Granny Jones - dialogue with a card - 3 of Buttons


Today, I'm going to take a break from individual card-pulls, and hearken back to an exercise the very delightful Teresa Michelson had us do in the Comparative Tarot community. She asked us a number of personal questions about the Three Earth (Coins, Pentacles, Discs, Buttons), and off my own bat, I decided to do this exercise as a dialogue between Granny Jones' Three Buttons, and the Radiant Rider-Waite's Three Pentacles. And this is how the dialogue went.

Question: What is your favourite colour?

Granny Jones: I'd say blues, golds and black, but that would be so unfair. Think of all those other colours out there - they'd feel so unloved.Come here, neglected colours - I'll make us a pot of tea and give you all a cuddle.

Radiant: Steely grey-blue. The guy that's wearing the other dominant colour, the orange-and-yellow cape, I don't like him all that much. Nasty man.

Question: How do you like to relax after work?

Granny Jones: well, you do realise I'm an elderly lady, right? Maybe I'm a self-funded retiree, maybe I'm on a pension. But I don't rightly know that I have to relax after work at all, as I don't work. Of course, the habits of a lifetime die hard, and I get up early each day, dust the house, bake a cake, water the flowers, babysit my daughter's (The Queen Wands) kids, have my neighbours (The Empress and the Queen Buttons/Pentacles) over for afternoon tea, then I like to get on my tricycle (the Chariot) with a few of my cats and just enjoy riding in the warm afternoon wind, before taking down the laundry (the Sun). No, although I keep myself busy I don't work, so life is one big holiday and I really don't have to relax. At the end of the day, though, I do like to come home to my husband (The Emperor) and sit down in front of a roaring fire and relax (Ten Cups).

Radiant: "After work" never seems to come, Granny. Just because I'm young, they seem to think I should be working all the time. That mean merchant who pays my pitiful wage, he's always checking up on me, and lately he's been bringing a man of the cloth to appeal to my guilt. Never mind, by the time this church is built I'll be a journeyman, one step closer to a master-builder, and I'll be able to knock off a little earlier,while it is still light outside.

Question: What was your favourite holiday ever?

Granny Jones: Well ... you know ... when my husband retired they gave him a golden handshake, and while we invested most of it for our future, we did take some and invested in a driving holiday around mainland Australia (the gipsy caravan in the Knight Buttons), crossing the Nullarbor, going up to the tropics, going to Kakadu... it was wonderful. Enough memories there to last a lifetime. And I met this delightful tribal man at Uluru (the King Wands) who told me my Aboriginal totem was the frill-neck lizard (King Wands). One of the really special moments in my life.

Radiant: My mum and dad let me go to Schoolies! Hooray! We went to the Gold Coast and got completely wasted for a week, trashed our hotel room, and had a blast. Mum wasn't too happy when my mates and me got home, though. She says I have to pay off the credit card when I get a job that pays better than this one. (Note: "Schoolies" is an Australian tradition when school-leavers after their final year ends take one week to descend, en-masse, on popular holiday spots in Australia or in the Pacific region, and wipe themselves out on loud music and alcohol before shouldering the responsibilities of work/university. It's different to a gap year: it's more intense and more dangerous, therefore more fun!)

Question: What is your favourite comfort-food?

Granny Jones: A nice cup of tea. Oh, possibly with some of my home-made cake. Nothing beats a nice cup of tea. (ref: many of the Earth cards).

Radiant: Pasta. Definitely need the carbs when you do hard work like this.

Question: When do you feel happiest with life?

Granny Jones: When all my children and grandchildren are around me, and everyone's enjoying the meal I've cooked them. Or when I'm out in the garden, tenderly watering my flowers (Judgement). Or just moments like this when I'm alone and all the work is done, and I can be creative and work on one of my paintings.

Radiant: When the architect and clergyman get off my back and stop criticising my work!

Question: Do you have a pet?

Granny Jones: Well, I have some Siamese cats, and some black-and-white cats. I'm not sure how many kittens I have at the moment - they all keep breeding, the naughty little scamps! Then there's the solitary ginger cat - he's the spiritual one. He doesn't take part, just sits at one remove and watches. He's deep, that one. My husband has two border-collies: a sleepy female and a frisky male. (ref: the cards featuring animals in the deck).

Radiant : There's a Fool who comes past every so often, with a scruffy, playful little dog. I'd love a pet like that.

Question: Have you got any kind of collection?

Granny Jones : EVERYTHING! Everything, my dear. I can't throw anything out - they're all memories. It'd break my heart.

Radiant: I used to collect train sets when I was younger, but now I'm collecting power tools. Whenever anyone wants to give me presents, I say a gift voucher from the hardware shop. I'd love to have my own tools, so that when I finish my apprenticeship I could set up on my own and start earning real money faster.