Seven of Cups rx clarified by Hermit


Hello Everyone.
I was doing a reading for myself regarding someone I met a few months ago. We went on a few dates and everything seemed fine then things really slowed down and we just recently started going out a little bit more. I'm really confused about how he feels about me. When we're together he's sweet and attentive, but then I don't hear from him for days or even weeks.
Most of the time it's me initiating contact.
The last time we were together, everything started nice and we were both flirtatious but then towards the end of the date I felt something change in him. Like a drastic change, he became distant and I haven't heard from him since.
He hasn't turned down an opportunity to hangout yet, but I'm the only one really making an effort here. I'm not going to contact him again. I'm kind of done with this guy even though I like him.
So for the part of the reading concerning his feelings for me I got the Seven of Cups Reversed, clarified by Hermit.
The Seven of Cups rx, to me says that he's going about things logically and realistically, meaning that right now he's letting his head rule and not his heart. He's basically sizing me up and trying to determine if I'll be a good girlfriend??
The Hermit to me is saying that he wants me to leave him alone. This could be so that he can do what the Seven of Cups is telling me, or to just leave him alone for good (which is what I'm going to do. I'll leave the ball in his court and see what he decides to do)

What do you guys think?


The seven for me is more that he is unable to realize a future for himself, he is stuck between reality and his imagination. He is stuck, or not allowing himself to move forward. the Hermit for me means needing to work on the inner self. He is unable to have feelings, once feelings appear he shuts down. It is not you, it is him. I agree with you, move on.