My moldavite experience


How's everyone's experiences with their moldavite going? :)

I've since charged mine in monsoon rains thrice, or tried to, cos each time the rain would stop soon after. Which was disappointing, because the skies looked mad dark and heavy each time - you'd think the storm would last much longer! Also can't help but feel it's more than just coincidence. I mean, THRICE!

Wouldn't it be nice if I could control the weather MUHAHAHAHAHA :D


How's everyone's experiences with their moldavite going? :)

I've since charged mine in monsoon rains thrice, or tried to, cos each time the rain would stop soon after. Which was disappointing, because the skies looked mad dark and heavy each time - you'd think the storm would last much longer! Also can't help but feel it's more than just coincidence. I mean, THRICE!
wow! that is interesting to think about, isn't it???

Wouldn't it be nice if I could control the weather MUHAHAHAHAHA :D
:laugh: oh dear--if you can control the weather, I'm definitely going to do my best to get on your GOOD least till I can get a BIGGER and MORE POWERFUL Moldavite! })



:laugh: oh dear--if you can control the weather, I'm definitely going to do my best to get on your GOOD least till I can get a BIGGER and MORE POWERFUL Moldavite! })


Heehee! Is moldavite not a stone of the Light? Therefore to use it for ill would be moot, however big or small it is. Therefore you would want to get a bigger and more powerful moldavite ANYWAY and get on my good side too! :D

*Suddenly thinking about Captain Planet & the X-Men* LMAO!


Heehee! Is moldavite not a stone of the Light? Therefore to use it for ill would be moot, however big or small it is. Therefore you would want to get a bigger and more powerful moldavite ANYWAY and get on my good side too! :D

*Suddenly thinking about Captain Planet & the X-Men* LMAO!

:laugh:'ve got me there.



This is a wonderful stone that brings me nice surprises from time to time. You know, I read in another thread of some who just bury theirs in their tarot stash & leave it there, & I think, "What a waste! It's capable of so much more!" Or maybe they're just not being forthcoming with how else it benefits them heheheheh...


So I have been wearing moldavite on my person almost 24/7 for some time now, even when I sleep. Woke up a few times now with my head clear...blank... Body feeling aligned...healthy...

& the problems that usually vex me... Well the vexation is gone, and what was a problem has ceased to be a problem because it just doesn't feel like one. The feeling I get is at peace, the solution will come. Well ok, I hope so... All I can say about this now is I so want to maintain this state of being.

When I wear it out, it makes me take long, deep, meditative breaths as I go about my day. As I walk, I feel drawn to noting my breath and my legs in motion... Sometimes when I'm in a moment of indecision I feel compelled to stop right there, find a place to just breathe, and the answer comes.

Coincidentally, I have been pairing it lately with scolecite, a very restful, peaceful, soothing high vibration stone, so that might have something to do with this development. I have that stone under my pillow and hold it when I meditate. Scolecite reminds me of marshmallow. Its energy feels as soft as powerful marshmallow...


Very cool, yannie. I love my moldavite too. I have it paired with pietersite & the two work well together. My little moldavite was too much for me alone, but together, I can work with it. One MAJOR thing I am noticing with it is that I am more confident & comfortable around people or groups of people. I use to be very nervous around or in groups, especially if I didn't know these people. Such as being in a crowd. However, I am now noticing I have more confidence & I'm venturing out more, finding my voice I guess within the crowd. :) I still prefer smaller groups...but I'm getting there! :D one major BIG thing for me is I am about to teach a class at a gym! I am a bit nervous about it, as I will also be alone in this as teacher. But I feel drawn to it too! It's the oddest thing really. I feel these crystals have been leading me & helping me to get to this point.


That's lovely CN! That's a really nice development, graduating to teaching on your own :D I'm an introvert too, but have been slowly coming out of my shell. Today I met someone for the first time, I was supposed to just get something from her and go, but we ended up chatting for 4 hours. I looked at the time and it was 1.11am. That's got to mean something! :joke:


I have been gifted a moldavite pendant by a shaman friend after a vision quest where that stone was involved. I decided to wear it all the time except for shower of course. The first week was... intense! It was like if the stone was testing me, like "ok boy, you want me to work with you but are you strong enough to carry me around your neck?". I was feeling like if I had some heavy weight on the chest, it was so much more difficult to inspire and breathe. But I was still wearing it, accepting the challenge and after a week or so, I didn't even notice it, like if I was attuned to it. I didn't notice any strange night dreams more vivid than habitual or things like that. Now it's been a little bit more than a year that I wear it everyday and I'm just not the same person than a the one I was one year ago : I've won successfull battle in life : finished successfully professional cursus, find a new job, move in a new city, find a new home... I have accomplish so much and I know the stone had helped me in the sense that it had give me that "urge" to act or to tell. There was no turning back. It's the first stone that made an effect on me and how strong it was... If you need a (big) kick in the ass to change some pattern in your life or reclaim your power just go for a moldavite!


That's lovely CN! That's a really nice development, graduating to teaching on your own :D I'm an introvert too, but have been slowly coming out of my shell. Today I met someone for the first time, I was supposed to just get something from her and go, but we ended up chatting for 4 hours. I looked at the time and it was 1.11am. That's got to mean something! :joke:

Yeah, it is, isn't it? :D I can do things with groups online w/o any problem. I could work with very small groups, IF I knew the people intimately. I have always pushed myself to get pass feeling insecure--but honestly, its only very recently that I do feel good about it. Reading tarot inside the New Age store years ago was also a huge thing for me. I look back in time at how I was and how far I've come today--and I am really a different person! :laugh: I think if I were to go to my next class reunion in 2 yrs (which I won't--but if I did--it would be my 40th), the kids I graduated with would be amazed at the different person I am. My family all laughed when they found out I even considered becoming a certified tai-chi teacher, as they never thought I'd do anything with it.

:laugh: yeah, 1:11--a lovely number! it indicates your inner wisdom is about to help you bring whatever you are hoping to achieve easily to you. Its a great number. :)

I have been gifted a moldavite pendant by a shaman friend after a vision quest where that stone was involved. I decided to wear it all the time except for shower of course. The first week was... intense! It was like if the stone was testing me, like "ok boy, you want me to work with you but are you strong enough to carry me around your neck?". I was feeling like if I had some heavy weight on the chest, it was so much more difficult to inspire and breathe. But I was still wearing it, accepting the challenge and after a week or so, I didn't even notice it, like if I was attuned to it. I didn't notice any strange night dreams more vivid than habitual or things like that. Now it's been a little bit more than a year that I wear it everyday and I'm just not the same person than a the one I was one year ago : I've won successfull battle in life : finished successfully professional cursus, find a new job, move in a new city, find a new home... I have accomplish so much and I know the stone had helped me in the sense that it had give me that "urge" to act or to tell. There was no turning back. It's the first stone that made an effect on me and how strong it was... If you need a (big) kick in the ass to change some pattern in your life or reclaim your power just go for a moldavite!
What a lovely gift you received! I had the same experience with my moldavite--save it gave me headaches--migraines. terrible migraines. I succumbed to the test though--I had to remove it and work my way up to being able to wear it more then a few hours at a time.

Lovely that it has helped you so much! I do feel like mine is helping and guiding me too. and yes, you are right. Its the perfect stone if you need a big kick in the a$$. :laugh: well put! Thank you for sharing your story, Nosgo.