8 of Wands as a profession?


In Van Gogh's words, "a profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you are put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling".

I still haven't found such work, and neither I am sure about what it is.

So I pulled up a card and it's the 8 of Wands.

I definitely see travel here, and being in a position to inspire people.

What profession do you think may the card be exactly referring to?


No idea what would resonate with you, but wands are also communication so... something in PR, communications and media come to mind. IT professional maybe.


Hi, maybe a computer programmer or a web designer, or anyway a job that has to do with quick/fast communication.

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This could be air travel professions like airline staff on the plane or on the ground. Or a job with a lot of flying as part of it, short trips.

Also computer jobs, I see this card as more internet / communication related specifically. To add to the other suggestions, I wonder about social networking manager, moderator or community manager online, they have to make quick decisions based on communication.


Thank you for your answers!

It seems that my profession will definitely involve communication and the media.

If the case is working from home, I may well be a content writer. I can also be an editor (media) but would still work from home.

As for working outside, I would like to manage the PR affairs of a political institution which would involve travel.

Edit: Thinking on it further, 8 of Wands must be referring to something fast paced and exciting (no matter what it is) since I tend to quickly get bored stuck in a routine.