Tarot themed coloring book


What would you look for in one?

I have had the idea in the back of my mind for a while, and I know its already been done for specific decks such as Julia Cuccia-Watts' Ma'at Tarot:


It seems promising as a way of learning, provides larger images to color.

Would people be interested in a coloring book that doesn't necessarily have a printed deck?

What about activities?

I'm thinking of the possibility of a tarot themed children's activity/coloring book, but also the notion of one with a more refined adult audience in mind....I have nothing against nudity for example and think it would be workable, but in general marketing for coloring books, children are the target audience.

Another possibility, were it to be a self-publishing idea....putting small versions online and have people select what images they wish to order, with the price including the cost of a small (say 1/2 in.) binder, and have the image pages 3-hole punched.

What about loose? For example designing some folders to be printed and have loose images (either a standard set or again, I'm contemplating the notion of the customer's choice here).

What kind of paper would be good to print images on?

If we continue with the notion of choice, one could expand it to include non-tarot, but pagan themed images as well....or other themes...

I don't have the Ma'at coloring book (and it's one of the decks lacking in my collection...:(), though it looks intriguing. But I am simply wondering what people would want in a more generally themed tarot coloring book, as well. Room for notes? If it were bound this might be a good idea, however if the pages are loose or 3-hole punched, then people could add them to their own tarot notebooks....

Thoughts? Already been done and I haven't discovered it yet? Ideas?




the journey


You might want to consider illustrating the fool's journey. This way you could have all the major arcana 'characters' and a good story-line. I think it would make a wonderful fairy-tale type of book. Quite suitable for children, but still an esoteric piece for tarotists.

Perhaps doing it as an e-book would work well. That way you needn't worry about printing out, paper considerations, sizing, etc. That would all be left to the person who downloads it.

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