Confusion Spread


Here's a spread I made up today, which has really helped me, so I thought I'd share it. I'm always searching for general all purpose spreads that make everything clear. This one is for all those really complex confusing situations, that you want to simplify to a practical outcome. This really helped sort some things out for me. And its only 5 cards.

For the layout I just put them out in a row


1. The problem as you see it.
2. The real problem.
3. (Solution, what to think about ) So consider this..
4. (practical thing to do) Then do this...
5. (important factor) But remember....

So then when you do a reading, you would have a little template to fill in the answers. I do it in this form:

I think the problem is….., but really the problem is….. So I should consider…., and then ………….., but remember………….


That is a very insightful, helpful spread! I'll be trying it this morning!


I am going to give this one a try. I have had a lot of confusion going on lately.


Great spread. And easy to remember too! This is coming with me everywhere!

Thank you for sharing. :D

eta: Just had a very helpful reading with this spread and the Transparent.


ooh, this looks great, I'm going to try it right now. I think a lot of us need this type of spread, and I love how you worked it all into a sentence as well!


This spread was just what I needed. It's very simple and straightforward, but gave great results.