Seven of Swords {Career}


Think outside the box, be cunning if you have to. Come up with new ideas/schemes to further yourself and your career. This card advises you to be somewhat sneaky when appearing in the future position.


Wow! This was a lot more responses than I'd hoped!

For my first opportunity I used the Medieval Scapini tarot:
(Though this may be a moot point because I feel like that ship has sailed already)

For my current one I used Shadowscapes:

I believe the Medieval Scapini has a slightly different meaning; it also has hope for a new beginning etc :) But I tend to read the two the same anyways. Everything you guys said has made sense - I'm something of a newcomer to the business so I do feel like I may have to resort to 'creative' means to score a job? Or that I will have to fake confidence (i.e. 'fake it until you make it'?) Thanks for the clarification every one, I was so set on taking the cards literally, I failed to examine other aspects of the card >-<