Unicursal Hexagram card


Have any of you used this card in readings? If so, what does this card represent for you?

Reading through some threads, some of you mentioned it is useful in the Tree of Life spread. What about the CC?

Should this card be included for meditation work only? What about reading for others?


HI how you doing .

i got my thoth deck back in 87 the unicursal hexagram was included .I remember using it as something of a card that represents unknown factors entering the situation .

i got tired of this and removed it .

The card like any symbol can be meditated on
i think Crowley created it as an especial symbol of the beast .so it has this thelemic reference and all that that entails

I undersdand the unicursal hexagram has other meanings including a form of the rose and cross as the tracing of this in a particular way unites all energies within the magician .as suggested in magick in theory and practise and the use of this in the ceremony liber v vel reguli as the invoking hexagram of the beast

on a another note in doing the greater hexagram ritual .the use of the unicursal hexagram, i have found easier to trace ; as only one stroke is recquired to complete the symbol.

i have used this symbol to invoke and banish particular energies but also used 2 interlinking triangles in the same ceremony as used in the golden dawn teaching.

Regards Bagheera


I use this card as well as the card that describes the deck (itvaries from isbn to isbn) as power cards. when one appears i then cut the deck in two, draw the top and bottom cards of each pile, and choose which one (the cards can be face down or face up, it really doesn;t matter in thsi step) and then awknowledge that the energies represented by that card are very prominant in the reading. step two is to find places for the other three cards, if you have looked at them it may be easier or more difficult, when face down, the cards have a randomness to them. regardless, this is one method. instead of using four cards, just draw one but i do recommend cutting the deck.

here is an expierence i had with this method. I drew the text card, i cut the deck and drew the four cards, the card i selected face down was the unicursal card, i had already placed the other three cards around the text card. the three other cards were court cards that were attributed to my family, the reading then made sense as it was about current family situations and money.


unicursal hexagram is explained in The Qabalistic Tarot, a book by robert wang


About two years ago I got a thoth tarot deck. Crowley's book nor the other two books I had on the deck mentioned anything about this card. Not sure what to make of this card I faned the deck face down on front of me on the floor with the intention of drawing a card that might give me an idea of what to do with it. Can you guess what card I drew? That's right I out of 79 possible cards to draw I got that hexagram card. This left me even more confused, so I went to an aol chat room about tarot cards and started asking people if they knew any thing about this deck. The only person who claimed to have used it before had no idea about this card. She/he kept telling me it must be the ace of disks. After a few minutes of tring in vain to explain it was an extra card someone with the screen name Aleister Crowley came in the chat room. I thought that was kinda funny, so I asked ol' uncle Al "what gives with the hexagram card?". He responded back with "it is an unbroken line". And that means what? I asked. He gave some cryptic responce about the fools journey then signed off. No jive, this really happend. Weird.


I always leave this card in but I've never got it in any of my readings - I thought it was like a wild card - I can see that I'm going to have to read up on it because I'll probably get it in a reading now lol


I keep this card in and view it as a an unknown future with some level of Magical initiation ahead.

Qabalistically I see it as Daath.


The five petal rose

Does anyone know which way is right side up and when is it up side down? Some people show the hexagram with the fifth petal under the rose, and others have it on the top. I have heard different theories but I would like to hear something convincing. I have been looking through the BOT but no luck yet.

Thanks Diwha