Tarot for your Self: Chapter 1 - Getting aquainted with the cards


To finish off this chapter.

After laying out all the major cards I picked the Lovers card to enter for this exercise. The colors stood out to me. They are bold and rich.

Instead of seeing things I felt them. It was mid-morning. I felt a soft gentle breeze in the perfect temp. I could smell fresh cut grass, spring and newness. I felt an overwhelmed sense of peace and contentment. I noticed the female the most. It was like she gave me the serenity I felt while I was there. I felt more at peace by the end than I did in the beginning.

"All I need to find this peace is to look within myself anytime and it will be there. Remember to just breathe." This is my affirmation.

This was a great chapter. I like the recommendation to enter two cards at once to help interrelate the cards in a reading. I am going to do this.



The first card I chose in the workbook was 14, Art in the Rosetta Tarot. Interesting numerologically with the Hierophant, as 1+4=5 so if your soul card is 5, then 14 is the hidden factor card.

Here is what I put in the notebook:

Describe what I saw: The picture showed dualism, an animal with combined white lion and red eagle. A volcano earth, with lava erupting, a river of lava going down to make fire, new earth. A YinYang vessel, fire and water, with the snake separating the two. An arrow, carrier is the bottom of the lyre. Sun,moon, combination Artemis, wild animal nature, fire, bow (string) and arrow, and Apollo, sun, carrying a lyre(string) for music, water, hair entwined.

Other images: rainbow from the mixture of fire and water.Rectificando.

Predominating colors: yellow, blue, red, green, white, black

When I went into the picture, I saw, green earth, rivers, the lioneagle was looking at me. Smelled the volcano, earth, steam. Heard the rumble of the volcano, splash of water, sizzle and sparks fromthe fire, Felt the steam, raindrops, heat. Temperature was muggy, warm. It was dawn or dusk. I touched the steam, it was ethereal, tasted acrid. There were birds, all the animals of creation, almost an ark.

The gift I recieved was my music, the instrument, from the dual person, i need to get back to my music to play the arrows of sound to others.

Messages or instructions. I need to be active, do, this is not a passive card. The positive qualities of my gift is action, passion, tools.

My affirmation statement was: I love the knowledge and ability to play music to send sound to others, and to send arrows of passion to others and to myself.

So this card of temperance, or Art is like conflict resolution, seeing both sides, the duality of everything, and how this duality can be creation of new.