The 2 of cups.


How would you interpret the 2 of cups when asking if a particualr person is in love with you. I did a reading for a friend this card came up, i was confused since this card shows attraction betweeen 2 people but no so sure about being in love. Any ideas as how to interpret it.


I personally would see this card as a positive omen for that kind of question. It's just so blatant, you know?

Of course, depending on the position this card fell in (if any?) and the surrounding cards, I think this card is certainly an indication that there is a connection and recognition between the two people and that its felt by both.


I think the 2C in this context is a strong maybe. I usually see the 2C as the beginning of a relationship or an initial attraction. So by itself I think the card says that there's an attraction but it's too early to talk about being "in love".

As Kgirl said, other cards might lend weight to such an interpretation, but just that one card doesn't scream "in love" to me. Your mileage may vary, of course. ;)



that's that initial realization that there could be something more. But the relationship has to develop on its on accord for there anything to be more. It could develop, it could not. It depends on the quarent and the other person involved and the circumstances at hand. Its like the, "Oh! I think I may really like this person." kind of realization. Its an attraction that was naturally created and if done right could spark and develop into something else.


How would you interpret the 2 of cups when asking if a particualr person is in love with you. I did a reading for a friend this card came up, i was confused since this card shows attraction betweeen 2 people but no so sure about being in love. Any ideas as how to interpret it.

Of course that depends on how you read. If you traditaitonally see this card as attraction but not love, then the card is not likely to come up for you meaning love. The cards talk to us in the way they know we think of them.

So in your case it could be saying that no they are not in love, only physically attracted, the chemistry is there, not not the love (at least not yet).

They way I read it would mean the opposite. The 2 of Cups DOES mean love for me and that is its main meaning. The Lovers for me is romantic love and sometimes making love and being lovers, The Moon is romance itself, The 2 of Cups is love but it is more general than the Lovers in that it can be any kind of love (love between two friends, between a parent and a child, between someone and their pet...any kind of love. The 2 of Cups does not ever mean attraction to me) and well....for me physical attraction iteslf is The Devil (which can also mean other things too).

So for me personally, the 2 of Cups WOULD be love, but it is unspecific as to what kind of love, could be just friendship love. For me it does not talk about attraction at all.



I don't know about "in love", but there is a strong emotional attraction or something emotional going on. Wands or Pentacles would indicate a physical, sexual attraction. Since it's a two, it's rather exclusive, but low on the number scale... it's possibilities but not finality.

Somewhere along the way I've begun to see 2 cups as two magnetic forces, they can strongly attract if they are in the right directions, but can also become major polarities and repel each other... it all depends if they are in agreement or not.


It depends on the context/reading. It could mean love, but sometimes, it could just be a sign that you're just starting to get to know each other.

It usually means love (for me) in an established relationship.

So in your case, sometimes you'll see it like you did. But maybe in another reading for another person, you'll get a strong feeling that it indicates love.


Yes, in fact this card is called Love in the Thoth deck.