Prisma Visions


Actually it doesn't, the glossiness would actually enhance the vividness and bring out the colors as much as possible. The glossy surface reflects light which makes the colors appear brighter, more vivid. So your theory is completely false. /color theory lesson

I would agree in most cases, but I've gotten decks before where the glossy lamination wasn't clear. It was as if the lamination wasn't quite "sealed" well to each card making them dull instead of bright. I don't think it's a good idea to make such sweeping generalizations.


Agree that the cards are supposed to be dark blue. IMO there isnt any black in these cards whatsoever with the exception of the eye on the back. Pretty much everything appears to be dark dark blue. Which is what I had expected honestly.

I can see how from looking on a computer, it can be difficult to tell if they are blue or black. The color is so dark at times it almost looks black. But I think that was kind of the point considering these are night pieces.

I personally do not think the gloss affects the clarity of the pictures or deck in anyway. The lamination on my two sets appear to be the same quality and clarity.

As I said previously, I also thinks this points down to expectations, monitor clarity and monitor calibration. My husband and I those people who stand in an electronic store complaining how nothing is calibrated properly so all the colors on the TVs are different. Also different resolutions will give you different looks on things. I can go from this laptop that I am currently on which only has a resolution of 1366 x 768 to our gaming monitor with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and can see the same image but they look like completely different pictures. I always take things like this into consideration when buying things that are color specific.

I see makers of Tarot Decks need to put disclaimers that say colors may vary depending on your monitor. Like sellers used to do with other items


I would agree in most cases, but I've gotten decks before where the glossy lamination wasn't clear. It was as if the lamination wasn't quite "sealed" well to each card making them dull instead of bright. I don't think it's a good idea to make such sweeping generalizations.

I'm not making sweeping generalizations, it's a fact in the printing world. ALSO you have to take into consideration the color you see on your screen in the images is being projected to you through light, which also makes it appear more vibrant and brighter than it ever would be in a printed form.


What a Beauty

This deck is just gorgeous! I'm calling it my "gateway" deck since I purchased it on a whim & then realized I needed to learn how to read it. For right now I'm learning Tarot basics on a PCS deck, but I can't wait to play with this one too!


I just received my copy and I love it. Not sure how good this photo will come out as I took it with my iPhone, but hope you get an idea. A very autumnal/wintry sort of deck. You definitely get the feeling of Renoir meets Van Gogh! Going to creep downstairs in a bit and do my first reading by candlelight. Too hot up here!


I just received my copy and I love it. Not sure how good this photo will come out as I took it with my iPhone, but hope you get an idea. A very autumnal/wintry sort of deck. You definitely get the feeling of Renoir meets Van Gogh! Going to creep downstairs in a bit and do my first reading by candlelight. Too hot up here!

Darn it! I didn't have much interest in this deck until I saw your amazing
picture. Between that and your other post that the deck reminds you of
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.......well, consider me enabled! :D


Darn it! I didn't have much interest in this deck until I saw your amazing
picture. Between that and your other post that the deck reminds you of
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.......well, consider me enabled! :D pleasure! :) I was going to skip over this deck until someone posted a photo of their copy on my FB feed. They enabled me, so just passing on the good vibes! :D It really is a gorgeous deck and interesting concept. I look forward to doing readings and see how often they come up in order, creating a complete scene, or maybe a backwards one! It makes the deck and the actual reading style very challenging, IMO. And that is what I like!!


Curious for those who have it- how does it read?

Dark Victory '39

7 months later, I would say i get readings from this deck that are unlike any other; for me the reason for this is because i let myself be influenced by its beautifully nuanced lwb; usually i kick the lwb to the curb, but this one a lot of care and ingenuity was put into it, and for a whole host of unspoken (and perhaps inchoate) reasons i was motivated to work with the book, and the readings have been surprising and full of depth. The downside of course is i would like to free myself up more to run w/out it. That shouldn't truly be a problem. The only downside, (and a con that could be true of any deck) is i find i really have to be in the mood to see this artwork, or have a sitter who really wants it. That might sound like a stupid comment, but when i got it I thought it would be more of a routine/ regular usage deck and it's become something of a special occasion deck-- tho couldn't say what the special occasion is, lol. see what others say; if memory serves several forum members found it easy to read right out of the box (after being worried about being able to read w/ it) and i don't know if they were so married to the lwb as I.

I do truly still like to lay out the entire suit during a reading and get a feel for where key cards fit into the visual climax. For instance if there's a cup card, how near is it to the climax of the 8 cups where the infected swirling mass of pink seems to be at its height. So it's a deck i only use when i want to give something time.

Here, i can do better. Ill give an example. Last reading i remember w/ it, was for a friend of a friend. The 3 of cups came up as a hinge to the whole reading and on the card are three little ballet dancers. The language in the lwb makes mention to the chiffon of their skirts, and adjectives like whispery, or rustling. I almost said something about a secret celebration, but instead i said, ' i wonder if you feel like you're waiting in the wings, wanting desperately to celebrate something.' And it was a total bullseye. (not always the case for me.) However, not a very suave performance; i mean there i am, clutching this tiny book, reading, pausing, turning over teeny little pages. Hardly the magical fortune teller, glibly handing over her prophecy with confidence. But the reading did bring tears to her eyes. I handed over kleenex.


@Dark Victory thank you for sharing your experience. I know what you mean about a deck being used on "special"occasions. I have a few decks that I wish I could read with every day but just as you said, sometimes I have to be in the right mood to see the artwork properly.

I received this deck about a week ago and as drawn to it as I am, I haven't done a reading with it yet! I feel like I am waiting for the right moment, the right mood, or something...