The witchy tarot


thanks for all your replies i dont think i am gonna get this now,do you think a rider waite would be suitable as a first deck?


I know this may seem strange but I kind of like this deck.

It was one of the first Lo Scarabeo decks I bought, and although it is not used often, I do find the readings are good when used.

Yes, I accept the imagery is a little 'twee' for some, but I see it that we all have the teenager in us still. Yes, I have that tattoo which I regretted too!

Maybe this is why I feel comfortable with it? The colours are vibrant and that is something I always like. Sometimes it is nice to see through the eyes you had when you were younger, and see things differently.

I accept I am in a minority here, but I actually like the deck. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone starting out though, and cringe a little that it is thought to be aimed at teenagers.

It is also about to be released as a mini deck, so I am guessing it is a good seller for LS.



This is the deck I was thinking about for her. It is RW based, a clone, so it has the same meanings and symbolism, but is a lot of fun and very colourful and a friendly, even deck for an eleven year old. I was using it at 21, and loved it. I still do, at age 42! I consider it my comfort deck. It is also about the size of an average deck of playing cards, so it would be easy for her to shuffle with small hands, something that with larger decks could be a problem. Give it a peek.


One thing struck me whilst reading this thread...

Why do we have to let somebody's age define them when it comes to choosing decks for them? Why not instead let their interests and personality define them? I know some 11 year olds who would read very well and fall in love with the Gothic Tarot by Joseph Vargo, for instance. When I was 14 I was reading regularly with the Shakespearian Tarot by Dolores Ashcrowft-Nowicki, because at 14 I was a huge fan of Shakespeare.

There are plenty of decks out there that would appeal to people of all ages - the Legend: Arthurian, for instance, appeals to anybody who loves Arthurian Legends.

New2angels: why not see what decks would fit your child's personality?



MM ~ Yes, she needs to decide! You can guide, and suggest, but she is the one who is going to be using it. And if she ends up choosing the Witchy Tarot, well, do what I did and give her a talk ("this isn't traditional Witchcraft..") and then...butt out! Get the Well Worn Path for yourself and savor it like fine wine, sooner or later she'll come around. BB, Stella PS Who knows? She might surprise you and choose TdM...but if not, if she wants the Tarot of the Penthouse Witches, Vampire Goths With S&M Piercings and Things Designed To Irk Mom, well, the most effective reaction is no reaction.


I rather liked the Witchy tarot. The LS Pagan tarot comes closest to matching my experience with witchcraft but I liked the Witchy deck in the same way I enjoy Benknobs & Broomsticks, Charmed, Elvira, and Practical Magic. It will never be my main reading deck but it's fun to have around.


Sulis said:
From what I've seen of this I definately wouldn't recommend it to someone new to tarot. In my opinion it not only portrays teens in a bad light but it's also very sexist. Here's a review from Tarot Passages:


Sulis xx
Totally agree that deck just angers me,
whimsical tarot isn't for me but an eleven year old might like it :D


I started off with this deck and found it to be ok and i did like it and still do in a way but i agree the interpretations and the like are not very good for your first deck.
I have prgressed onto other decks and i have not used the Witchy tarot for a while though i did do some good readings with them :)


Kiama said:
I have only ever seen one deck aimed at teens that I think works, and its OOP now and very hard to find indeed.
Which one do you mean, she asked fascinatedly.