Equinox means Equality


and so does libra.

The moon is in a calm center in cool and collected virgo, Juno is there, so is venus, and the darkmoon perigee point. Opposite to Virgo is Uranus in Pisces, all of these aspects have been conjuncted and opposed by the moon already. 5:41/7:41 A.M. MST/EST (USA) leaving the conjunction and alignment with the Sun at 29/30 Virgo leading into Libra's realm.

Libra Mars and Aquarius Neptune are in a trine to one another at this time, strong attractions are taking place, and the masculane drive is at the helm pushing this entire endevour along. both the sun and moon will trine Chiron in Aquarius, this is asking for energy and smooth flow for the duration of things to come, change is in the air and Libra is at the forefront of such activity. Let it be more relaxed, although not so laid back, and the energy will move foreward at it's own pace.

The solar energy shift from virgo to Libra is going to be eclipsed, and along with it the difference between prejudice and justice, a shift of perspective has occured and Libra is coming in with Mars energy, and now Solar energy pushing things into active motion. Moonlight abound, the nights will get darker and the moonlight brighter, especially when seen through the falling snow.


mercury's slowing down

22 degrees ahead of the sun, the speedy communicator has been eclipsed with the moons energy. The moons deceptive powers have sent the intended communique into another form.
Mercurys' ability to communicate abstract concepts through superbly articluate form has been transferred to the moons venture into scorpio while mercury slows down in libra to explore some of the more mysterious sides to the egnimatic scales.

The multi-bodies retrograde actuvity in Aquarius, including some asteroids, has finished making direct oppositions to Saturn, the imagined worst has not materlized, but another reality is there for you to place your attention on. Mars is in a nice and focused trine to Ceres creating a new sharper point of view on the organic world, this will come into play early in the morning, so choose your midnight/late night snack well.

Vesta is square to pluto so expect hard work and the transformation of the material into something new is now the theme, the physical reality has already set in, now prepare for something even more engaged. As this energy moves into tuesday morning, there is a sense of urgency and prepardness at hand, don't be shocked, but be ready for things to get done.


one week later

The Sun and moon moving in tandem to the sign of libra has invoked a sense of balance. We are lerning to appreciate more and more, and with venus nearing libra, her natural realm, truth be told we are going to have to start to get ready for things to come.

Mercury is close to Scorpio, so deep and intuitive conversations are starting to take place, our psychic selves are going to begin their agendas. Meanwhile the Libra sun transits all of Libra to get to where mercury is now.

The darkmoon is near Libra, so far the energy of the darkmoon in virgo is starting to bear down on us all, it's been a shifty and decieving placement, and will soon come to a conclusion fit of a grand finale. and since the darkmoon rules our dark nature, our prejudices and issues of bigotry, someone might have a fit out of sadness.

nearing the end of libra is hispania and hopi, here these two asteroids have made the situation aware of unfairness across lines of identification. these lines are becomming broad and grey, but not blurry, so keep your wits about you.

For this friday, the moon and pluto conjoined early in the morning, sagittarius is fiery and capricorn is even more antagonistic than usual. Once the moon enters capricorn later today, there will be questions and answers from the inside out, the real controllers of the situation will be visible from the spotlight.

All of this is relative to the beginning of october. However with the Solstice last week focusing on the Sun and Moon entering libra, marking one ending and another beginning, the backstory relavent to the asteroids and planets was at its climax. now the Sun is in Libra, charging up for his conjunction with mars, venus is entering libra discharging attention from spastic virgo, and mercury closing in on scorpio plunging us into the depths of the human psyche.

Libra energies might be very active on a physical level and somewhat stop and go on a mental level, this will affect gemnis and libras, while aquarians will have to shift their perspective if only for a while. Fire signs will have to start sorting their agendas out, aries will have to realize that they are a part of the group energy and a reflection of themselves at teh same time, Leo is desiring more power w/o the karma, it won't happen, Sagittarius is trying to take control and assimilate the world according to their view, only to have waht they were trying to conatain already reappear from another angle. Earth signsa re more apt to handle this in stride, although rather forcefully, Taurus is the calmest just moving along and pushing the next agenda probably without any finesse or style. Virgo is going to have to stay structured to get through this weekend, while capricorn will have to remember to stay calm and realize the restrictions apply to everyone. Water signs are finally awake to a very ugly situation that is before them. Cancer, usually a reserved individual, will have to start defending others freedoms for once, Scorpio is having a breakdown of sorts, a very discomforting reality, and pisces is starting to feel the shift in the water currents leading to a new viewpoint on a few choice issues.


Here's a good test of how active Libra energy is today, Mars in Libra is trine to Neptune in Auarius. Mars is focused mainly on getting things done, but sometimes that requires the balancing of time, Neptune is a strong indicator of where your ideals are located and how they work out for you.

October marks the end of virgo's delightful presence of pickiness, detail and nervousness, and now it is all about balance and structure, and putting those details to work. Structures from teh top to teh bottom are going to be reviewed and probably retooled to associate with a more contemprary views in mind.

Venus in Libra is trining Chiron in Aquarius, this is a welcome feeling, although a little restless. At this time we feel as if we are in a nebula of relaxation, when in reality it is a focused structure of focus and determination with efficiency as a result. Libra is not efficient by nature, but scorpio is, and talk about efficiency is the very nature of mercury in scorpio. The venus/chiron trine acts as a conduit for achievment and getting things done and eventually done better. Stuff is happening and venus is in ultra-loving mode, while chiron is feeling rebellious, watch your spending.

The moon in Aquarius is the third quarter moon, and is pushing for a few other objectives that are a little more subtle in their very existence, but continue to be a longstanding reality. Pluto going direct this evening, although staying stationary, will push the mind, soul, and body through sagittarius based philosophy. Keep you objectives in mind and you will probably have time to complete some other projects behind the scenes and possibly that which is behind schedule.