FW~ The Seeker 0


Let's get this started shall we?

Instead of seeing the little sprites as real and living, I tend to see them more as our consious thoughts pushing and pulling us this way and that. Not sure of what to do or where to go, we think we're going somewhere but really we're at a stand still. We try to take in as much as possible and assess our options, but really what do we have to go on?

The three faces to me each represent the past, present and future. Some are fleeing from our past while others are reluctant to leave, in the present we are cerious but also a dear in headlights as to what to do. But the future, ahh the future has so many possibilities and they're so close yet so far, and all the possibilities. Just thinking about it is inspiring, such as the sunset has inspired many artists.

And with so many thoughts pulling us in every direction that we hardly notice the one single sprite telling us to enter the realm of air, of intellect to educate ourselves and begin our journey. Hopefully with so many paths we'll find our way back when we're ready.