Essential Lenormand by Rana George Study Group - 2. Clover


Welcome to the Essential Lenormand by Rana George Study Group!

Introduction: The purpose of this study group is to study Rana George's reading examples from her book, The Essential Lenormand. We'll examine, ask questions about, and comment on Rana's interpretations of her example readings, create our own alternative interpretations of those readings while using Rana's lists of meanings, and interpret new readings using Rana's meanings.

Rules: Participation is open to everyone who owns a copy of the book. Ownership of the book is necessary because in order to study Rana's interpretations, we need to operate from a common base, and for copyright reasons we can't simply post Rana's lists of meanings.

Participants aren't expected to have read the entire book or to be experts or highly proficient in reading Lenormand. Members at all levels of ability are welcome. Hopefully participants will have read the book's introductory material and understand basic Lenormand concepts such as how Lenormand reading is different than tarot reading and how multiple cards can be combined into sentences.

The presence of this group doesn't imply a position on my or the Forum's part that this book's meanings and methods should take precedence over any other meanings or methods. The reason for creating the group is my feeling that focusing on one particular author's meanings/methods would be helpful for learning. Participants are obviously free to use other meanings/methods outside of this group. Anyone is welcome to start other study groups studying different meanings/methods, just contact me and I'll help get it going.

While posting in this group, however, all participants must adhere to the meanings listed in the book. Meanings can be extrapolated, for example you could use "a bill" as a meaning for the Letter even though that specific word isn't listed in the book, because it's clear from the listed meanings that any kind of document can be included. But if you use a meaning which has no clear connection to one of Rana's meanings, I'll ask that you edit your post to change that meaning, otherwise the post will be deleted.

If you notice another participant using a non-Rana meaning, the proper action is to contact me, either by PM or by use of the Post Report button (the red-and-white triangle with exclamation point at the bottom left of every post), and I will make the determination. Participants are not allowed to post that other participants' interpretations are "wrong" or to criticize them. This is a zero tolerance policy and all such posts criticizing other posters will be deleted. Again, if you feel another participant isn't following the rules, the proper response is to contact me.

The Process: Each thread will cover a single reading example from a card chapter, and we'll work our way card-by-card, in order, through the book. In each thread I'll post three exercises. You don't have to do all three exercises. You can choose to do one, two, or all three, as you wish.

In Exercise A, I'll post from the book the question and Rana's cards. We'll look at and discuss Rana's interpretation, ask questions, make comments, point out interesting things.

In Exercise B, we'll take the same question and cards but formulate a different interpretation. As we all know, the same cards in any cartomantic system can always be interpreted differently by different people, yet still validly. The point here though is to limit the interpretive possibilities to Rana's own lists of meanings.

Exercise C would entail my posting a new combination of cards (including the card that's the focus of the thread) which we could all try our hand at interpreting, again using Rana's meanings to put together the interpretation.

Members can do any one of the three exercises, or all of them, whatever they like.

Combining Cards: Although restricted to Rana's meanings, members can combine the cards as they wish. However, for those members who are interested in exploring more structured ways of combining cards, please read the Guidelines for Combining Cards thread. Feel free to use those guidelines when doing these exercises, and, if you wish, point out in your post which you're using.

Don't forget to have fun! :)


Exercise A: Rana's Interpretation

Question: "What am I to expect regarding career future?"

2 Clover + 33 Key

Rana's interpretation: The doors of luck and opportunities are opening. Your luck is going to explode and set you on the path for success. Make sure to take advantage of the lucky opportunity coming your way.

My comment: We can see the Subject+Modifier method in action if we read the Key as modifying Clover. In other words, "success-oriented (Key) luck (Clover).

Note: To do Exercise A, simply post any thoughts, comments, or questions about Rana's interpretation.

Exercise B: Alternate Interpretation

(We're still using the original question.)

Question: "What am I to expect regarding career future?"

2 Clover + 33 Key

A well-planned (Key) deal (Clover). A deal you're working on for your job will turn out well, helping ensure a positive reputation for you.

Note: To do Exercise B, simply post a new interpretation of these cards. You can combine the cards any way you like, but you must use the meanings in the book.

Exercise C:

Let's try a new reading involving Clover:

Question: "What am I to expect regarding career future?"

26 Book + 22 Path + 2 Clover

Note: To do Exercise C, simply post your reading of these cards. You can combine the cards any way you like, but you must use the meanings in the book.


Forward Narration

Excersise C


By making the decision/choice (path) to attend further training and/or study (book) at work will lead to better opportunities and success (Clover) in your chosen career

There will be a lucky opportunity soon (Clover) to gain further training and/or study (book) which will lead you on the right path (Path) to further your career prospects.

I hope it's ok Lee to add two interpretations, they mean the same but said differently :)
In the first one I also used the middle card as the focus, kind of important to make that decision.


Exercise C:

Let's try a new reading involving Clover:

Question: "What am I to expect regarding career future?"

26 Book + 22 Path + 2 Clover
My shot at Exercise C:

Your future remains hidden from you at present (Book), but a fortuitous coincidence (Clover) will reveal your path (Path).

Mine might be seen as either Sequential or Forward Narration.

Sequential: At present is Book, then there will be Clover, then Path is revealed.

Forward Narration: At present is Book, but Clover will reveal Path.


Exercise A:
Question: "What am I to expect regarding career future?"

2 Clover + 33 Key

Rana's interpretation: The doors of luck and opportunities are opening. Your luck is going to explode and set you on the path for success. Make sure to take advantage of the lucky opportunity coming your way.

I'm not sure, I'd be so happy to see these in a career reading. I usually read Key as "the key", the solution, "the way to go". And I'd think that reading would be saying that my future depends on luck which is not bad, but is definitely scary. I don't believe I've ever read Clover as opportunity, it always seems more intangible to me, out of my hands, simple "chance".


Exercise B:
"What am I to expect regarding career future?"
2 Clover + 33 Key

A promotion (clover) will put you in a comfortable financial situation (key).

Exercise C:
"What am I to expect regarding career future?"

26 Book + 22 Path + 2 Clover

By investing in your studies now (book), you will open multiple paths (path) for success later (clover).

I'd go with Seraphina's interpretation and read the Book as an indication that the clover is associated with studies or training. In a very simplistic way you can kind of see "Book+path+clover" as "book is the road to fortune".

Lil Red

Exercise A: Rana's Interpretation

Question: "What am I to expect regarding career future?"

2 Clover + 33 Key

Rana's interpretation: The doors of luck and opportunities are opening. Your luck is going to explode and set you on the path for success. Make sure to take advantage of the lucky opportunity coming your way.

I have to agree with Rana since Clover is in the first position it has to do with luck and adding key is that there will be success. So in career wise it is all based in luck that will succeed. In a way it makes me that that the person had finally captured the pot of gold. :D

Exercise B: Alternate Interpretation

Question: "What am I to expect regarding career future?"

2 Clover + 33 Key

A well-planned (Key) deal (Clover). A deal you're working on for your job will turn out well, helping ensure a positive reputation for you.

What they should expect in regarding career future is that they have lucked out and will be open to new opportunities. It definitely strains in luck. The person haver been in the right place in the right time.

Exercise C:

Let's try a new reading involving Clover:

Question: "What am I to expect regarding career future?"

26 Book + 22 Path + 2 Clover

This seems a bit tricky. Let see Book means information, path means decisions, and clover small luck. Book + Path information regarding in what decision the person will take. It could also be a path that has no been shown yet. Book + Clover getting the information that will bring sucess and finally Path + Clover would be that the person would make the right choice that would lead to success. Now to put everything together the person need to get information in what they want in a job (benefits, salary, etc) which would lead to success.

In short, knowing what they seek in a job will lead them to success.