Konraad's Past Life Spread: Throne 4


Luna's Throne #4

lunalafey said:
ACE: Penticals(R)
past life....UNHAPPY. (my Father who 'knew' things said(to my mother) I would never be happy, his jerk way of saying this life would be filled with woes, I am content with this life, even if it is hard)
Reading left to right 8.Strength 7.Chariot 17.Star (r) 18. Moon(r)*look at the numbers *
5.Hierophant (r) 14.Temprence 10.Wheel of Fortune(r) 15. Devil

Wow! I think the Devil is definitely trying to tell you to stay away from Capricorn men. I think that your interpretation was wonderful and it seems that you have learned a lesson by not allowing yourself to be controlled, but by taking control of your own life. Maybe the Wheel of Fortune is saying that you hadn't learned a particular lesson in a past life and had to do it again (like a rewind).

Did you feel a particular time period associated with the past life aspect of this spread, the 4th Throne?

:T7C Starfish


Helruna's Throne 4

Helruna said:
Throne 4

...... The Sacred Flame
Rebirth (Death) - Nature (Justice) - The Shapeshifter (Hanged Man) - The Sun - The Moon - Choice (Devil) - Initiation (Fool) - Father (Emperor)

I thought the same thing that Cricket did upon first looking at your throne; that you were in a position of power and had to choose between it and a man you loved... Maybe you were in a position of power and the man you loved was a rebel of sorts and you had to sentence him (maybe to Death) or sacrifice him...

Okay, bear with me ;), I am a newbie after all, but... (in reading it as a sentence).

Say the time period is ancient celtic. They did ritualistic sacrifices (as did some of the germanic tribes) by strangulation (Hanged Man :THANG) and throwing the body into a bog to appease the nature gods :TSUN and :TMOON. Perhaps this man, you love him :TEMPR and fought against doing what was necessary to appease your Gods :TDEV. But you did what had to be done :TJUST and it resulted in his mortal death :TDEAT. The only part I can't seem to fit into this scenario is the Fool :TFOOL. Maybe by doing this, it guaranteed your taking a big step - into a guaranteed future life to appease the wrong doing or to come to grips with why it had to be done.

:T7C Starfish


Re: Re: The Last Seat in the House.

Starfish said:

Maybe the Wheel of Fortune is saying that you hadn't learned a particular lesson in a past life and had to do it again (like a rewind).

Did you feel a particular time period associated with the past life aspect of this spread, the 4th Throne?

:T7C Starfish

I was wondering this myself.
I have a few thoughts on what some of my past lives might be and they don't fit or feel right for the spread.
this does not suprise me because when I did the reading, I wanted to look at something new.
which is odd as well because I would really like confirmaton on those lives I have wondered about for years. Yet, the reoccuring dream was something that was always a mystery, perhaps not any more.


Cricket's Throne 4

Originally posted by cricket

Ace of Pentacles - unhappy
X, Wheel***III, Empress***XIX, Sun***II, High Priestess***XXI, World***VIII, Strength***XIII, Death***XI, Justice

The only thing that seems to be clear here is a public execution or something very similar.

Looking at this closely, I may have been Joan of Arc in a past life.

Please, if anybody has any comments, thoughts, things to add, whatever, feel free to do so.

I also see a public execution. The Wheel :TWHEE could be the French Revolution; maybe you were Marie Antoinette. Her husband's grandfather (Louis the Fourteenth was known as the Sun King). The Queen lived in perfect happiness the majority of her life - almost childlike splendor (like the chubby cherub pictured on many Sun :TSUN cards) and as Queen she held female authority :THP. She had the World :TWOR and then things changed. Often thought as frivolious, she was admired for her strength :TSTRE and calm grace upon her execution. The people of France demanded Justice :TJUST for crimes commited to the common people and sentenced her to Death :TDEAT.

The Empress with the Highpriestess and Sun might also point out that you might have been some kind of Healer or Wise Woman in a way, or that you were insightful and knowledgable on a subject that opposed the "public" or official point of view - and when you tried to point your insights out to the them they might first have refused them, last only saw the "solution" of silencing you...
Excellent analogy. This makes alot of sense.
Definitely public execution to an importance figure (you). Wow...

:T7C Starfish


Helruna said:

Throne 4

...... The Sacred Flame
Rebirth (Death) - Nature (Justice) - The Shapeshifter (Hanged Man) - The Sun - The Moon - Choice (Devil) - Initiation (Fool) - Father (Emperor)

Especially what is hidden within the human soul, perhaps, regarding the Moon directly between the Sun and Choice/Devilcard. The Devil card is somewhat interesting to me. I wonderwhat this refers too? Choice directly next to the Initiation -perhaps a choice of going through the cycle again, being bornagain or not? Can we choose?
the Sacred Flame, the fire that forever burns inside, Death/rebirth part of the cycle of nature.
yet the flame still burns. I did mention the the time between lives where we can rethink out actions and decide upon a way to make it right.
This is the time of the hanged man. The sun and the moon, dark and light, day and night, and a choice on which way to live, what path to choose.
do you go foolishly through life or do you choose a more directed route?


Luna's Throne #4 (another thought)

lunalafey said:
which is odd as well because I would really like confirmation on those lives I have wondered about for years. Yet, the reoccuring dream was something that was always a mystery, perhaps not any more.

I think you should keep a dream journal. I think those dreams are trying to tell you something.

Now, what if we interpret the Chariot :TCHAR for what it actually is, and the time period is Greco-Roman?

Let's see the line up of the cards again and read them like a story.

ACE: Pentacles(r) :TAP past life....UNHAPPY. Definitely not ending to your past life or maybe it just represents that your past life didn't accomplish what needed to be accomplished; no movement on the karmic path.

8.Strength :TSTRE 7.Chariot :TCHAR 17.Star (r) :TSTAR 18. Moon(r) :TMOON 5.Hierophant (r) :THIER 14.Temprence :TTEMP 10.Wheel of Fortune(r) :TWHEE 15. Devil :TDEV

Okay (and again, bear with me), maybe you were a man :)TSTRE), a Charioteer, roman gentleman, soldier :TCHAR perhaps? And someone (a rich someone) that was frivilous, arrogant and haughty :TSTAR rev.. Someone with moral weaknesses :TMOON rev and :THIER rev. (not an uncommon thing in Roman times - they were definitely known for the excesses). Your lesson in that life was to learn some moderation and discretion :TTEMP. You didn't do that, you were tempted by many vices :TDEV and had to learn that lesson over again :TWHEE rev.

:T7C Starfish


lunalafey said:

the Sacred Flame, the fire that forever burns inside, Death/rebirth part of the cycle of nature.
yet the flame still burns. I did mention the the time between lives where we can rethink out actions and decide upon a way to make it right.
This is the time of the hanged man. The sun and the moon, dark and light, day and night, and a choice on which way to live, what path to choose.
do you go foolishly through life or do you choose a more directed route?

Ehm, right now and from the feeling in the past - foolish. I feel that I have been "drawn" down a certain path", but I could not tell where it leads me.

I often thought that I did a lot in vain and for nothing (foolish), but it turned out to make a perfect sense later...



Starfish's Throne 4

Okay, past life throne:

*****The Ace of Swords :TAS
THERM Hermit*:THANG Hanged One*:TWOR World*THIER Hierophant*TWHEE Wheel of Fortune*:TCHAR Chariot*:TFOOL Fool*:TJUST Justice

The Ace of Swords :TAS - Great Power and success, perhaps by force

:THERM Hermit - A seeker of truth; perhaps a teacher, sage, wise person

:THANG Hanged One - Intuitive, prophetic and having foresight (hmmmm... an oracle?)

:TWOR World - Integrity, completion and success.

:THIER Hierophant - spiritual awakening (and the card for this in the Ancestral Path deck is the Oracle of Delphi in Ancient Greece)

:TWHEE Wheel - unexpected changes beyond my control

:TCHAR Chariot - a journey

:TFOOL Fool - A fresh start, new beginning

:TJUST Justice - (first off, I'm a Libra and this is my astrological card); balance and harmony

So, let's see the picture...

Okay, this life is one of great power - perhaps triumph. Maybe I'm a conqueror of sorts or of the race doing the conquering. But, I'm a seeker of truth and wisdom :THERM. I'm feeling like I have everything :TWORL and have discovered and accepted the real me :THIER. When all of a sudden :TWHEE, I am forced to leave :TCHAR and begin anew :TFOOL. But, this is a good change :TJUST. But, I haven't learned everything I needed or learned incompletely and must do this again. I have to tell you, I have a sense of being "in charge". I have masculine, take charge actions that I sense I need to harness in a bit. Maybe the "conqueror" needs to relax and not be so forceful. Or maybe allow myself to be "conquered". The cards from the Ancestral Path deck that I received in this particular spread are greco-roman in appearance. Maybe, I was originally from Greece and was triumphant in all of Grecian glories.... until Rome conquered us. I may have to ponder this more.... And, as a sidenote, I'm 1/2 Greek...



Throne 4 for Rhiannon

Ace of Swords - Great Power
Hanged Man, Hermit, Sun, Temperance, Fool, Universe, Hierophant, Empress

OK, now comes the fun part and the part where you all get to call me crazy! :D

Hanged Man - Self sacrifice (in this life I may have been forced to give up something, or a way of life that I wanted)

Hermit - knowledge, guidance (this could represent a turning away from worldly affairs, a time of seclusion OR that I learned from a wise teacher)

Sun - happiness, fulfillment (I get the feeling that learning was a very special time, I may have been in a beautiful happy place while I studied. I may have even had a child at some point)

Temperance - balance, understanding of nature (Finally! I believe this was the completion of training. A true understanding of the divine and of nature and of my place within it)

Fool - leap of faith, risk taking (I believe after the training was complete that I had to travel far away from everything I knew and loved. It required a great leap of faith and commitment)

Universe - success, fulfillment, coming full circle (I see this card more as a person, my "boss" if you will, I believe this life path was very spiritual in nature and that my superior would have seemed like a goddess to me)

Hierophant - teacher, spiritual leader (I believe I became somewhat of a teacher at my new posting, perhaps I taught children the myths and legends of our people)

Empress - sensuality, leadership, mothering (This last card was the clincher for me. As soon as I saw this, I knew who I was in my past life... or at least I knew WHAT I was. I was a teacher, and a lover and a mother... I was a priestess! LOL)

And let me explain... I know there were temples to goddesses in various parts of the world, including Greece and Rome, where the Priestesses not only served in the normal way... but were also sort of "glorified prostitutes". That is what I saw when I looked at these cards. I could picture Greece, Rome, Mesopatamia... and the life I lived. *sigh* I don't think I was a very high ranking priestess, but even a low ranked one can hold power, be a teacher, lover and mother. Too cool.

OK, now you can tell me I'm nuts.

R :)


Re: Luna's Throne #4 (another thought)

Starfish said:

I think you should keep a dream journal. I think those dreams are trying to tell you something.

Now, what if we interpret the Chariot :TCHAR for what it actually is, and the time period is Greco-Roman?

Let's see the line up of the cards again and read them like a story.

Okay (and again, bear with me), maybe you were a man :)TSTRE), a Charioteer, roman gentleman, soldier :TCHAR perhaps? And someone (a rich someone) that was frivilous, arrogant and haughty :TSTAR rev.. Someone with moral weaknesses :TMOON rev and :THIER rev. (not an uncommon thing in Roman times - they were definitely known for the excesses). Your lesson in that life was to learn some moderation and discretion :TTEMP. You didn't do that, you were tempted by many vices :TDEV and had to learn that lesson over again :TWHEE rev.

:T7C Starfish

I do have a dream diary, a few of them...
as for the story, I like it. I can see being a man.
Often while in the midst of 'battle' I would wonder, ..."what did I do to deserve this?" of course nothing in this life. Maybe I had no sense of mercy OFF the battlefield:TTEMP/:TDEV. take who and what and how I wanted it.... and as they say :TWHEE(R) what comes around goes around. let's see how YOU like it!!!
Hmm...Leo:TSTRE, hmm king...hmm and the leo's concieted nature goes along with the :TSTAR.
hey thanks...