Reading Upright Cards as Reversed


BTW, if ill dignified is NOT the same thing as upside down, what exactly does it mean?

I actually had to look it up as well. From what I've read, it's when a card is surrounded or affected by opposing cards in the reading. The opposing cards negate the ill-dignified card's meaning. The example I saw for opposing cards were seeing Wands and Cups next to each other.

Seems to me that would become extremely confusing and complicated. But to each his own, I guess.


...rather silly question.
The only question that is silly, is the question that isn't asked. It's silly, because it prevents you from taking shortcuts and learning from other people's experiences. :)

I think I need to get out more when it comes to talking to other tarot readers.
And you've found the perfect place to get out and meet more Tarot readers! Right here.

I'm also too quick to judge myself and figure it's better to keep my mouth shut.
The only question that's silly, is the question that ...

Ask. Talk. throw your own ideas around instead of just asking questions. Your ego might get a little bruised from time to time - I know mine does - but there's no malice in it, and you learn heaps.


Thanks for the encouragement. I'm trying to get out of my shell a bit more. I'm even taking that approach with my new book. I'm putting my thoughts and ideas on interpreting negative cards in a positive way. It's kind of liberating.

Honestly, though, it seems like I don't get as excited about tarot as other people. I mean, I love tarot. But I've never thought about things like card stock when it comes to tarot. I've been watching tarot deck reviews, and it seems like I'm not as passionate about tarot. Though I realize that I should think about these kinds of things when I work on my tarot deck.

In other words, I feel like I don't really fit in. Which is why I thought my question was so silly. But I guess opening up and putting myself out there is the only way to find my tribe. So here's to my Three of Wands moment.


Honestly, though, it seems like I don't get as excited about tarot as other people. I mean, I love tarot. But I've never thought about things like card stock when it comes to tarot. I've been watching tarot deck reviews, and it seems like I'm not as passionate about tarot. Though I realize that I should think about these kinds of things when I work on my tarot deck.
<grin> No, you shouldn't. And those of us who are so excited and think cardstock is important, who's to say we're not the freaks? No non-Tarot person even begins to understand - you at least do.

Think about what's important to you in your Tarot practice. Not what's important to us. :)

In other words, I feel like I don't really fit in. Which is why I thought my question was so silly.
Gotta big secret for you. None of us do.

But I guess opening up and putting myself out there is the only way to find my tribe. So here's to my Three of Wands moment.
<warmest smile>


Thanks, Nisaba. Because I really don't give a sh!t about cardstock. I've never had a problem with it with any of my decks. I was really starting to doubt myself.

But you're absolutely right. I need to focus on what's important to me when it comes to tarot. Maybe some people won't like the results. But that's life, ain't it? :D