Six (6) of wands


Giving rather than getting the applause?

214red said:
I cant seem to connect to the 6 of wands and whats happening, i dont seem to be on my victory ride, or getting validation, even though it keeps showing up each day.
Maybe it's the other way around? Is there someone who deserves your praise and applause? Who did something really good that you noticed and should be acknowledged? Got a promotion? Is getting married? Lost weight? Anything?

Maybe the card keeps coming up because this person is hanging there, waiting for you to announce to others that they deserve a round of applause, slaps on the back and to be toasted at the local bar after work.


Fostha said:
Wouldn't that be more fitting to the 9wands?
Sort of, I was thinking of one of the meanings I'd read about 6 Wands and discussion of the rider's expression, he looks tired from all the previous battles rather than elated by all accolades from the cheering crowd. That six wands was surviving the skirmishes, winning the battles and but the war wasn't exactly over yet. The 6 a state of balance, the tide is turning in your favor but there is still much to be done before you can clam victory really.


all of these helped me understand the card and how it applies to me more. my daily card yesterday was 8 of pents, the why card was 6 of wands.It was because i worked hard on resolving something that wasnt mine to resolve, but I thought it was worth finding out the root cause of because i suspected it would be a bigger issue in the future. I talked to various people, which is were the wands came in, and i finally found out information and a direction to follow, got people who should be interested in the issue (badgered them until they got interested).
I spent most of my day on that issue, to find out the person whos actual job it was to do this, phoned my boss and tried to say my ideas were his and undercut me.

The 6 of wands to me, said that i ended up rallying people around, however i didnt get the recognition deserved on it initially, because of someone else, but people now realise the truth so i now have the recognition, just delayed.

I am only posting this as a reply to this thread and as feedback mods, not as a reading.


6 of Wands is praise itself, it says "Good Idea!" with the exclamation mark and enthusiasm that you may not be getting from "the natives". Somewhere in your INNER dialogue you have thought about going to the doctor about something or trying something new, maybe seeing about some classes. The 6 of Wands is the verb and exchange necessary from a King of Wands, in this case, a person yet un named, and very likely an occupant of an institution of somesort be that a Hospital or a College. The institution or safe-place should be represented on your spread as the Heirophant [ 5 ].
Side -B- of this record (dating myself) is that someone is offering you a new idea that you are still deliberating on, Guides may be voting a "say yes" to that (like in the Jim Carey movie "Yes Man") In this case the King of Wands court person is this person who may SEEM to be wanting to take control --because new "switch it up" ideas take us out of our tried and true comfort zone.

Making a doctors appointment takes us out of our comfort zone and interrupts our busy schedule only to be humiliated and then PAY for that. Signing up for classes pops into our heads more then we actually march to a desk and really inquire about it...then PAY for that.

But here's the victory aspect: The Guides are encouraging that that idea is do-able, coming down the pike, ready when you are.