What's the Next Big Thing...? spread


okay, i'm guilty of asking this question all of the time, so i thought, "hey, why not create a spread that helps pinpoint what the next big thing coming up for me is going to be?" i'm not sure if someone else already created a spread regarding this or not, so if you know of one please post a link below! :)

anyway, so here's what i have come up with off the top of my head... these are questions that i, personally, am looking to find out when i ask the question, "what's the next big thing coming up for me that i need to be aware of?" so hopefully this spread will be able to help anyone else who has the same problem when reading for this specific question and get stuck like i do.

the layout

the layout is positioned as such that it is read like a ticking clock (since this is kind of like a time related question)... we start at the center where the "hands" of the clock are, and then our first card starts on "noon." we then go to 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock and finally 9 o'clock. these cards are showing the progression (just like with time) of the path we are headed down currently towards this "big thing," and the major factors involved.

then, at the bottom of the clock are the last two cards, which will represent the actual "time"/end result (i.e. what this "big thing" that's coming up is... the first card kinda represents the hours while the second card represents the minutes of the clock). the first card will indicate whether this "big thing" is truly a good or bad event, and the second card will give more information as to what will occur and our feelings regarding the situation.



the positions

1. the energy surrounding the situation. this card is going to set the tone for the reading, so it will be positioned in the center, just like the hands of the clock. it will give the reader an idea of what the general reading will be about, whether it be love, money, work, etc. no need to examine this card too much. it's merely setting up the theme of the reading.

2. the force(s) behind it. this card explains who or what is the driving force behind this "big thing" (and it refers back to the previous card). this card could represent a person/people, an event or even a thing.

3. motivation? this card sets the stage for whatever motivation and/or influence is coming from the 2nd card.

4. immediate result. this card will show what will be the immediate result from card #3 and its effect up on you.

5. when? since this spread really deals in the immediate future, you can interpret this card any way you see fit. for example, it can represent the literal number of days or weeks until this big event happens, or it could simply just set up the stage as to where the sitter will be when it happens, thereby giving them clues on how to recognize this "big thing" when it is about to transpire.

6. hour. how will the sitter feel about this situation? is it a good or bad "big thing" that's about to happen to them?

7. minute. this card is to be read with the previous card, and is to represent what action the sitter will take when this "big thing" finally happens to them.


okay, so i hope everyone gets some good use out of this spread. and remember, it's not really meant to be an in depth spread, however if you can glean lots of information from the cards, feel free to indulge. this spread is really just meant to give a clear overview of the situation, and helps alert the sitter to what is coming their way in the near future.


i am also going to post a sample reading right now in order to give the spread a test run. let me know what you all think and if you have any suggestions to fine-tune the spread. thanks!



1. the energy surrounding the situation.
okay, to me, this card represents skills/talents. so i believe my theme for this spread will involve my mastery/learning regarding something.

2. the force(s) behind it.
8 wands
i think this has to do with my skills regarding communication. :laugh: you know what i just thought of? the next big thing coming up for me could very well be referring to this spread i just created that i'm about to post... :laugh: how funny would that be? my cards have a great sense of humor. :D

3. motivation?
4 swords rx
getting back into the swing of things and finding an interest again.

4. immediate result.
8 swords rx
coming out of my shell and thinking clearly once more. yeah, i really think this is describing this actual thread i'm creating. :laugh:

5. when?
hahaha! it's the "0" card, and i take that to mean literally *right now*. how funny is that?

6. hour.
queen wands rx
it seems that i will feel/am feeling super awesome about it that i've created something and it's happened so fast.

7. minute.
6 swords
well, i'm going to post the thread, but of course! set it off sailing into the cyber world in order to be discovered by others so they can do it, too, and learn!

okay, well, as you can see, the spread is very subjective when it comes to defining what is a "big thing" and could happen literally within minutes! you can also see that it can be very simple and no need to go into too many specifics. the answers are there and all you need to do is identify what's going on.

thanks! :D


Thank you! This looks like something I need to try next weekend. :)
What deck did you use for the sample reading? Timing is always difficult but I´m curious and want to give this a try.


Thank you! This looks like something I need to try next weekend. :)
What deck did you use for the sample reading? Timing is always difficult but I´m curious and want to give this a try.

thanks, hemera! i used the universal waite deck (so, pretty much a standard RW deck).

yes, timing is tricky and someone in another thread suggested that a "guide" of sorts be put with this to help with timing, so to keep it uniform, i'm going to post something below. however, we need not stick to this guide of timing... it can be however we, personally, interpret the cards.

standard timing guide to be used with card #5

i took pieces from this thread:

Cups = Days
Wands = Weeks
Pentacles = Months
Ace-10 = one to through ten
Princess/Page = eleven
Prince/Knight = twelve

Any Sword = undetermined, up to you
Queen = undetermined, up to you
King = undetermined, up to you

Major Arcana = NOW! This is an ongoing psychological or spiritual process.

I would add that the Major Arcana are generally indicators of something that is outside of our normal sphere of control.


Aces are seasons
Use the date of the beginning of the season.
Thirteen cards in the suit represents weeks within that season.
Major Arcana cards represents days. The Fool (0) is immediate. It happens within the week.


Wands = (east) Spring (the wands in the RWS seem to have little green leaves/growth that reminds me of spring)

Summer = (south) Cups (reminds me of swimming in the summertime)

Winter = (north) Swords (so cold and icy)

Fall = (west) Pentacles (just seems earthy and colorful like autumn to me)


Excellent! I was thinking I´d try to find something like this to link here but you beat me to it. :)


Hi MantraTarot, I just gave this spread a try and it worked rather well for me! I appreciate how it gives a glimpse into the upcoming, potentially life-changing situation/energy, but how it also encourages mindfulness toward our likely reaction/attitude in response to the 'wheel of change'. So it highlights the external context but not without forgetting to acknowledge our inner-emotional world as well. To gracefully and directly handle change, it's important to understand ourselves (our emotions) in response to the tides of life. And so with that, I do see it as a potentially in-depth spread because it can help us to recognize that connection between the inner and the outer...

I also really like the flexibility of the "When" card too in how it can represent the event/situation that could precede or perhaps initiate the change. So I like the flexibility there in how it doesn't necessarily have to be numerical timing.

Very creative, well-thought out spread! Thank you so much for sharing!!

(P.S. And as for the sample reading you included -- yes, you should feel awesome!!) ;)


Hi MantraTarot, I just gave this spread a try and it worked rather well for me! I appreciate how it gives a glimpse into the upcoming, potentially life-changing situation/energy, but how it also encourages mindfulness toward our likely reaction/attitude in response to the 'wheel of change'. So it highlights the external context but not without forgetting to acknowledge our inner-emotional world as well. To gracefully and directly handle change, it's important to understand ourselves (our emotions) in response to the tides of life. And so with that, I do see it as a potentially in-depth spread because it can help us to recognize that connection between the inner and the outer...

I also really like the flexibility of the "When" card too in how it can represent the event/situation that could precede or perhaps initiate the change. So I like the flexibility there in how it doesn't necessarily have to be numerical timing.

Very creative, well-thought out spread! Thank you so much for sharing!!

(P.S. And as for the sample reading you included -- yes, you should feel awesome!!) ;)

haha! thanks so much, lalalibra! i appreciate your feedback and insights, and i'm glad you find the spread useful/helpful. :)