest. I don't mind because I pretty much care only about the deck.

My deck warped a bit too. I sometimes have that with new decks and they eventually seem to flatten out on their own; perhaps it has something to do with adjusting to humidity conditions. If the book method works with this deck, please let us know.


...If the book method works with this deck, please let us know.

There's still a slight bend to the cards but they're not as bad as before. I put the deck in a zip lock bag and put it in the freezer for about half an hour. Then I left it under a bunch of text books for a couple of days but I should have left it longer. I got the idea from Bhavana in this thread that has other suggestions too -


...I put the deck in a zip lock bag and put it in the freezer for about half an hour. Then I left it under a bunch of text books for a couple of days but I should have left it longer...

I've tried that before with another deck, but had no success. I'll give it a go since it worked for you.

Laura Borealis

I got mine today. I love it! :heart:

The package came with a big heart cut from an old calendar - today is Valentine's Day so that's perfectly appropriate! Marked on the calendar are a quote from Oscar Wilde - "Life is too important to be taken seriously" and a mysterious note that just says "root of nightshade to see ghosts." :eek:

I also got three awesome stickers - a striped-stocking girl, a mermaid, and a bat-winged witch with an umbrella.

The deck is just lovely. I love that it's nicely gender-balanced and has lots of people and mermaids of color. I adore her carefree art style and her use of color. The cards are obviously closely based on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, but with their own spins. The Empress's hand steadies the Emperor's shipwheel, and is clasped in his; the Devil looks terrified; the Three of Swords is dominated by huge, weeping eyes; the Queen of Wands kicks her leg up onto her armrest to tug up her stocking. One of my favorites is the eerie Moon card, in which a crawfish-mermaid climbs painfully out of the water between two giant wolf heads, while the moon looms overhead flanked by a pair of almost unseen lighthouses.

The cardstock is nice. I'm not an expert on cardstock, or particularly picky about it, but this is thinish but not too thin, bendy but not too bendy. The cards are smooth and shiny but not too slippery. I've never felt a laminate quite like this one. It shuffles great. I tried it overhand, which I kinda suck at, but they fell smoothly; I also riffled it and it worked great.

My cards aren't all centered exactly but I do not care a bit, it just adds charm to the deck. It came in an organza bag that I'll probably use for something else. And I got two extra cards, an Ace of Cups and a Wheel. :)

I haven't used it for a reading yet but I will soon! Lovely, lovely deck! :love: