Lecture by Lon Milo DuQuette


Hey all,
Last night I went to a lecture by DuQuette. It was quite interesting and fun. He seems like such a friendly person!
Anyway, I didn't get a whole lot of info out of it (I've been using the Thoth for ~17 years and know a bit about Crowley), but a few interesting tidbits here and there.
I thought it was interesting that the lines/webbing you see in most of the majors were part of Lady Harris' interest in projective synthetic geometry. All he could say about that was it involved the theory that the circumference and center of an object can occupy the same space at the same time. I wish he could have expounded on that more!
Also, I noticed that in the Devil card, the lines aren't straight or webbed. He said that made it look more cthonic (underground). I saw it as more internal - like inside the human body (all those cells and chromosomes make it look like that). Also, he drew our attention to the male figures in the right teste. The one who had risen to the top looked exactly like the "typical" Devil!
Also, the V for victory (or peace) sign, which is also used by the Hierophant, is a sign of the gods Apophys and Typhon and is of immense destructive power.
His take on the Princess of Pentacles was interesting too - that she was the lowest of the low (Kabbalistically speaking) for a reason - that the rest of the tree depends on her. I saw it as she's the lowest of this cycle, but perhaps the highest on the next cycle.
I wish I could have afforded to buy his book!


Sounds like it was a lot of fun. :)

The "tracery" background in the Devil card I have always associated with old book images of the Planet Mars. These are from the work of astronomer Percival Lowell (qv) who, due to optical imperfections of his telescope, saw what he interpreted as Martian "canals". See: http://www.glasss.com/photos/Mars/Mars_PV.JPG

Mars is (I had to check with Mr. D!) indeed exalted in capricorn, where Saturn rules. Hence also the Saturnian rings around... well we won't go into that too deeply? })



Hee hee! I love Crowley's Devil card!
P.S. - how do you get the little devil smiley?


DeLani said:
Also, I noticed that in the Devil card, the lines aren't straight or webbed. He said that made it look more cthonic (underground). I saw it as more internal - like inside the human body (all those cells and chromosomes make it look like that). Also, he drew our attention to the male figures in the right teste. The one who had risen to the top looked exactly like the "typical" Devil!

I will have to spend some time examining those testes. ;)

I would have love to have gone to his talk. From what I hear, he explains things in a very easy to understand and simple way.