Numerology for the pips


frelkins said:
Ok Mel, so whatever the source, throw it down. Keywords please, 1-10.

Well, you'll be happy to know I've been working on 'keywords' for all 56 pips/courts. It is a sloooow process, and I'm not sure it is the best way to approach the cards, but will post whatever I come up will.

frelkins said:
well Mel that's because YOU CHANGED THE SITTER'S QUESTION. What K asked me in tango class was which one to GO HOME WITH. Not go OUT with.

She is looking for willingness to undertake "laborious endeavors," preferably for several hours at a time on her 400 thread count sheets. Sheesh, Mel. You can't change the sitter's question! ;)

AH! Sorry. I misunderstood.


frelkins said:
Only riffing off your avatar, sravana! :D
You know, I'd completely forgotten about that avatar! The funny thing is, I don't have any particular connection to horses - but I just liked that little funny face.. :)
frelkins said:
Ok Mel, so whatever the source, throw it down. Keywords please, 1-10.
What SHE said!

I'm finding the Hadar to be brutally specific. For instance, my cards for today were the Hierophant and the King Epees. I went "wtf?"

Then I read this in my morning surfing:'s_pentecostal_church/?page=entire

In the Hadar, the King Epees is sitting on a headstone before an open grave. This 2-card spread gives me the willies, given that article!!


Melanchollic said:
Well, you'll be happy to know I've been working on 'keywords' for all 56 pips/courts. It is a sloooow process, and I'm not sure it is the best way to approach the cards, but will post whatever I come up will.

I, for one, am very happy to know that you are working on such a list. I agree with you, that keywords might be iffy, but not all of us can follow the "math" without a little inkling about the generally expected end result. In an earlier post, when sharing your views of the fives, I think, you used the term Nickname, rather than Keyword. I have to say that I much prefer Nickname and I imagine many of your other readers might do so too. There is something more personable and flexible in a nickname, than in a keyword. But that is perhaps too intimate a thing to ask you to share with all the world.

A related, and perhaps too simplistic a question : In one of your round-about models you suggested that the 2, 7, and 9 were challenged or challenging. I am certainly prepared to accept this on principle, but in practice I wonder if it is so because the 2 represents the falling into diversity, and so into polarity ; the 7 just might not launch ; and the 9 just might peter out or lose interest before crossing the big finish line?

Thanks for your thought-provoking posts!


conversus said:
A related, and perhaps too simplistic a question : In one of your round-about models you suggested that the 2, 7, and 9 were challenged or challenging. I am certainly prepared to accept this on principle, but in practice I wonder if it is so because the 2 represents the falling into diversity, and so into polarity ; the 7 just might not launch ; and the 9 just might peter out or lose interest before crossing the big finish line?

Thanks for your thought-provoking posts!

EXACTLY!! Brilliant little summary! :) Add to those the 4, which may get a little too comfy in it's safe stability to move on...


Loop Model #5 - The Wedding Numbers

The story so far...

We've based this model on the common interpretation of the simple numbers (1~10) as a cycle, with the 1/10 being symbolic of the divine.

1~4 represent the spirit's decent into matter, and 7~10 represents matter's return ascent to spirit.

This leaves us with the 'wedding numbers', the 5 and the 6. Here is one approach to understanding their function:


More to come...


Loop Model #6 - The Wedding Numbers Pt. 2

Aetius (1st cent. AD) said that Pythagoras, "...assumed as first principles the numbers and the symmetries existing among them, which he calls harmonies, and the elements compounded of both, that are called geometrical."

This gives us at least three perspectives on how numbers can illustrate the workings of "higher reality", arithmetic, harmonic and geometric.

Hopper points out that, "The geometric approach to mathematics provided a link between abstract number and concrete reality." He also points out that Euclid's summary of Greek mathematics testifies to the predominance of geometric thinking over arithmetical.

The Loop Model gives a wonderful illustration of this principle. It shows us how the 5 and 6 operate in the sequence, and this will be ultimately more useful for tarot interpretation in the long run then memorizing and regurgitating a list of meanings.

Obviously, this 'illustration' is to be viewed in context to the confines of the model, and just how well that the model is reflecting 'reality' will be up to you to decide. Keep in mind Guénon's insights into the symbolism of models,

"It should be carefully noted these geometrical representations are always to some extent imperfect, as must indeed be the case with any representation or formal expression. The representation is necessarily imperfect, simply by being enclosed within narrower limits than that which it represents, and indeed it would otherwise be useless."

"...the higher can never in any way symbolize the lower, but on the contrary is always symbolized by it. Obviously if the symbol is to fulfill its purpose as a 'support', it must be more accessible, and therefore less complex or extended than what it expresses or represents."


As pointed out before, the 5 and 6 are called the marriage numbers. They are both produced by a 'wedding' of the first female number, 2, and the first male number, 3 (2 + 3 = 5) (2 x 3 = 6) . Both numbers are praised by the Pythagoreans as being 'means' in various capacities. So they also function as 'marriage' numbers as they bring together the other numbers, and form a 'bond' between the two phases of numbers.

They are both related to each other, and separate from the other numbers in decad (1~10), as they are both spherical or circular numbers. A circular number is one which reproduces itself in its last digit when raised to its powers.

The 5 is traditionally ruled by Mercury, and the 6 by Venus. Both of these planets are about 'connection'. Mercury (5) is the masculine connecter, as rationality and logic is, in essence, making connections. Venus (6) is the feminine connector, who makes emotional connections. From a certain perspective these two numbers function as a 'connective unit' which is neither male nor female (Hermaphroditus, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, aka. Mercury and Venus), bridging the masculine descent phase (solar, formative, expansive, evolution, external knowledge) and the feminine ascent phase (lunar, contractive, involution, inner knowledge)

This model visually shows these 'orthodox' interpretations of these two numbers quite well IMO. ;)

  • Figure 1 shows how the 'ideal' positions for the 5 and 6 are deduced by 'connection'.

  • Figure 2 shows us that once positioned, they serve as guides to further constructive connections. Thanks to the 5 and 6, the construction of geometrically balanced figures becomes possible (fig.3 and 4), the most profound being the cube (fig.5).

  • All of this can and should be taken as symbolic, and is directly applicable to all manner of 'real world' situations.

As for the cube -

My intent here is not to imply that the symbolism and meaning of this model, or even that of the decad itself, is synonymous with the symbolism of the cube. I was illustrating how the 5 and 6 function in the connective and constructive process of the decad, which is more useful and practical for card readers than the esoteric meaning of cubes.

But since we have a cube in front of us, we might want to mention its significants.

More to come...


A Note on the Symbolism of the Cube

Clement of Alexandria says [Stromateis, bk.6, chap. 16] that from God, 'Heart of the Universe', issues all directions of space, each indefinite in extent, one upward, one downward, one to the right, one to the left, one forward and one backward: turning His gaze in these six directions, none of which extends further than the others, He accomplishes the world. This is clearly describing a cube.

Likewise, the Hebrews speak of the 'Holy Palace' or 'Inward Palace' as being situated at the center of the six directions of space. The three letters of the divine name YHVH, are three lines that intersect to form the six branches (fig.6 above).

Though generally associated with the 8 (corners), or 6 (sides), from the viewpoint of Judeo-Christian mysticism, we can also see something of the 10 in the cube as well:

1 center point (God)
3 lines (The three letters of the Name)
6 directions




Clearly I'm going to have to revisit St. Clement. Is he the source of your teaching that the directions are created out of the letters of the Divine Name? The Sefer Yetzirah, a much later text, suggests that the 6 directions that you describe (forward, backward ; left, right ; up, down) are constructed by G*D from the Hebrew Mother Letters: Shin, Aleph, and Mem [Fire, Air, Water]and that the center point is represented by the last of the letters, Tav ; which by a certain stretch of the imagination represents Earth, the place where we live.

This is really fascinating! Thanks Mel!


Planets and Numbers with Uncle Agrippa

Excerpts from Henry Cornelius Agrippa's Second Book of Occult Philosophy, chapter 21:

"Besides, Unity is ascribed to the Sun, which is the only King of the Stars, in which God put his Tabernacle; and that this also is of Jupiter, doth the Causative power of his ideal and intellectual species testify, who is the head, and the father of the Gods, as unity is the beginning, and parent of numbers.

The number two is ascribed to the Moon, which is the second great light, and figures out the soul of the world, and is called Juno, because betwixt that and unity there is the first conjunction, and near fellowship; it is also ascribed to Saturn, and Mars, two unfortunate planets with the astrologers.

The number three is ascribed to Jupiter, the Sun, and Venus, viz. three fortunate planets, and is deputed to Vesta, Hecata, and Diana; hence they say, 'Threefold is Hecate, three mouths Diana the Virgin hath'. The number three therefore is dedicated to this Virgin whom they say to be powerful in Heaven, and in Hell.

The number four is of the Sun, which by that number constitutes the corners of the heavens, and distinguisheth seasons: it is also ascribed to Cyllenius, because he alone is called the four square God.

The number five consisting of the first even, and the first odd, as of female, and male, both sexes, is assigned to Mercury; it is also attributed to the Celestial world, which beyond the four Elements is it self under another form, the fist.

The number six, which consists of two threes, as a commixtion of both sexes, is by the Pythagorians ascribed to generation, and marriage, and belongs to Venus, and Juno.

The number seven is of rest, and belongs to Saturn; the same also doth dispense the motion, and light of the Moon, and therefore is called by the name of Tritonia the Virgin, because it begets nothing. It is assigned to Minerva, because it proceeds of nothing; also to Pallas the Virago, because it consists of numbers, as of males, and females. This also Plutarck ascribes to Apollo.

The number eight, by reason it containes the mysterie of justice, is ascribed to Jupiter; it is also dedicated to Vulcan, for of the first motion, and the number two, which is Juno drawn twice into it self, it consists; It is also attributed to Cybele the mother of the Gods, to whom every four square is attributed. Plutarck assigns it to Bacchus, or Dionysius, who is said to be born the eighth month: others, because Infants of the wight month do not live, have attributed it to Saturn, and the three Ladies of destiny.

The number nine belongs to the Moon, the utmost receptacle of all Celestiall influences, and vertues, as also it is dedicated to the nine Muses, as also to Mars, from whom is the end of all things.

The number ten is Circular, and belongs to the Sun, after the same manner as unity; also it is attributed to Janus, because it is the end of the first order, and from whence begins the second unity; it is also ascribed to the world."

So to summarize just the planets mentioned by Agrippa, emphasizing the first planet mentioned:

1 = Sun, Jupiter

2 = Moon, Saturn, Mars

3 = Jupiter, Sun, Venus

4 = Sun

5 = Mercury

6 = Venus

7 = Saturn, Moon

8 = Jupiter, Saturn

9 = Moon, Mars

10 = Sun

In applying these to the Loop Model, I make a few changes, but try to favor the emphasized planets. I tried to streamline Agrippa a bit, to make these planetary considerations even more practical and useful than they already are for the average card reader out there.

As both 4 and 7 occupy the same point on the model, I give them both to Saturn, with the Sun co-ruling the 4, and the Moon co-ruling the 7. For the 9, I give it firstly to Mars, with co-rulership from the Moon. For the 2, I give it firstly to the Moon, with co-rulership from Mars, and lesser so from Saturn. For the 3 and 8, I give them squarely to Jupiter. For the 1 and 10, squarely to the Sun.

So we have something like this:

1.........10 > Sun

2.........(9) > Moon/Mars, (Mars/Moon)

3..........8 > Jupiter

4........(7) > Saturn/Sun, (Saturn/Moon)

5........(6) > Mercury, (Venus)




Wow, Mel. That is so cool!
I wish I had the time to study this in depth right now... but I'm definitely going to fire up the printer with these latest postings of yours.

Love the colorful chart... and love the planetary symbolism! Yay astrology!