New Moon spread


The February New Moon occurs at 14:58 UTC, less than 14 hours from now. For people in the western hemisphere this is the last darkness before the moon disappears. In other words, the dark before the dark.

The New Moon is a great time for stargazing, for seeing the depths of the universe undimmed by the light of our native star and satellite. Perfect for tarot readers to get to the truth of things that lie in Shadow.

First, choose a topic to read on. Then lay three cards.

Card 1 - What you know (left-brain stuff, the intellect)

Card 3 - What is hidden

Card 2 - What you believe (right-brain stuff, the spirit)

Card 3 is not supposed to be understood at the time the spread is laid. It's supposed to represent that which is currently obscured, out of sight; the unconscious. But we can try to understand it. The fun is in the trying. Remember, they name full moons because people pay attention to them; they're interesting. Nobody pays attention to the new moon. Only us stargazers.