Beautiful but unsatisfying decks


kittiann said:
The Gilded
Robin Wood
Lisa Hunt Fairytale

I like them all well enough, but I just can't seem to read with them. Now my Rumi, on the other hand, I adore! It's no good for a spread of any kind, but for a daily draw it's one of my favorites.

Haha! Those 3 are on my most used list!


Kat Black's Golden (ducking).


For me it would be the Fantastic Menagerie.


Alan Ross said:
MRP's Victorian Romantic and Bohemian Gothic don't have a lot of symbolic depth, but they achieve a different kind of depth, by evoking mood and suggesting a narrative.
I agree, it's a kind of emotive rather than intellectual depth. People looking for symbolism would probably prefer their Prague deck.


Full Moon Dreams. It broke my heart when I couldn't read with it.
Victorian Romantic. Most definitely.
Fairytale (MRP). Beautiful, but too oracle-y.
Quantum. I couldn't get past the AT personalities invading the archetypes.
Lasenic. I ADORED this deck, but I couldn't read with the switched elements.
de la Rea. Same thing.


The Touchstone, but I may keep trying with it because I love the Queen of Wands too much to let it go!


I love the Fairytale, but the Whimsical is just too cute for me to take seriously. Plus, I tear up when I look at the 5 of Pentacles (the Ugly Duckling).


Fantastic Menagerie.

Greg Stanton

JPT said:
>Ask Crowley's opinion of the Waite deck as a reading deck?: (***explitives -acidic profanity********* almost in cardiac arrest and fuming.... I think you get the message!
IMO......if he could have spoken in a language mere mortals could comprehend...he might have said "its too commercial, too pretty, its painted by a stage designer, and Waite has degraded the true essence of Tarot with this Renaissance story book theme. But his detestable act was that he changed the natural order of the 8 -11 arcana ... who does that man think he is...the heirophant of the Golden Dawn or something!!!
HA! Crowley's one to talk...


Naneki said:
For some reason I'm having problems with the Mystic Dreamer. I don't know why; I love the images. But I find it difficult to read with and it kinda leaves me feeling "cold". I'm hoping to be able to bond with it at a later date.

Likewise - though I feel I've not yet given it a fair chance, being too taken up with other decks that came at the same time.

As with a few recent acquisitons, until I've been able to work my way through the accompanying book if there is one, I don't seriously try to use a new deck. But the details on the Mystic Dreamer are a bit small for me to pick them out for sure - plus I got distracted by all the birds in the sky on so many cards...