will i reach my destination?


Hello Forum Goers,

I just began studying a fascinating world of horary. I do not fully understand Sir William Lilly's language, please do not judge my judgement harshly. I am just a student.

I asked a question. Will I reach my destination in December?
The background situation is I think I will be meeting my future employer. It would be a job related trip.

I believe the chart can be read, bc hour agreement is present. Moon is about to perfect with Mars due to antiscia Is there Collection of light? among sun (Lord of Midheaven), Venus (the people I need to meet) and Mars (representing me?)

Can someone help? Thank you!


The very first thing you need to get right is the question because that will determine which house you use for the quesited.

Despite your elaboration, I'm not clear what the object of the question is. This is because destinatoon can be seen as a personal aim or goal.... i.e. get the job; not just the end point of a geographical journey. You may know which you mean but you need to be able to to express it clearly.

To me there are several possibilities but the main ones are:

Will I make the trip? Your interest is concerned with successfully managing the trip. That would make it a 3rd/9th house question

Will I meet with my prospective employer? This is concerned with job and career and is tenth house

A combination of these two where the second question is conditional on a Yes answer to question one

Will I get the job? This is clearly a 10th house question and is not conditional on making a trip.

I can think of other variations but you have to settle what is the prime aim of the question. Later on when you begin to do readings for others, you will need to be able to get them to be precise, so that you understand what they are asking.


HI Minderwiz,

I apologize I was not clear. I am asking about the trip that is connected with an interview. This prospect job is on my mind as well.

Best regards,


HI Minderwiz,

I apologize I was not clear. I am asking about the trip that is connected with an interview. This prospect job is on my mind as well.

Best regards,


HI Minderwiz,

I apologize I was not clear. I am asking about the trip that is connected with an interview. This prospect job is on my mind as well.

Best regards,

No need to apologise Valerie. My point is that before the chart can even be cast, the Astrologer needs to understand the primary issue facing the querent because that will decide which house is used for the quested. Acting a a surrogate Astrologer for the purpose of the thread, I also need to understand your prime concern. Is it the trip (job secondary) or is it the job (trip is necessary but secondary - like going for an interview).

From your reply, I take it that the trip is your primary focus and you will go, whether or not you meet your possible future employer)

The follow up to that is whether the third or ninth is most appropriate. Originally all cadent houses related to travel but the sixth and twelfth are unfortunate houses and dropped out of use for such questions, leaving the third and ninth.

The difference is usually stated as third = short distance travel or travel to familiar places; whereas the ninth = long distance travel , foreign travel or travel to unfamiliar places. So the obvious question now is where does the trip fit into those types.

Given your question wording, I'd assume it was the ninth because the phraseology suggest some risk of non,-arrival. But just to make sure, can you say which it is and why.

I can see non-risky reasons why you might not travel... Not getting time off to make the trip for one.



Yes, it is 9th house. My Schengen visa has expired. I am waiting for the new one.
is Antiscia sufficient enough for a yes? Do we need to look for more Yeses?
I have an off-topic question. How do you treat the planets that are in the house of either quested or questors? Do they co-signify the querent/questor or something totally different?
For example, the Lord of 1st house or the Moon does not meet the Lord of the quested house but it aspects the planet that is in questor's house.

I do not wish for a future employer / a person who will be interviewing me to cancel at the last minute.

Thank you



Yes, it is 9th house. My Schengen visa has expired. I am waiting for the new one.
is Antiscia sufficient enough for a yes? Do we need to look for more Yeses?
I have an off-topic question. How do you treat the planets that are in the house of either quested or questors? Do they co-signify the querent/questor or something totally different?
For example, the Lord of 1st house or the Moon does not meet the Lord of the quested house but it aspects the planet that is in questor's house.

I do not wish for a future employer / a person who will be interviewing me to cancel at the last minute.

Thank you

Antiscia can settle the matter. I would be happier if the planets were applying to the point of antiscia and not separating. I can't judge on this chart, without a calculation as the antiscia are not shown. I would also prefer a reception, from Triplicity up between the significators involved.

Yes planets in the first classic seven only) can be used for the querent. Planets in the ninth (in this case) can be used for the quesited. Again I would prefer reception if you are going to rely on those, alone.

The link to the chart does not appear to be working now, so I can't do the antiscia calculation nor check for Reception.

If you want me to check those, then post the chart details of date, time and place, so that I can cast it in my own software. That would also allow me to check planetary speed, Orientalist, etc



Paintbucket was down when you looked at the link. It is working again. I believe it is antiscia applying.

Here is the data.

Sept 11 2016
10:15 am
Belgrad Serbjia

Thank you


Thanks for the chart details and sorry about the delay in response.

The antiscion of the Moon is 19 degrees 57 minutes Sagittarius, Mars is placed at 19 degrees 56 Sagittarius. This is a partile conjunction by antiscia. Mars' antiscion is 10 degrees 03 minutes of Capricorn, the Moon's position is 10 degrees 02 Capricorn. Not only a partile conjunction by antiscia but clearly the Moon's direct motion will perfect this conjunction within minutes of the chart being cast.

As these are the two primary significators and as the Moon is in the Exaltation and Decan (Face) of Mars, with Mars in the Decan of the Moon. It looks very much as though you're going to make this trip and reach your destination.


:) Thank you for confirming my assessment.
I have a few "theory" questions.
1. What is the orb for antiscia? I came across 3 degree orb and 1.5 degree orb.
2.I am not entirely sure if I will be phrasing this question correctly, so please bare with me.
Two planets are separating but within the orb. How does an astrologer know the time unit when they will be out of influence? For example looking at today's positions, Mercury is separating from the Sun in Scorpio: the distance is 6 degrees separating. The moiety orb is 11 degrees. Can we draw to conclusion that the remainder 5 degrees is the unit count for the end of influence?
3. Is interference planet always prevents from perfection or could it mean that something else needs to be done first? If so, how would you tell 2 apart?
4. My last question is almuten vs. house ruler. Does almuten override a ruler of the house if it is essentially/accidentally stronger?
Thank you

Thanks for the chart details and sorry about the delay in response.

The antiscion of the Moon is 19 degrees 57 minutes Sagittarius, Mars is placed at 19 degrees 56 Sagittarius. This is a partile conjunction by antiscia. Mars' antiscion is 10 degrees 03 minutes of Capricorn, the Moon's position is 10 degrees 02 Capricorn. Not only a partile conjunction by antiscia but clearly the Moon's direct motion will perfect this conjunction within minutes of the chart being cast.

As these are the two primary significators and as the Moon is in the Exaltation and Decan (Face) of Mars, with Mars in the Decan of the Moon. It looks very much as though you're going to make this trip and reach your destination.