9 of swords as physical appearance


Yesterday I was looking at old readings and found one in which I got the 9 of swords as "does X find me good-looking, regarding his standards". At that time I thought he saw me like someone who looks sad, or ill, or with a lack of self esteem. But now I'm not sure. Maybe this card means he doesn't think I'm attractive, or I'm not his type of girl.
I'm not unfamiliar with this card but usually it doesn't show in that context. I'm curious to know how you see this card in this kind of situation.


Your looks makes him sleepless at night.


It's very litteral. I haven't think of it. Thanks Sar :)


He finds your appearance 'dramatic' :) perhaps he is intimidated by your good looks.


Perhaps you look tense, anxious and not getting enough sleep... that you worry about things. There is a word for that, careworn.


I agree with WalesWoman---to him you look like you're worried and like you don't get enough sleep.


Thanks everyone :) Your answers are not all the same but I guess the surrounding cards give clues for the right interpretation.
In my case I don't know for sure. I know that he likes me and used to be a little physical when he could. But he could have thought I was a bit careworn (Thanks WalesWoman, I have learnt a word today :)), because I definitely was at that time.