Well Worn Path sequel: The Hidden Path


I was graciously given the Well Worn Path from Weaver and look forward to getting this second one, The Hidden Path. It's good to know that they can be put together. I'll have to add this one to my wish list!



I had the Well Worn Path a couple of years ago and felt it lacking...I wanted more cards. Found the new set last night, and in the book's introduction, the authors state that they envisioned this as an 80 card deck, but the publisher wanted it issued in a 40 card format, so they had to pick 1/2 of the deck to publish.

Fortunately, it was popular enough that the sequel is now published, so I/we can have the full deck as the authors conceived it! I couldn't be happier, although I need to go out today and replace my WWP (which I gave to a friend).

I am looking forward to working with this set...I think it will be a nice complement to Tarot. I am also starting to think about how to combine it with Tarot.




Nothig else needed. I own 50 Tarot-Decks and ca. 60 oracle Decks, make readings since 18 jears. But I don´t need them any longer.

The well worn Path and the hidden Path together as one Deck is the ultimative tool for all upcomming questions. No Matter if the question ist about spiritual Evelution or only for buying a car or when do i get the job. I am so faszinated from the flexibility of the deck, I could find no words to say.

For me it is the best Deck ever. Bevor this, I used normally Tarot (most Druid Craft, Thot and Shapeshifter) for great Questions, Lenormands (for great Overview), Kipper (for time-questions), all Doreen Virtue Decks / Celtic Animal Orakle / Powers of Flowers / Gemstone for guidance - now I need just this Deck for all of that.

So much thanks for this Deck!

Best wishes

6 Haunted Days

Wow that's surprising, though it's an ok deck/s, there isn't much to them, they're very repetitive. To each there own I guess.


Hi Tanja,

I'd be very interested to hear how exactly you're working with the Path decks.

While I enjoy using them for seasonal/ritual work, I can't really imagine how they would replace Tarot or oracles for me.

Are you interested in sharing your method with us?


The readings with the Path-Deck (well worn + hidden Path as one big deck) is not different to Oracle Cards or Tarot.

You take the pictures and the basic Principle / Concept of the card. But in this Deck the Concept is much bigger than in Tarot or Oracle. Each card in the Path-Deck offers a own pagan Principle or Concept or religios Belive. If you are not familiar with Pagan Religion, you look at the cards and think, that many of them have the same meaning. But you can read books, best the ones from Raven Grimassi, to get an deeper access and understanding to the cards.

For example: Charge of the Goddess, you can look at the picture and get some information, you read the Meaning of the card and get some information. But when you know the Charge of the Goddess, you get additional abundant information and work by your reading with it. See some meanings from "Charge of the Goddess" in a reading (based at picture and the text "charge of the Goddess", which is bigger than the meaning in the compangion book)

- What car should I buy? That one, that is best for enviroment; if both cars are as good as possible for enviroment, than buy the green one (or that one, that you can best assoziate with enviromental collours).

- Did I met him again? Yes, you did. At the latest at next full moon.

- Did he love me? Yes he did. But you have to examine, if he is good for you (emotional, physical, spiritual).

- Did I get the job? Yes, you did. But: did you really want it?

- How do I prepare me for the job interview? You should not prepare, you should yust be yourself at the interview. Show who you are.

- Which dress should I wear by Job interview / rendevouz usw.? Take the red one or that, what you assoziate with love and passion.

- What can I do to become pregnant? You could look at the moon and your cycle, but best, you make love with pasion and enjoyment.

- I am depressive. What can I do? The best is, you make music-therapy and go to a group to communicate about your depression (like anonymus alcoholican).

...and so on. Do as you do by reading Tarot-Cards. Take the picture of the card, the text "charge of the Goddess" and the meaning of the position from the card and summon both to the question. You got it.

If you don`t know the Charge of the Goddess, here it is:
The Charge of the Goddess:
Whenever you have need of anything, once a month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me Who is Queen of all the Wise.

You shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites.

Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in My Presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth.

For My law is love is unto all beings. Mine is the secret that opens the door of youth, and Mine is the cup of wine of life that is the cauldron of Cerridwen, that is the holy grail of immortality.

I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before.

Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, whose body encircles the universe:

I Who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,

I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.

For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.

From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.

Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.

Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.


It is difficult for me to explain the difference between tarot- / oracle cards and the path-deck. But I´ll try it:

If you don`t know the difference between Greenman, Stage horned God, Oak King and Holly King it is difficult for you to read the cards. If you know all these aspectes of the great God, each of this cards contains a big source of information you can use by your reading and you could not understand, how anybody can be confused about "these are all the same".

Each card is the sum of a complete principle, what is much greater, than it`s parts. Through this, one card offers much more than a tarot card can do. A tarot card bases at archetypes (major arcana) and suit and number (little arcana). And that is all, what they are doing. If you know the archetypes, suits and numbers you are able, to read the tarot cards better. But you have to learn bevor the concepts / principles of tarot, which are based on ceremonial magic rather than on natur principles / natur laws. You must learn it. By the path decks you must not learn the principle, you must understand and feel it.

Stay by the example "charge of the goddess": Once you read the charge, you can feel the meaning and understand it. You must not read the text anymore, you feel the underlaying message / concept. You must not learn the charge memorise, like you must learn the meaning of number 7 in tarot. You feel it.

Through this, the readings with the path decks are much more easier, intuitve, spirituell and emotional than with tarot. It is not recite knowledge in combination with intuition (like tarot or oracle), it is a feeling and understanding deep in your heart and soul in combination with intuition.

It is right, that you have to know the underlaying, base principle of each card (path-deck). But once you know it, is the smallest part of your knowledge by mind, bigger are the parts of your emotion, intuitive understanding, gut feeling, information from your ancestors and guides that you feel deep in yourself. And aren`t that the things that are needed to read cards?


It makes no sense, to tell you my interpretation of each card. It is not my feeling what you need in your readings. Your feelings are needed.

I have spoken about "charge...". This card bases on a text. What is with cards, that bases on a tool?

Take a look at the broom. What did you know about him? What did you do with him? What feelings are assoiciated with your action? You sit up him and fly to another lokation (maybe the Underworld / Otherworld). This make a feeling like:stand up go for a ride, the night is mine, let us see, what the night held in store for me, this place don`t satisfy me, lets go to another place. Here I know everything, but what is there? It is an feeling like joy, couriosity.

You cleanse your house and ritual setting. You make each year a new one. It is no male tool, it is a femal tool. What feelings make that?

Lets see, how my interpretations of broom are in a reading (but what are yours?)

- What car should I buy? That one, that let you feel saftey, when you drive fast and throgh that: that one, that makes more fun.

- What job should I take? The answers could be: The new one, that one, that is farer located, that one, that make you courios.

- What is about a new relationship? You could have a new one, but before, you must work up the old one.

- My relationship is stagnated. What could I do? Let the old things complete behind you, learn to know your partner completly new, do it not eager but with joy and ease.

- Did he love me? Yet he did. You are for him a relationship for the moment, the love for the moment, than he will go and seek another one. Enjoy it as long, as you have joy, if it hurts, than make an end. It is no relationship for the rest of your life.

- I am ill. What can I do? Change your location, you could take a cure.

- I am ill. What caused it? Enviromental toxines, like electric smog, air contamination and so on.

- I wish to be pregnant. What can I do? Make a journey, a trip with your partner and let the everyday life behind you.

- All "when" questions: within a year.

I hope, that helps a bit to understand, how I use this deck.


Thank you very much for your insights, that's really fascinating...

I think these decks would not really appeal to someone completely without a background of Paganism/Witchcraft/Nature religion anyway. But I have taken the cards quite literally so far and not transcribed the concepts like you do. Yet I can very well see how this would work, and will definitely try it.

Thanks for sharing!

6 Haunted Days

Loewenzahnhexe said:
If you don`t know the difference between Greenman, Stage horned God, Oak King and Holly King it is difficult for you to read the cards. If you know all these aspectes of the great God, each of this cards contains a big source of information you can use by your reading and you could not understand, how anybody can be confused about "these are all the same".

It is right, that you have to know the underlaying, base principle of each card (path-deck). But once you know it, is the smallest part of your knowledge by mind, bigger are the parts of your emotion, intuitive understanding, gut feeling, information from your ancestors and guides that you feel deep in yourself. And aren`t that the things that are needed to read cards?

As far as for many of the cards being the same, I was referring to the images. Such as all the festival cards (with small changes to what's on the altar etc) and the cards with just the book and the words on them. It's kind of boring to just see the same images many times with only small changes on them. Because I loved the art and style of the cards I was disappointed they weren't all given special treatment. I love many of the images though, so was hoping for diversity in that department!

I think as well as I am not Wiccan but a traditional witch, many of the cards hold no revelance for me. Per example I don't honor and celebrate 8 sabbats/esbats in a year, only 4. Also I don't follow many of the same belief/tenets...say like the law of 3 return etc. I first explored Wicca for many years back about 20 years ago, so I am very farmilar with their beliefs and practices, but since it's not what I practice in many areas, it's not a complete fit. Though there are some similar themes.