Tea Leaf Fortune Cards to be published by US Games


Now we wait...:love:

HC, i am with you in regards to "Autumnal Thoughts"....This hot and humid weather is really getting to me. i am definitely one of Autumn's Daughters...;) Time to haul out my Halloween deck...:D And that tea sounds really good...pumpkin spice! Maybe this evening, though. Today is another scorcher....Whew!

Hugs and Blessings,


Amazon update 2 October 2010

"US Games is doing an amazing job on the cards and will be introducing the set at the International New Age Trade Show in Denver in June 2011. The cards should be back in the stores sometime around September 2011. I thank all of you who love the cards.
Rae Hepburn"


I wonder if I'd be better off trying to read tea leaves "properly" again.

I remember being told to swirl the dregs 3 times and then turn the cup over onto the saucer. There should be a tea and coffee shop where this is encouraged :D.

ps free book http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18241/18241-h/18241-h.htm

I liked this ;)
To 'look in the cup' three or four times a day, as some silly folk do, is simply to ask for contradictory manifestations and consequent bewilderment, and is symptomatic of the idle, empty, bemused minds that prompt to such ill-advised conduct.


wow! I can not wait for this deck!