King of Wands in Celtic Cross (closing position)


I just completed a 10 card Celtic Card reading. This was more of a general reading of what's
(not) happening with me in recent weeks.

I had previously "cleansed" the cards by ordering them by their arcanas and suites.
I shuffled for a while before doing the reading and the first 7 cards were a run of pentacles. I took my interpretation of these cards with a grain of salt considering
they were relevant to the reading.

It was the 10th closing card of the reading that threw me off a bit. King of Wands..
Which to me is someone having plenty of energy that is used to satisfy his own needs/ideals
It's not often I get a court card as the Outcome. I did a clarification card for KOW and
I got 4 of Wands which doesn't seem to fit with the interpretation of KOW unless I'm not
seeing something that's in front of me.

Any thoughts?


Sometimes a court card in the outcome position means that another influences the outcome.