Dream Enchantress vs Secret Tarot (both by Marco Nizzoli)

Dee Ell

I'm curious if anyone has (or has had) both of these decks at any time and would like to give a pros and cons of each in relation to each other... I am attracted to both and also have some things that turn me off from both (and realize that seeing them online is very different from holding them in my hand).

Dee Ell

I'm bumping this because I'm hoping someone who hasn't seen this thread before will have some input.

And hopefully SHADE will see it too, as he mentioned he could do a comparison, but hasn't had time to do one yet...

So maybe this weekend is a good time for someone with experience with both decks? ;)


I have both decks.

I don't really use them; occasionally I'll look thru' the cards but they never stay out for long.

Of the 2, I prefer Dream Enchantress because it seems more gentle, more positively feminine; and because the Secret Tarot has images that seem a bit....mmn, how to express it, darker in a way, some of the figures are off-putting. I don't like the men in it particulary but prefer the colour palette and goth-y women of the Secret tarot; sombre greys, purples etc.
but what finally makes me choose the DE over the secret is that the backs of the Dream Enchantress are gorgeous, whilst the secret tarot has horrible (In my opinion) backs.

Dee Ell

From what I've seen online I prefer the Dream Enchantress deck overall (there are quite a few cards from the Secret Tarot that I *really* don't like (like the Lovers card ?!)) but there are a few *stunning* cards in the Secret that I think could actually go very nicely in the Dream Enchantress as well... makes me wish I could swap just a few out and then have one completely gorgeous deck. Though I have no idea if I'd be able to read with them...!


I only have the Dream Enchantress so I can't compare the two. That being said, I can give you some info on the DE. I was mainly attracted to its dreamy watercolor artwork, which is beautiful. There are only four or so adult men in the cards, so this is a VERY female-centric deck. Also, lots and lots of female nudity. It's more 'innocent' nudity as opposed to 'erotic' nudity, but I still would keep this away from more conservative querents. The cards have no words on them, so they're good if you dislike the standard LS multilingual borders. There are quite a few cards that deviate drastically from the RWS symbolism, and the LWB is of little help with these. Overall, I find this deck to be rather difficult to read with for this reason. If you're someone who can read completely intuitively then this may work better for you. If not, be prepared to spend a good amount of time studying this deck before you'll be able to comfortably read with it.

Looking at images of the Secret Tarot, it seems like a more traditional deck. If you like the artwork of both of them, I'd suggest deciding based how you intend to use the deck. Readings for yourself and others: Secret. Meditation and study with some personal readings: Dream Enchantress. Hope this helps!


I'm bumping this because I am also curious if anybody has both and could give some more insight!


Thumbs Up - Secret Tarot! :)

I had Secret and wore it out! Great deck for me. RWS easy translation and lots of great imagery in different styles. I bonded with it and found it very insightful/easy to read. Since I had it before I planned to get Dream Enchantress next. Too bad some folks think DE is more difficult to read. Yes, would also love to hear more comments on Dream Enchantress.